
Report room
Key English Arabic State
room_event_action_view_encryption Encryption Information مَعلُومَاتُ التَشْفير
room_event_action_reply Reply الرَّدّ
room_event_action_reply_in_thread Thread سِلسلة
room_event_action_edit Edit تَحرِير
room_event_action_reaction_show_all Show all إظهَارُ الكُل
room_event_action_reaction_show_less Show less إظهَارُ أقَل
room_event_action_reaction_history Reaction history تاريخ رَدّ الفِعْل
room_event_copy_link_info Link copied to clipboard. تَمّ نَسْخ الرابِط إلى الحافِظة.
room_warning_about_encryption End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable.

You should not yet trust it to secure data.

Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room.

Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption.
التَشْْفير التام بَين الطَرفين end-to-end encryption في مَرْحَلة تَجريبيّة وَقَدَ لا يكَوَّنَ دَقيقاً.

يَجَبَّ ألا تَثِقَ به حتى الآن لتَأمين المَعلُومات.

لَنْ تَتَمَكَّنَ الأجَهزة بعد مَن فَكّ تَشْفير السجل قَبل انْضِمامها إلى الغُرفة.

لَنْ تَكَوُّن الرَسائِل المُشَفَّرة مَرئيّة للعُمَلاء الذين لم يطَبقوا التَشْفير بَعَد.
room_event_failed_to_send Failed to send فَشَل في الإرسَال
room_action_camera Take photo or video الْتَقَطَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video أَرسَلَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker أَرسَلَ مُلصَق
room_action_send_file Send file أَرسَلَ مَلَفّ
room_action_reply Reply رَدّ
room_action_report Report room
room_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this room
room_replacement_information This room has been replaced and is no longer active. تَمّ اسْتِبْدال هَذِه الغُرفَة ولم تَعَد نَشِطة.
room_replacement_link The conversation continues here. تَسْتَمَر المُحادَثة هَنا.
room_predecessor_information This room is a continuation of another conversation. هَذِه الغُرفَة هي اسْتِمْرار لمُحادَثة أُخرى.
room_predecessor_link Tap here to see older messages. اضَغَطَ هُنا لرُؤية الرَسائَل القَديمة.
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_1 Please رجاءً
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_2_link contact your service administrator اتَّصَلَ بمَسْؤول الخِدْمة الخاصّ بِكَ
room_resource_limit_exceeded_message_contact_3 to continue using this service. لمُواصَلة اسْتِخْدام هذه الخِدْمة.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_default This homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits so تَجاوُز هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي أَحَد حُدود مَوْارِده، لِذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_1_monthly_active_user This homeserver has hit its Monthly Active User limit so لَقَد وَصْل هَذا الخادِم الرَّئيسي إلى الحَدَّ الشَهْريّ للمُستَخدِم النَشَطَ، لذا
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_2 some users will not be able to log in. لن يتَمَكَّنَ بَعْض المُستَخدِمين من تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول.
room_resource_usage_limit_reached_message_contact_3 to get this limit increased. لزِيادة هذا الحَدَّ.
room_message_edits_history_title Message edits تَعْديلات الرِسَالَة
room_accessibility_search Search بَحثَ
room_accessibility_integrations Integrations تَكامُل
Key English Arabic State
room_access_settings_screen_setting_room_access Setting room access
room_access_settings_screen_title Who can access this room?
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_auto_invite_switch Automatically invite members to new room
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_message Anyone in %@ will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime.
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_message_no_param Anyone in a parent space will be able to find and join this room - no need to manually invite everyone. You’ll be able to change this in room settings anytime.
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_note Please note upgrading will make a new version of the room. All current messages will stay in this archived room.
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_title Upgrade room
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_upgrade_button Upgrade
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_alert_upgrading Upgrading room
room_access_settings_screen_upgrade_required Upgrade required
room_access_space_chooser_known_spaces_section Spaces you know containing %@
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section Other spaces or rooms
room_access_space_chooser_other_spaces_section_info These are likely things other admins of %@ are a part of.
room_action_camera Take photo or video الْتَقَطَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_reply Reply رَدّ
room_action_report Report room
room_action_report_prompt_reason Reason for reporting this room
room_action_send_file Send file أَرسَلَ مَلَفّ
room_action_send_photo_or_video Send photo or video أَرسَلَ صُورة أو فيدِيو
room_action_send_sticker Send sticker أَرسَلَ مُلصَق
room_avatar_view_accessibility_hint Change room avatar
room_avatar_view_accessibility_label avatar
room_command_ban_user_description Bans user with given id يمنع المستخدم بالمعرف المعطى
room_command_change_display_name_description Changes your display nickname قم بتغيير اسم العرض الخاص بك
room_command_change_room_topic_description Sets the room topic تعيين موضوع الغرفة
room_command_discard_session_description Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded يجبر على تجاهل الجلسة الجماعية الصادرة حاليا في غرفة مشفرة
room_command_emote_description Displays action يعرض الإجراء
room_command_error_unknown_command Invalid or unhandled command أمر غير صالح أو غير معالَج
room_command_invite_user_description Invites user with given id to current room يدعو المستخدم بالمعرف المعطى للانضمام إلى الغرفة الحالية
room_command_join_room_description Joins room with given address ينضم إلى الغرفة بالعنوان المعطى


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Arabic
Room غُرفَة Element iOS
room history تَأريخ الغُرفَة Element iOS
Room ID مُعَرِّف الغُرفَة Element iOS

Source information

String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ar.lproj/Vector.strings, string 486