
Notifications on this device
Key English Czech State
settings_add_email_address Add email address Přidat emailovou adresu
settings_phone_number Phone Telefon
settings_add_phone_number Add phone number Přidat telefonní číslo
settings_change_password Change password Změňte heslo Matrix account
settings_night_mode Night Mode Temný režim
settings_fail_to_update_profile Fail to update profile Problém s nahráním profilu Fail
settings_three_pids_management_information_part1 Manage which email addresses or phone numbers you can use to log in or recover your account here. Control who can find you in Zde můžete spravovat, které e-mailové adresy nebo telefonní čísla můžete použít k přihlášení nebo obnovení účtu. Kontrolujte, kdo vás může najít
settings_three_pids_management_information_part2 Discovery Procházet
settings_three_pids_management_information_part3 . .
settings_manage_account_title Account
settings_manage_account_action Manage account
settings_manage_account_description Manage your account at %@
settings_confirm_media_size Confirm size when sending Potvrďte velikost před odesláním
settings_confirm_media_size_description When this is on, you’ll be asked to confirm what size images and videos will be sent as. Když je toto zapnuto, budete požádáni o potvrzení, jakou velikost budou obrázky a videa odesílány.
settings_security SECURITY BEZPEČNOST
settings_enable_push_notif Notifications on this device Notifikace na tomto zařízení
settings_device_notifications Device notifications Notifikace zařízení
settings_show_decrypted_content Show decrypted content Zobrazit dešifrovaný obsah
settings_global_settings_info Global notification settings are available on your %@ web client Globální nastavení oznámení jsou k dispozici ve vašem webovém klientovi %@
settings_pin_rooms_with_missed_notif Pin rooms with missed notifications Pin místností s -missed notifikacemi
settings_pin_rooms_with_unread Pin rooms with unread messages Pin místností s nepřečtenými zprávámi
settings_notifications_disabled_alert_title Notifications disabled Notifikace
settings_notifications_disabled_alert_message To enable notifications, go to your device settings. K povolení notifikací přejděte do nastavení vašeho zařízení.
settings_default Default Notifications Výchozí notifikace
settings_mentions_and_keywords Mentions and Keywords Zmínení a klíčová slova
settings_other Other Ostatní
settings_notify_me_for Notify me for Informovat -notify mě pro
settings_direct_messages Direct messages Soukromé zprávy
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages Nešifrované soukromé zprávy
settings_group_messages Group messages Skupinové zprávy
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages Nešifrované skupinové zprávy
Key English Czech State
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_enter_sms_code_action Enter SMS activation code
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_information_email Manage preferences for this email address, which other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove email addresses in Accounts.
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_information_phone_number Manage preferences for this phone number, which other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove phone numbers in Accounts.
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_revoke_action Revoke
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_share_action Share
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_title_email Manage email
settings_discovery_three_pid_details_title_phone_number Manage phone number
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part1 Manage which email addresses or phone numbers other users can use to discover you and use to invite you to rooms. Add or remove email addresses or phone numbers from this list in
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part2 User Settings
settings_discovery_three_pids_management_information_part3 .
settings_display_name Display Name Název obrazovky
settings_email_address Email Email
settings_email_address_placeholder Enter your email address Zadejte emailovou adresu
settings_enable_callkit Integrated calling Integrované volání
settings_enable_inapp_notifications Enable in-app notifications
settings_enable_push_notif Notifications on this device Notifikace na tomto zařízení
settings_enable_push_notifications Enable push notifications
settings_enable_rageshake Rage shake to report bug
settings_enable_room_message_bubbles Message bubbles
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages Nešifrované soukromé zprávy
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages Nešifrované skupinové zprávy
settings_enter_validation_token_for Enter validation token for %@:
settings_fail_to_update_password Fail to update Matrix account password
settings_fail_to_update_profile Fail to update profile Problém s nahráním profilu Fail
settings_first_name First Name První jméno
settings_flair Show flair where allowed Zobrazit flair -vkus tam, kde je to povoleno
settings_global_settings_info Global notification settings are available on your %@ web client Globální nastavení oznámení jsou k dispozici ve vašem webovém klientovi %@
settings_group_messages Group messages Skupinové zprávy
settings_identity_server_description Using the identity server set above, you can discover and be discoverable by existing contacts you know.
settings_identity_server_no_is No identity server configured


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New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSCzech

Notifications on this device
Notifikace na tomto zařízení
2 years ago
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English Czech
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cs.lproj/Vector.strings, string 632