
Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
Key English French State
device_verification_start_title Verify by comparing a short text string Vérifier en comparant une chaîne de caractères courte
device_verification_start_wait_partner Waiting for partner to accept… Nous attendons que le partenaire accepte…
device_verification_start_use_legacy Nothing appearing? Not all clients support interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification. Rien n'apparaît ? Certains clients ne prennent pas encore en charge la vérification interactive. Utilisez la vérification traditionnelle.
device_verification_start_verify_button Begin Verifying Commencer la vérification
device_verification_start_use_legacy_action Use Legacy Verification Utiliser la vérification traditionnelle
device_verification_self_verify_alert_title New login. Was this you? Nouvelle connexion. Était-ce vous ?
device_verification_self_verify_alert_message Verify the new login accessing your account: %@ Vérifiez la nouvelle connexion pour accéder à votre compte : %@
device_verification_self_verify_alert_validate_action Verify Vérifier
device_verification_self_verify_start_verify_action Start verification Commencer la vérification
device_verification_self_verify_start_information Use this session to verify your new one, granting it access to encrypted messages. Utilisez cette session pour vérifier la nouvelle, ce qui lui permettra d’accéder aux messages chiffrés.
device_verification_self_verify_start_waiting Waiting… En attente…
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_title Verify this session Vérifier cette session
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_message Other users may not trust it. Les autres utilisateurs peuvent ne pas lui faire confiance.
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_validate_action Verify Vérifier
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_title App updated
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_message Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
key_verification_alert_title You have unverified sessions Vous avez des sessions non-vérifiées
key_verification_alert_body Review to ensure your account is safe. Passez les en revue pour vous assurer que votre compte n’est pas compromis.
key_verification_self_verify_unverified_sessions_alert_validate_action Review Vérifier
device_verification_self_verify_wait_title Complete security Améliorer la sécurité
device_verification_self_verify_wait_new_sign_in_title Verify this login Vérifier cette connexion
device_verification_self_verify_wait_information Verify this session from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.

Use the latest %@ on your other devices:
Vérifiez cette session depuis une de vos autres sessions, ce qui lui permettra d’avoir accès aux messages chiffrés.

Utilisez la dernière version de %@ sur vos autres appareils :
device_verification_self_verify_wait_additional_information This works with %@ and other cross-signing capable Matrix clients. Ceci fonctionne avec %@ ou un autre client Matrix prenant en charge la signature croisée.
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_title Open %@ on your other device
device_verification_self_verify_open_on_other_device_information You need to verify this session in order to read your secure message history.

Open Element on one of your other devices and follow the instructions.
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_without_passphrase Use Security Key Utiliser la clé de récupération
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_with_passphrase Use Security Phrase or Key Utiliser la phrase secrète ou la clé de récupération
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_additional_help Can't access an existing %@ session?
device_verification_self_verify_wait_recover_secrets_checking_availability Checking for other verification capabilities ... Contrôle des autres fonctionnalités de vérification…
key_verification_verify_sas_title_emoji Compare emoji Comparer les émojis
key_verification_verify_sas_title_number Compare numbers Comparer les nombres
Key English French State
key_verification_other_session_title Verify session Vérifier la session
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_device_information Is the other device showing the same shield? Est-ce que l’autre appareil affiche le même bouclier ?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_title Almost there! On y est presque !
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanned_user_information Is %@ showing the same shield? Est-ce que %@ affiche le même bouclier ?
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_device_waiting_other Waiting for other device… En attente de l’autre appareil…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_title Almost there! Waiting for confirmation… On y est presque ! Attente de la confirmation…
key_verification_scan_confirmation_scanning_user_waiting_other Waiting for %@… En attente de %@…
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_new_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your new session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_device Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify this session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_session Point your camera at the QR code displayed on your other device to verify your session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_information_other_user Point your camera at the QR code displayed on their device to verify their session
key_verification_scan_qr_code_title Scan QR code
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_message Other users may not trust it. Les autres utilisateurs peuvent ne pas lui faire confiance.
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_title Verify this session Vérifier cette session
key_verification_self_verify_current_session_alert_validate_action Verify Vérifier
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_message Secure messaging has been improved with the latest update. Please re-verify your device.
key_verification_self_verify_security_upgrade_alert_title App updated
key_verification_self_verify_unverified_sessions_alert_validate_action Review Vérifier
key_verification_this_session_title Verify this session Vérifier cette session
key_verification_tile_conclusion_done_title Verified Vérifié
key_verification_tile_conclusion_warning_title Unstrusted sign in Connexion non approuvée
key_verification_tile_request_incoming_approval_accept Accept Accepter
key_verification_tile_request_incoming_approval_decline Decline Refuser
key_verification_tile_request_incoming_title Verification request Demande de vérification
key_verification_tile_request_outgoing_title Verification sent Vérification envoyée
key_verification_tile_request_status_accepted You accepted Vous avez accepté
key_verification_tile_request_status_cancelled %@ cancelled %@ a annulé
key_verification_tile_request_status_cancelled_by_me You cancelled Vous avez annulé
key_verification_tile_request_status_data_loading Data loading… Chargement des données…
key_verification_tile_request_status_expired Expired Expiré


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English French
Device Appareil Element iOS
Please Veuillez Element iOS
Verify Vérifier Element iOS

Source information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/fr.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1260