
Key English Welsh State
group_participants_invite_malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Dynodwr camffurfiedig. Dylai fod yn Ddynodwr Matrix fel '@localpart:domain'
group_participants_invited_section INVITED GWAHODDWYD
group_rooms_filter_rooms Filter community rooms Hidlo ystafelloedd y gymuned
read_receipts_list Read Receipts List Rhestr Derbynebau Darllen
receipt_status_read Read: Wedi darllen:
media_picker_title Media library Llyfrgell cyfryngau
media_picker_library Library Llyfrgell
media_picker_select Select Dewis
image_picker_action_camera Take photo Tynnu llun
image_picker_action_library Choose from library Dewis o'r llyfrgell
directory_title Directory Cyfeiriadur
directory_server_picker_title Select a directory Dewisiwch gyfeiriadur
directory_server_all_rooms All rooms on %@ server Pob ystafell ar weinydd %@
directory_server_all_native_rooms All native Matrix rooms Pob ystafell Matrix frodorol
directory_server_type_homeserver Type a homeserver to list public rooms from Teipiwch hafanweinydd i restru ystafelloedd cyhoeddus o
event_formatter_member_updates %tu membership changes %tu newidiadau aelodaeth
event_formatter_widget_added %@ widget added by %@ Ychwanegwyd teclyn %@ gan %@
event_formatter_widget_removed %@ widget removed by %@ Tynnwyd teclyn %@ gan %@
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_added VoIP conference added by %@ Ychwanegwyd cynhadledd VoIP gan %@
event_formatter_jitsi_widget_removed VoIP conference removed by %@ Tynnwyd cynhadledd VoIP gan %@
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part1_link Re-request encryption keys Ail-ofyn am allweddi amgryptio
event_formatter_rerequest_keys_part2 from your other sessions. o'ch sesiynau eraill.
event_formatter_message_edited_mention (edited) (adolygwyd)
event_formatter_call_connecting Connecting…
event_formatter_call_ringing Ringing…
event_formatter_call_has_ended Call ended
event_formatter_call_has_ended_with_time Call ended • %@
event_formatter_call_incoming_voice Incoming voice call
event_formatter_call_incoming_video Incoming video call
event_formatter_call_active_voice Active voice call
Key English Welsh State
device_verification_start_wait_partner Waiting for partner to accept… Aros i'r partner dderbyn…
device_verification_verified_got_it_button Got it Iawn
device_verification_verified_title Verified! Wedi Gwirio!
device_verification_verify_wait_partner Waiting for partner to confirm… Aros i'r partner gadarnhau…
dialpad_title Dial pad
directory_cell_description %tu rooms %tu ystafell
directory_cell_title Browse directory Pori cyfeiriadur
directory_search_fail Failed to fetch data Methwyd a nôl data
directory_searching_title Searching directory… Chwilio cyfeiriadur…
directory_search_results %1$tu results found for %2$@ Canfuwyd %tu canlyniad ar gyfer %@
directory_search_results_more_than >%1$tu results found for %2$@ Canfuwyd > %tu canlyniad ar gyfer %@
directory_search_results_title Browse directory results Pori canlyniadau cyfeiriadur
directory_server_all_native_rooms All native Matrix rooms Pob ystafell Matrix frodorol
directory_server_all_rooms All rooms on %@ server Pob ystafell ar weinydd %@
directory_server_picker_title Select a directory Dewisiwch gyfeiriadur
directory_server_type_homeserver Type a homeserver to list public rooms from Teipiwch hafanweinydd i restru ystafelloedd cyhoeddus o
directory_title Directory Cyfeiriadur
discard Discard Taflu
dismiss Dismiss Wfftio
done Done
do_not_ask_again Do not ask again Peidio â gofyn eto
e2e_enabling_on_app_update %@ now supports end-to-end encryption but you need to log in again to enable it.

You can do it now or later from the application settings.
Mae %@ bellach yn cefnogi amgryptio o'r dechrau i'r diwedd ond mae angen i chi fewngofnodi eto i'w alluogi.

Gallwch ei wneud nawr neu'n hwyrach o'r gosodiadau.
e2e_export Export Allfudo
e2e_export_prompt This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.
The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure.
Mae'r broses hon yn caniatáu ichi allfudo i ffeil leol yr allweddi ar gyfer negeseuon rydych wedi'u derbyn mewn ystafelloedd amgryptiedig. Yna byddwch chi'n gallu mewnfudo'r ffeil i gleient Matrix arall yn y dyfodol, fel y bydd y cleient hwnnw hefyd yn gallu dadgryptio'r negeseuon hyn.
Bydd y ffeil a allfudir yn caniatáu i unrhyw un sy'n gallu ei darllen ddadgryptio unrhyw negeseuon amgryptiedig y gallwch eu gweld, felly dylech fod yn ofalus i'w cadw'n ddiogel.
e2e_export_room_keys Export room keys Allfudo allweddi ystafell
e2e_import Import Mewnfudo
e2e_import_prompt This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.
The export file is protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.
Mae'r broses hon yn caniatáu ichi fewnfudo allweddi amgryptio yr oeddech wedi'u hallfudo o'r blaen o gleient Matrix arall. Yna byddwch yn gallu dadgryptio unrhyw negeseuon y gallai'r cleient arall eu dadgryptio.
Mae'r ffeil allfudo wedi'i gwarchod gyda chyfrinair. Dylech nodi'r cyfrinair yma, i ddadgryptio'r ffeil.
e2e_import_room_keys Import room keys Mewnfudo allweddi ystafell
e2e_key_backup_wrong_version A new secure message key backup has been detected.

If this wasn’t you, set a new Security Phrase in Settings.
Mae copi allwedd wrth gefn newydd neges ddiogel wedi'i ganfod.

Os nad chi oedd hyn, gosodwch gyfrinair newydd yn Gosodiadau.


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Element iOS / Element iOSWelsh
4 years ago
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Element iOS / Element iOSWelsh
4 years ago
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English Welsh
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Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 976