
Failed to load timeline position
Key English Estonian State
account_error_msisdn_wrong_description This doesn't appear to be a valid phone number See ei tundu olema telefoninumbri moodi
account_error_push_not_allowed Notifications not allowed Teavitused ei ole lubatud
room_creation_name_title Room name: Jututoa nimi:
room_creation_name_placeholder (e.g. lunchGroup) (näiteks HeadLõunasöögikohad)
room_creation_alias_title Room alias: Jututoa alias:
room_creation_alias_placeholder (e.g. (e.g.
room_creation_alias_placeholder_with_homeserver (e.g. #foo%@) (näiteks #midagi%@)
room_creation_participants_title Participants: Osalejad:
room_creation_participants_placeholder (e.g. @bob:homeserver1; @john:homeserver2...) (näiteks @kadri:koduserver1; @peeter:koduserver2...)
room_please_select Please select a room Palun vali jututuba
room_error_join_failed_title Failed to join room Jututoaga liitumine ei õnnestunud
room_error_join_failed_empty_room It is not currently possible to join an empty room. Hetkel ei ole võimalik liituda tühja jututoaga.
room_error_name_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room name Sinul pole õigusi selle jututoa nime muutmiseks
room_error_topic_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room topic Sinul pole õigusi selle jututoa teema muutmiseks
room_error_cannot_load_timeline Failed to load timeline Ajajoone laadimine ei õnnestunud
room_error_timeline_event_not_found_title Failed to load timeline position Asukoha laadimine ajajoonel ei õnnestunud
room_error_timeline_event_not_found The application was trying to load a specific point in this room's timeline but was unable to find it Rakendus üritas laadida teatud hetke selle jututoa ajajoonelt, kuid ei suutnud seda leida
room_left You left the room Sa lahkusid jututoast
room_left_for_dm You left Sina lahkusid
room_no_power_to_create_conference_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Konverentsikõne alustamiseks selles jututoas on sul vaja õigusi
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms Konverentsikõned ei ole krüptitud jututubades toetatud
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_image sent an image. saatis pildi.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_video sent a video. saatis video.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_audio_file sent an audio file. saatis helifaili.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_voice_message sent a voice message. saatis häälsõnumi.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_file sent a file. saatis faili.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_location has shared their location. on jaganud oma asukohta.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_live_location Live location. Asukoht reaalajas.
message_reply_to_message_to_reply_to_prefix In reply to Vastuseks kasutajale
room_member_ignore_prompt Are you sure you want to hide all messages from this user? Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid peita kõik sõnumid selle kasutaja eest?
room_member_power_level_prompt You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.
Are you sure?
Sa ei saa seda muudatust hiljem tagasi pöörata, sest annad teisele kasutajale samad õigused, mis sinul on.
Kas sa oled ikka kindel?
Key English Estonian State
room_details_title_for_dm Details Jututoa üksikasjad
room_details_topic Topic Jututoa teema
room_details_unset_main_address Unset as Main Address Eemalda põhiaadressiks määramine
room_directory_no_public_room No public rooms available Avalikke jututube ei leidu
room_displayname_all_other_members_left %@ (Left) %@ (lahkus(id))
room_displayname_empty_room Empty room Tühi jututuba
room_displayname_more_than_two_members %@ and %@ others %@ ja %@ muud
room_displayname_two_members %@ and %@ %@ ja %@
room_does_not_exist %@ does not exist %@ ei ole olemas
room_do_not_have_permission_to_post You do not have permission to post to this room Sul ei ole õigusi siia jututuppa kirjutamiseks
room_error_cannot_load_timeline Failed to load timeline Ajajoone laadimine ei õnnestunud
room_error_join_failed_empty_room It is not currently possible to join an empty room. Hetkel ei ole võimalik liituda tühja jututoaga.
room_error_join_failed_title Failed to join room Jututoaga liitumine ei õnnestunud
room_error_name_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room name Sinul pole õigusi selle jututoa nime muutmiseks
room_error_timeline_event_not_found The application was trying to load a specific point in this room's timeline but was unable to find it Rakendus üritas laadida teatud hetke selle jututoa ajajoonelt, kuid ei suutnud seda leida
room_error_timeline_event_not_found_title Failed to load timeline position Asukoha laadimine ajajoonel ei õnnestunud
room_error_topic_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room topic Sinul pole õigusi selle jututoa teema muutmiseks
room_event_action_ban_prompt_reason Reason for banning this user Sellele kasutajale suhtluskeelu seadmise põhjus
room_event_action_cancel_download Cancel Download Katkesta allalaadimine
room_event_action_cancel_send Cancel Send Tühista saatmine
room_event_action_copy Copy Kopeeri
room_event_action_delete Delete Kustuta
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to delete this unsent message? Kas sa kindlasti soovid selle saatmata sõnumi kustutada?
room_event_action_delete_confirmation_title Delete unsent message Kustuta saatmata sõnum
room_event_action_edit Edit Muuda
room_event_action_end_poll End poll Lõpeta küsitlus
room_event_action_forward Forward Edasta
room_event_action_kick_prompt_reason Reason for removing this user Selle kasutaja eemaldamise põhjus
room_event_action_more More Veel
room_event_action_permalink Copy link to message Kopeeri link sõnumisse


No matching activity found.

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English Estonian
timeline ajajoon Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/et.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2192