
This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so
Key English Arabic State
room_action_camera Take photo or video الْتَقَطَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video أَرسَلَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker أَرسَلَ مُلصَق
room_action_send_file Send file أَرسَلَ مَلَفّ
room_action_reply Reply رَدّ
room_action_report Report room
room_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this room
room_replacement_information This room has been replaced and is no longer active. تَمّ اسْتِبْدال هَذِه الغُرفَة ولم تَعَد نَشِطة.
room_replacement_link The conversation continues here. تَسْتَمَر المُحادَثة هَنا.
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. هَذِه الغُرفَة هي اسْتِمْرار لمُحادَثة أُخرى.
room_predecessor_link Tap here to see older messages. اضَغَطَ هُنا لرُؤية الرَسائَل القَديمة.
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_1 Please رجاءً
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_2_link contact your service administrator اتَّصَلَ بمَسْؤول الخِدْمة الخاصّ بِكَ
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_3 to continue using this service. لمُواصَلة اسْتِخْدام هذه الخِدْمة.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so تَجاوُز هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي أَحَد حُدود مَوْارِده، لِذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_monthly_active_user This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so لَقَد وَصْل هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي إلى الحَدَّ الشَهْريّ للمُستَخدِم النَشَطَ، لذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_2 some users will not be able to log in. لن يتَمَكَّنَ بَعْض المُستَخدِمين من تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_contact_3 to get this limit increased. لزِيادة هذا الحَدَّ.
room_message_edits_history_title Message edits تَعْديلات الرِسَالَة
room_accessibility_search Search بَحثَ
room_accessibility_integrations Integrations تَكامُل
room_accessibility_upload Upload رَّفع
room_accessibility_call Call مُكالَمَة
room_accessibility_video_call Video Call مُكالَمَة مَرئيَّة
room_accessibility_threads Threads سَلاسل
room_accessibility_hangup Hang up أَغْلَقَ الخَطَّ
room_accessibility_thread_more More أَكْثَر
room_accessibility_record_voice_message Record Voice Message قم بتسجيل رسالة صوتية
room_accessibility_record_voice_message_hint Double-tap and hold to record. انقر مزدوجًا واستمر في الضغط للتسجيل.
room_place_voice_call Voice call مُكالَمَة صَوتيَّة
room_open_dialpad Dial pad لَوْحة الاتِصال
Key English Arabic State
room_recents_low_priority_section LOW PRIORITY أولَويَّةٌ مُنخَفِضَة
room_recents_no_conversation No rooms لَا غُرَف
room_recents_people_section PEOPLE الأشخَاص
room_recents_recently_viewed_section Recently viewed
room_recents_server_notice_section SYSTEM ALERTS تَنبيهاتُ النِّظام
room_recents_start_chat_with Start chat بَدءُ مُحادَثَة
room_recents_suggested_rooms_section SUGGESTED ROOMS الغُرَفَ المقتَرَحَة
room_recents_unknown_room_error_message Can't find this room. Make sure it exists يَتَعَذَّر العُثُور عَلَى هَذِهِ الغُرفَة. تأكَّد مِن وجودِهَا
room_replacement_information This room has been replaced and is no longer active. تَمّ اسْتِبْدال هَذِه الغُرفَة ولم تَعَد نَشِطة.
room_replacement_link The conversation continues here. تَسْتَمَر المُحادَثة هَنا.
room_resend_unsent_messages Resend unsent messages إعادَةُ إرسَالِ الرَّسائِلِ غَيرِ المُرسَلَة
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_1 Please رجاءً
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_2_link contact your service administrator اتَّصَلَ بمَسْؤول الخِدْمة الخاصّ بِكَ
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_3 to continue using this service. لمُواصَلة اسْتِخْدام هذه الخِدْمة.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so تَجاوُز هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي أَحَد حُدود مَوْارِده، لِذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_monthly_active_user This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so لَقَد وَصْل هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي إلى الحَدَّ الشَهْريّ للمُستَخدِم النَشَطَ، لذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_2 some users will not be able to log in. لن يتَمَكَّنَ بَعْض المُستَخدِمين من تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_contact_3 to get this limit increased. لزِيادة هذا الحَدَّ.
rooms_empty_view_information Rooms are great for any group chat, private or public. Tap the + to find existing rooms, or make new ones. الغُرَفُ رَائِعَةٌ لِأيِّ مُحادَثَةٍ جَماعِيِّة، خَاصَّةً كَانَت أو عَامَّة. اِضغَط عَلَى + لِلعُثورِ عَلَى غُرَفٍ مَوجودَةٍ أو أَنشِئ غُرَفًا جَديدَة.
rooms_empty_view_title Rooms غُرَف
room_slide_to_end_group_call Slide to end the call for everyone مَرِّرِ لِإنهَاءِ المُكالَمَةِ لِلجَّميع
room_suggestion_settings_screen_message Suggested rooms are promoted to space members as good ones to join.
room_suggestion_settings_screen_nav_title Suggest room
room_suggestion_settings_screen_title Make a room suggested in a space
room_thread_title Thread موضوع
room_title_invite_members Invite members ادعو الأعضاء
room_title_members %@ members %@ أعضاء
room_title_multiple_active_members %@/%@ active members %@/%@ أعضاء نشطين
room_title_new_room New room غرفة جديدة
room_title_one_active_member %@/%@ active member %@/%@ عضو نشط


User avatar bhm30

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSArabic

This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so
لَقَد وَصْل هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي إلى الحَدَّ الشَهْريّ للمُستَخدِم النَشَطَ، لذا
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Arabic
Homeserver الخادِم الرَّئيس Element iOS
user مُستَخدِم Element iOS
User ID مُعَرِّف المُستَخدِم Element iOS

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 496