
Compare numbers
Key English Esperanto State
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_message Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
key_verification_alert_title You have unverified sessions
key_verification_alert_body Review to ensure your account is safe.
key_verification_self_verify_unverified_sessions_alert_validate_action Review Kontroli
device_verification_self_verify_wait_title Complete security Plena sekureco
device_verification_self_verify_wait_new_sign_in_title Verify this login Kontrolu ĉi tiun saluton
device_verification_self_verify_wait_information Verify this session from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.

Use the latest %@ on your other devices:
device_verification_self_verify_wait_additional_information This works with %@ and other cross-signing capable Matrix clients.
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_title Open %@ on your other device
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_information You need to verify this session in order to read your secure message history.

Open Element on one of your other devices and follow the instructions.
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_without_passphrase Use Security Key Uzi rehavan ŝlosilon
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_with_passphrase Use Security Phrase or Key Uzi rehavajn pasfrazon aŭ ŝlosilon
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_additional_help Can't access an existing %@ session?
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_checking_availability Checking for other verification capabilities ... Kontrolante aliajn kapablojn je kontrolado…
key_verification_verify_sas_title_emoji Compare emoji Komparu bildosignojn
key_verification_verify_sas_title_number Compare numbers Komparu numerojn
key_verification_verify_sas_cancel_action They don't match Ili ne akordas
key_verification_verify_sas_validate_action They match Ili akordas
key_verification_verify_sas_additional_information For ultimate security, use another trusted means of communication or do this in person. Por plej bona sekureco, uzu alian komunikilon aŭ faru tion persone.
key_verification_manually_verify_device_title Manually Verify by Text Kontrolu permane, tekste
key_verification_manually_verify_device_instruction Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session: Konfirmu per komparo de la jeno kun la Agordoj de uzanto en alia via salutaĵo:
key_verification_manually_verify_device_name_title Session name Nomo de salutaĵo
key_verification_manually_verify_device_id_title Session ID Identigilo de salutaĵo
key_verification_manually_verify_device_key_title Session key Ŝlosilo de la salutaĵo
key_verification_manually_verify_device_additional_information If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised. Se ili ne akordas, la sekureco de via komunikado eble estas rompita.
key_verification_manually_verify_device_validate_action Verify Kontroli
device_verification_verify_wait_partner Waiting for partner to confirm… Atendante konfirmon de la kunulo…
device_verification_verified_title Verified! Kontrolite!
device_verification_verified_got_it_button Got it Komprenite
key_verification_verified_new_session_title New session verified! Nova salutaĵo kontroliĝis!
key_verification_verified_other_session_information You can now read secure messages on your other session, and other users will know they can trust it. Vi nun povas legi sekurajn mesaĝojn per alia via salutaĵo, kaj aliaj uzantoj scios, ke ili povas ĝin fidi.
Key English Esperanto State
key_verification_verified_user_information Messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and can't be read by third parties. Mesaĝoj kun ĉi tiu uzanto estas tutvoje ĉifritaj kaj nelegeblaj al aliuloj.
key_verification_verify_qr_code_cannot_scan_action Can't scan? Ĉu ne eblas skani?
key_verification_verify_qr_code_emoji_information Verify by comparing unique emoji. Kontrolu per komparo de unikaj bildosignoj.
key_verification_verify_qr_code_information Scan the code to securely verify each other. Skanu la kodon por sekure kontroli unu la alian.
key_verification_verify_qr_code_information_other_device Scan the code below to verify: Skanu la suban kodon por kontroli:
key_verification_verify_qr_code_other_scan_my_code_title Did the other user successfully scan the QR code? Ĉu la alia uzanto sukcese skanis la rapidrespondan (QR) kodon?
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_code_action Scan their code Skanu ĝian kodon
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_code_other_device_action Scan with this device
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_other_code_success_message QR code has been successfully validated. La rapidresponda kodo estas sukcese validigita.
key_verification_verify_qr_code_scan_other_code_success_title Code validated! Kodo validas!
key_verification_verify_qr_code_start_emoji_action Verify by emoji Kontroli per bildosignoj
key_verification_verify_qr_code_title Verify by scanning Kontrolu per skano
key_verification_verify_sas_additional_information For ultimate security, use another trusted means of communication or do this in person. Por plej bona sekureco, uzu alian komunikilon aŭ faru tion persone.
key_verification_verify_sas_cancel_action They don't match Ili ne akordas
key_verification_verify_sas_title_emoji Compare emoji Komparu bildosignojn
key_verification_verify_sas_title_number Compare numbers Komparu numerojn
key_verification_verify_sas_validate_action They match Ili akordas
kick Remove from chat Forpeli
language_picker_default_language Default (%@) Implicita (%@)
language_picker_title Choose a language Elektu lingvon
large_badge_value_k_format %.1fK %.1fK
later Later Poste
launch_loading_delay_warning This may take a little longer.
Thanks for your patience.
launch_loading_generic Syncing your conversations
leave Leave Forlasi
leave_space_action Leave space
leave_space_and_all_rooms_action Leave all rooms and spaces
leave_space_and_more_rooms Leave space and %@ rooms
leave_space_and_one_room Leave space and 1 room
leave_space_message Are you sure you want to leave %@? Do you also want to leave all rooms and spaces of this space?


User avatar Tirifto

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSEsperanto

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3 years ago
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English Esperanto
No related strings found in the glossary.

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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eo.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1268