
Key English Catalan State
room_event_encryption_info_event_decryption_error Decryption error
Error de desxifrat
room_event_encryption_info_event_unencrypted unencrypted no xifrat
room_event_encryption_info_event_none none cap
Sender session information

Informació del dispositiu del remitent
room_event_encryption_info_device_unknown unknown session
dispositiu desconegut
room_event_encryption_info_device_name Public Name
room_event_encryption_info_device_id ID
ID del dispositiu
room_event_encryption_info_device_verification Verification
room_event_encryption_info_device_fingerprint Ed25519 fingerprint
Empremta digital Ed25519
room_event_encryption_info_device_verified Verified Verificat
room_event_encryption_info_device_not_verified NOT verified NO verificat
room_event_encryption_info_device_blocked Blacklisted Bloquejat
room_event_encryption_info_verify Verify... Verifica...
room_event_encryption_info_unverify Unverify No verificar
room_event_encryption_info_block Blacklist Llista negre
room_event_encryption_info_unblock Unblacklist Desbloquejar
room_event_encryption_info_key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
room_event_encryption_verify_title Verify session

Verifica el dispositiu

room_event_encryption_verify_message To verify that this session can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this session matches the key below:

Session name: %@
Session ID: %@
Session key: %@

If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesnt, then someone else is intercepting this session and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.

In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.
Per a verificar que aquest dispositiu pot ser confiable si us plau contacta el seu propietari per altres mijans (ex. trucant-lo al telèfon) i pregunta-li si la clau que veu a la configuració d'usuari d'aquest dispositiu coincideix amb la clau següent:

Nom del dispositiu: %@
ID del dispositiu: %@
Clau del dispositiu: %@

Si coincideix, prem el botó verificar de sota. Si no coincideix es que algú altre està interceptant aquest dispositiu i probablement vols prema el botó de bloquejar a canvi.

En el futur aquest procés de verificació serà més sofisticat.
room_event_encryption_verify_ok Verify Verifica
account_save_changes Save changes Desar canvis
account_link_email Link Email Vincular correu electrònic
account_linked_emails Linked emails Correus electrònics vinculats
account_email_validation_title Verification Pending Verificació pendent
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. Revisa el teu correu electrònic i fes clic a l'enllaç que conté. Un cop fet això, fes clic a continua.
account_email_validation_error Unable to verify email address. Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue No ha estat possible verificar l'adreça de correu electrònic. Mira el correu electrònic i fes clic en l'enllaç que conté. Un cop fet això, fes clic per continuar
account_msisdn_validation_title Verification Pending Verificació pendent
account_msisdn_validation_message We've sent an SMS with an activation code. Please enter this code below. Hem enviat un SMS amb un codi d'activació. Introdueix aquest codi a continuació.
account_msisdn_validation_error Unable to verify phone number. No es pot verificar el número de telèfon.
account_error_display_name_change_failed Display name change failed Ha fallat el canvi del nom a mostrar
account_error_picture_change_failed Picture change failed Ha fallat el canvi de foto
Key English Catalan State
room_event_encryption_info_device_not_verified NOT verified NO verificat
room_event_encryption_info_device_unknown unknown session
dispositiu desconegut
room_event_encryption_info_device_verification Verification
room_event_encryption_info_device_verified Verified Verificat
room_event_encryption_info_event Event information
Informació del esdeveniment
room_event_encryption_info_event_algorithm Algorithm
room_event_encryption_info_event_decryption_error Decryption error
Error de desxifrat
room_event_encryption_info_event_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key
Empremta digital Ed25519 reclamada
room_event_encryption_info_event_identity_key Curve25519 identity key
Clau de la identitat Curve25519
room_event_encryption_info_event_none none cap
room_event_encryption_info_event_session_id Session ID
ID de la sessió
room_event_encryption_info_event_unencrypted unencrypted no xifrat
room_event_encryption_info_event_user_id User ID
ID d'usuari
room_event_encryption_info_key_authenticity_not_guaranteed The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.
room_event_encryption_info_title End-to-end encryption information

Informació del xifrat punt a punt

room_event_encryption_info_unblock Unblacklist Desbloquejar
room_event_encryption_info_unverify Unverify No verificar
room_event_encryption_info_verify Verify... Verifica...
room_event_encryption_verify_message To verify that this session can be trusted, please contact its owner using some other means (e.g. in person or a phone call) and ask them whether the key they see in their User Settings for this session matches the key below:

Session name: %@
Session ID: %@
Session key: %@

If it matches, press the verify button below. If it doesnt, then someone else is intercepting this session and you probably want to press the blacklist button instead.

In future this verification process will be more sophisticated.
Per a verificar que aquest dispositiu pot ser confiable si us plau contacta el seu propietari per altres mijans (ex. trucant-lo al telèfon) i pregunta-li si la clau que veu a la configuració d'usuari d'aquest dispositiu coincideix amb la clau següent:

Nom del dispositiu: %@
ID del dispositiu: %@
Clau del dispositiu: %@

Si coincideix, prem el botó verificar de sota. Si no coincideix es que algú altre està interceptant aquest dispositiu i probablement vols prema el botó de bloquejar a canvi.

En el futur aquest procés de verificació serà més sofisticat.
room_event_encryption_verify_ok Verify Verifica
room_event_encryption_verify_title Verify session

Verifica el dispositiu

room_event_failed_to_send Failed to send Error a l´enviar
room_first_message_placeholder Send your first message…
room_info_back_button_title Room Info
room_info_list_one_member 1 member
room_info_list_section_other Other
room_info_list_several_members %@ members
room_intro_cell_add_participants_action Add people
room_intro_cell_information_dm_sentence1_part1 This is the beginning of your direct message with
room_intro_cell_information_dm_sentence1_part3 .


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Catalan
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ca.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2157