
Key English Welsh State
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@)
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Canslo y lawrlwythiad?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Canslo yr uwchlwythiad?
attachment_multiselection_size_prompt Do you want to send images as: Hoffech chi anfon llun fel:
attachment_multiselection_original Actual Size Maint Gwirioneddol
attachment_e2e_keys_file_prompt This file contains encryption keys exported from a Matrix client.
Do you want to view the file content or import the keys it contains?
Mae'r ffeil hon yn cynnwys allweddi amgryptio a allfudwyd o gleient Matrix.
Ydych chi eisiau gweld cynnwys y ffeil neu fewnfudo'r allweddi sydd ynddo?
attachment_e2e_keys_import Import... Mewnfudo...
attachment_unsupported_preview_title Unable to preview
attachment_unsupported_preview_message This file type is not supported.
contact_mx_users Matrix Users Defnyddwyr Matrix
contact_local_contacts Local Contacts Cysylltiadau Lleol
search_no_results No Results Dum Canluniadau
search_searching Search in progress... Chwilio ar y gweill...
format_time_s s e
format_time_m m m
format_time_h h a
format_time_d d d
e2e_import_room_keys Import room keys Mewnfudo allweddi ystafell
e2e_import_prompt This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.
The export file is protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.
Mae'r broses hon yn caniatáu ichi fewnfudo allweddi amgryptio yr oeddech wedi'u hallfudo o'r blaen o gleient Matrix arall. Yna byddwch yn gallu dadgryptio unrhyw negeseuon y gallai'r cleient arall eu dadgryptio.
Mae'r ffeil allfudo wedi'i gwarchod gyda chyfrinair. Dylech nodi'r cyfrinair yma, i ddadgryptio'r ffeil.
e2e_import Import Mewnfudo
e2e_passphrase_enter Enter passphrase Rhowch cyfrinair
e2e_export_room_keys Export room keys Allfudo allweddi ystafell
e2e_export_prompt This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.
The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure.
Mae'r broses hon yn caniatáu ichi allfudo i ffeil leol yr allweddi ar gyfer negeseuon rydych wedi'u derbyn mewn ystafelloedd amgryptiedig. Yna byddwch chi'n gallu mewnfudo'r ffeil i gleient Matrix arall yn y dyfodol, fel y bydd y cleient hwnnw hefyd yn gallu dadgryptio'r negeseuon hyn.
Bydd y ffeil a allfudir yn caniatáu i unrhyw un sy'n gallu ei darllen ddadgryptio unrhyw negeseuon amgryptiedig y gallwch eu gweld, felly dylech fod yn ofalus i'w cadw'n ddiogel.
e2e_export Export Allfudo
e2e_passphrase_confirm Confirm passphrase Cadarnhau cyfrinair
e2e_passphrase_empty Passphrase must not be empty Ni chaniateir cyfrinair gwag
e2e_passphrase_too_short Passphrase too short (It must be at a minimum %d characters in length)
e2e_passphrase_not_match Passphrases must match Rhaid i'r cyfrineiriau gyfateb
e2e_passphrase_create Create passphrase Creu cyfrinair
user_id_title User ID: ID Defnyddiwr:
offline offline all-lein
Key English Welsh State
event_formatter_widget_removed %@ widget removed by %@ Tynnwyd teclyn %@ gan %@
event_formatter_widget_removed_by_you You removed the widget: %@
existing Existing
external_link_confirmation_message The link %@ is taking you to another site: %@

Are you sure you want to continue?
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link
favourites_empty_view_information You can favourite a few ways - the quickest is just to press and hold. Tap the star and they’ll automatically appear here for safe keeping.
favourites_empty_view_title Favourite rooms and people
file_upload_error_title File upload Uwchlwythiad Ffeil
file_upload_error_unsupported_file_type_message File type not supported. Ni gefnogir y yma math o ffeil.
find_your_contacts_button_title Find your contacts
find_your_contacts_footer This can be disabled anytime from settings.
find_your_contacts_identity_service_error Unable to connect to the identity server.
find_your_contacts_message Let %@ show your contacts so you can quickly start chatting with those you know best.
find_your_contacts_title Start by listing your contacts
format_time_d d d
format_time_h h a
format_time_m m m
format_time_s s e
gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_message To continue using the %@ homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions. Er mwyn parhau i ddefnyddio'r hafanweinydd %@ rhaid i chi adolygu a chytuno i'r telerau ac amodau.
gdpr_consent_not_given_alert_review_now_action Review now Adolygu rwan
group_details_home Home Hafan
group_details_people People Pobl
group_details_rooms Rooms Ystafelloedd
group_details_title Community Details Manylion Cymuned
group_home_multi_members_format %tu members %tu aelod
group_home_multi_rooms_format %tu rooms %tu ystafell
group_home_one_member_format 1 member 1 aelod
group_home_one_room_format 1 room 1 ystafell
group_invitation_format %@ has invited you to join this community Mae %@ wedi eich gwahodd i ymuno â'r gymuned hon
group_invite_section INVITES GWAHODDIADAU


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English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2232