
Verify your new session
Key English Welsh State
sign_out Sign out
sign_out_confirmation_message Are you sure you want to sign out?
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_title Are you sure you want to sign out? Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod chi am allgofnodi?
sign_out_existing_key_backup_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_title You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages if you sign out now Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi rwan
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_setup_secure_backup_action Start using Secure Backup
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_title You'll lose your encrypted messages Byddwch yn colli ei'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_message You'll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Byddwch yn colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon amgryptiedig oni bai eich bod yn gwneud copi wrth gefn o'ch allweddi cyn allgofnodi.
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_sign_out_action Sign out Allgofnodi
sign_out_non_existing_key_backup_sign_out_confirmation_alert_backup_action Backup Creu Copi Wrth Gefn
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_title Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Creu copi allwedd wrth gefn ar y gweill. Os byddwch chi'n allgofnodi nawr byddwch chi'n colli mynediad i'ch negeseuon wedi'u hamgryptio.
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_discard_key_backup_action I don't want my encrypted messages Dydw i ddim eisiau i fy negeseuon amgryptiedig
sign_out_key_backup_in_progress_alert_cancel_action I'll wait Arosaf
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session
key_verification_new_session_title Verify your new session
key_verification_this_session_title Verify this session
key_verification_user_title Verify them Gwirio defnyddiwr
device_verification_security_advice_emoji Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order.
device_verification_security_advice_number Compare the numbers, ensuring they appear in the same order.
device_verification_cancelled The other party cancelled the verification. Canslodd y parti arall y gwiriad.
device_verification_cancelled_by_me The verification has been cancelled. Reason: %@ Mae'r gwiriad wedi'i ganslo. Rheswm: %@
device_verification_error_cannot_load_device Cannot load session information. Methu llwytho gwybodaeth am y sesiwn.
device_verification_incoming_title Incoming Verification Request Cais Gwirio sy'n Dod i Mewn
device_verification_incoming_description_1 Verify this session to mark it as trusted. Trusting sessions of partners gives you extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages. Gwiriwch y sesiwn hon i'w nodi fel un y gellir ymddiried ynddo. Mae sesiynau ymddiriedol partneriaid yn rhoi tawelwch meddwl ychwanegol i chi wrth ddefnyddio negeseuon wedi'u hamgryptio o'r dechrau i'r diwedd.
device_verification_incoming_description_2 Verifying this session will mark it as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to the partner. Bydd gwirio'r sesiwn hon yn ei nodi fel un y gellir ymddiried ynddo, a hefyd yn marcio'ch sesiwn fel un y gellir ymddiried ynddo i'r partner.
device_verification_start_title Verify by comparing a short text string Gwirio trwy gymharu testun byr
device_verification_start_wait_partner Waiting for partner to accept… Aros i'r partner dderbyn…
device_verification_start_use_legacy Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification. Dim byd yn ymddangos? Nid yw pob cleient yn cefnogi gwirio rhyngweithiol eto. Defnyddiwch yr hen fodd o wirio.
device_verification_start_verify_button Begin Verifying Dechrau Gwirio
device_verification_start_use_legacy_action Use Legacy Verification Defnyddio'r Hen Fodd o Wirio
Key English Welsh State
key_backup_setup_success_from_secure_backup_info Your keys are being backed up.
key_backup_setup_success_title Success! Llwyddiant!
key_backup_setup_title Key Backup Allweddi Wrth Gefn
key_verification_alert_body Review to ensure your account is safe.
key_verification_alert_title You have unverified sessions
key_verification_bootstrap_not_setup_message You need to bootstrap cross-signing first. Mae'n rhaid i chi ymlwytho croes-lofnodi
key_verification_bootstrap_not_setup_title Error Gwall
key_verification_incoming_request_incoming_alert_message %@ wants to verify Mae %@ eisiau gwirio
key_verification_manually_verify_device_additional_information If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised.
key_verification_manually_verify_device_id_title Session ID
key_verification_manually_verify_device_instruction Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:
key_verification_manually_verify_device_key_title Session key
key_verification_manually_verify_device_name_title Session name
key_verification_manually_verify_device_title Manually Verify by Text
key_verification_manually_verify_device_validate_action Verify
key_verification_new_session_title Verify your new session
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_device_information Is the other device showing the same shield?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_title Almost there!
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_user_information Is %@ showing the same shield?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_device_waiting_other Waiting for other device…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_title Almost there! Waiting for confirmation…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_user_waiting_other Waiting for %@…
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_new_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your new session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_device Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify this session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_user Point your camera at the QR code displayed on their device to verify their session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_title Scan QR code
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_message Other users may not trust it.
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_title Verify this session


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English Welsh
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1227