
Key English Welsh State
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to all room members.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_invited_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they get invited.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you You made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined.
notice_room_history_visible_to_members_from_joined_point_by_you_for_dm You made future messages visible to everyone, from when they joined.
send Send Anfon
copy_button_name Copy Copi
resend Resend Ail-anfon
redact Remove Tynnu
share Share Rhannu
delete Delete Dileu
action_logout Logout Allgofnodi
create_room Create Room Creu Ystafell
login Login Mewngofnodi
create_account Create Account Creu Cyfrif
membership_invite Invited Gwahoddwyd
membership_leave Left Gadawodd
membership_ban Banned Gwaharddedig
num_members_one %@ user %@ defnyddiwr
num_members_other %@ users %@ defnyddiwr
kick Remove from chat Cic
ban Ban Gwahardd
unban Un-ban Dad-wahardd
message_unsaved_changes There are unsaved changes. Leaving will discard them. Mae yna newidiadau heb eu cadw. Bydd gadael yn golygu eu colli.
login_error_already_logged_in Already logged in Wedi mewngofnodi eisoes
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// Rhaid i URL ddechrau â http[s]://
invitation_message I'd like to chat with you with matrix. Please, visit the website to have more information. Hoffwn sgwrsio â chi gyda Matrix. Os gwelwch yn dda, ewch i'r wefan i gael mwy o wybodaeth.
settings_title_config Configuration Gosodiadau
settings_title_notifications Notifications Hysbysebiadau
notification_settings_disable_all Disable all notifications Analluogi pob hysbysiad
notification_settings_enable_notifications Enable notifications Galluogi hysbysiadau
Key English Welsh State
manage_session_sign_out Sign out of this session Allgofnodi o'r sesiwn hon
manage_session_sign_out_other_sessions Sign out of all other sessions
manage_session_title Manage session Rheoli sesiwn
manage_session_trusted Trusted by you Ymddiriedir ynddo gannoch
matrix Matrix Matrix
media_picker_library Library Llyfrgell
media_picker_select Select Dewis
media_picker_title Media library Llyfrgell cyfryngau
media_type_accessibility_audio Audio Sain
media_type_accessibility_file File Ffeil
media_type_accessibility_image Image Delwedd
media_type_accessibility_location Location Lleoliad
media_type_accessibility_sticker Sticker Sticer
media_type_accessibility_video Video Fideo
membership_ban Banned Gwaharddedig
membership_invite Invited Gwahoddwyd
membership_leave Left Gadawodd
mention Mention Crybwyll
message_from_a_thread From a thread
message_reply_to_message_to_reply_to_prefix In reply to Mewn ateb i
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_file sent a file. anfonwyd ffeil.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_audio_file sent an audio file. anfonwyd ffeil sain.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_image sent an image. anfonwyd llun.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_video sent a video. anfonwyd fideo.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_voice_message sent a voice message.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_live_location Live location.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_location has shared their location.
message_unsaved_changes There are unsaved changes. Leaving will discard them. Mae yna newidiadau heb eu cadw. Bydd gadael yn golygu eu colli.
microphone_access_not_granted_for_call Calls require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it Mae galwadau fideo angen mynediad i'r Meicroffon ond nid oes gan %@ ganiatâd i'w ddefnyddio
microphone_access_not_granted_for_voice_message Voice messages require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it


No matching activity found.

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English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2349