
Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
Key English Dutch State
user_session_verification_unknown_additional_info Verify your current session to reveal this session's verification status. Verifieer je huidige sessie om de verificatiestatus van deze sessie weer te geven.
user_other_session_unverified_additional_info Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability. Verifieer of meld je af bij deze sessie voor de beste beveiliging en betrouwbaarheid.
user_other_session_permanently_unverified_additional_info This session doesn’t support encryption and thus can't be verified.
user_other_session_verified_additional_info This session is ready for secure messaging. Deze sessie is klaar voor beveiligde berichtenuitwisseling.
user_session_push_notifications Push notifications Pushmeldingen
user_session_push_notifications_message When turned on, this session will receive push notifications. Indien ingeschakeld, ontvangt deze sessie pushmeldingen.
user_session_got_it Got it
user_session_verified_session_title Verified sessions
user_session_verified_session_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using Element after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.
user_session_unverified_session_title Unverified session
user_session_unverified_session_description Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.
user_session_permanently_unverified_session_description This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
user_session_inactive_session_title Inactive sessions
user_session_inactive_session_description Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.
user_session_rename_session_title Renaming sessions
user_session_rename_session_description Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
user_other_session_security_recommendation_title Other sessions
user_other_session_unverified_sessions_header_subtitle Verify your sessions for enhanced secure messaging or sign out from those you don’t recognize or use anymore. Verifieer je sessies voor verbeterde beveiligde berichtenuitwisseling of meld je af bij sessies die je niet meer herkent of gebruikt.
user_other_session_current_session_details Your current session Jouw huidige sessie
user_other_session_verified_sessions_header_subtitle For best security, sign out from any session that you don’t recognize or use anymore. Voor de beste beveiliging log je uit bij elke sessie die je niet meer herkent of gebruikt.
user_other_session_filter Filter Filter
user_other_session_filter_menu_all All sessions Alle sessies
user_other_session_filter_menu_verified Verified Geverifieerd
user_other_session_filter_menu_unverified Unverified Niet geverifieerd
user_other_session_filter_menu_inactive Inactive Inactief
user_other_session_no_inactive_sessions No inactive sessions found. Geen inactieve sessies gevonden.
user_other_session_no_verified_sessions No verified sessions found. Geen geverifieerde sessies gevonden.
user_other_session_no_unverified_sessions No unverified sessions found. Geen niet geverifieerde sessies gevonden.
user_other_session_clear_filter Clear filter Leeg filter
user_other_session_selected_count %@ selected %@ geselecteerd
user_other_session_menu_select_sessions Select sessions Selecteer sessies
Key English Dutch State
user_session_details_session_section_header Session Sessie
user_session_details_title Session details Toon details
user_session_got_it Got it
user_session_inactive_session_description Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.
user_session_inactive_session_title Inactive sessions
user_session_item_details %1$@ · %2$@ %1$@ · %2$@
user_session_item_details_last_activity Last activity %@ Laatste activiteit %@
user_session_learn_more Learn more Meer lezen
user_session_name %@: %@ %@: %@
user_session_overview_current_session_title Current session Huidige sessie
user_session_overview_session_details_button_title Session details Sessie details
user_session_overview_session_title Session Sessie
user_session_permanently_unverified_session_description This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.
user_session_push_notifications Push notifications Pushmeldingen
user_session_push_notifications_message When turned on, this session will receive push notifications. Indien ingeschakeld, ontvangt deze sessie pushmeldingen.
user_session_rename_session_description Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.
user_session_rename_session_title Renaming sessions
user_sessions_default_session_display_name %@ iOS %@ iOS
user_sessions_hide_location_info Hide IP address Verberg IP-adres
user_sessions_overview_current_session_section_title Current session Huidige sessie
user_sessions_overview_link_device Link a device Een apparaat koppelen
user_sessions_overview_other_sessions_section_info For best security, verify your sessions and sign out from any session that you don’t recognize or use anymore. Voor de beste beveiliging verifieer je jouw sessies en meld jij je af bij elke sessie die je niet meer herkent of gebruikt.
user_sessions_overview_other_sessions_section_title Other sessions Andere sessies
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_inactive_info Consider signing out from old sessions (90 days or older) you don’t use anymore. Overweeg om je af te melden bij oude sessies (90 dagen of ouder) die je niet meer gebruikt.
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_inactive_title Inactive sessions Inactieve sessies
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_section_info Improve your account security by following these recommendations. Verbeter je accountbeveiliging door deze aanbevelingen op te volgen.
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_section_title Security recommendations Beveiligingsaanbevelingen
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_unverified_info Verify or sign out from unverified sessions. Verifieer of meld je af bij niet geverifieerde sessies.
user_sessions_overview_security_recommendations_unverified_title Unverified sessions Niet geverifieerde sessies
user_sessions_overview_title Sessions Sessies


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Dutch
direct chat directe chat Element iOS
display name weergavenaam Element iOS
join deelnemen/toetreden Element iOS
messages berichten Element iOS
room kamer Element iOS
room list kamersgids, evt met publieke ervoor Element iOS
room settings kamerinstellingen Element iOS
user persoon Element iOS
user id persoon-ID Element iOS
user name inlognaam Element iOS
users personen Element iOS

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/nl.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1921