
Live location.
Key English Esperanto State
room_error_name_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room name Vi ne rajtas redakti nomon de ĉi tiu ĉambro
room_error_topic_edition_not_authorized You are not authorized to edit this room topic Vi ne rajtas redakti temon de ĉi tiu ĉambro
room_error_cannot_load_timeline Failed to load timeline Malsukcesis enlegi historion
room_error_timeline_event_not_found_title Failed to load timeline position Malsukcesis enlegi pozicion en historio
room_error_timeline_event_not_found The application was trying to load a specific point in this room's timeline but was unable to find it La aplikaĵo provis enlegi precizan punkton en la historio de ĉi tiu ĉambro, sed ne povis ĝin trovi
room_left You left the room Vi foriris de la ĉambro
room_left_for_dm You left Vi foriris
room_no_power_to_create_conference_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Vi bezonas permeson komenci grupan vokon en ĉi tiu ĉambro
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms Grupaj vokoj ne estas subtenataj en ĉifritaj ĉambroj
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_image sent an image. sendis bildon.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_video sent a video. sendis filmon.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_audio_file sent an audio file. sendis sondosieron.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_voice_message sent a voice message.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_file sent a file. sendis dosieron.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_location has shared their location.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_live_location Live location.
message_reply_to_message_to_reply_to_prefix In reply to Respondanta al
room_member_ignore_prompt Are you sure you want to hide all messages from this user? Ĉu vi certe volas kaŝi ĉiujn mesaĝojn de tiu ĉi uzanto?
room_member_power_level_prompt You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.
Are you sure?
Vi ne povos malfari ĉi tiun ŝanĝon, ĉar vi povigas la uzanton al la sama nivelo, kiun vi havas.
Ĉu vi certas?
attachment_size_prompt Do you want to send as: Ĉu vi volas sendi en grando:
attachment_size_prompt_title Confirm size to send
attachment_size_prompt_message You can turn this off in settings.
attachment_original Actual Size (%@) Originala: %@
attachment_small Small (~%@) Malgranda: %@
attachment_medium Medium (~%@) Meza: %@
attachment_large Large (~%@) Granda: %@
attachment_small_with_resolution Small %@ (~%@)
attachment_medium_with_resolution Medium %@ (~%@)
attachment_large_with_resolution Large %@ (~%@)
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Ĉu nuligi la elŝuton?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Ĉu nuligi la alŝuton?
Key English Esperanto State
media_type_accessibility_image Image Bildo
media_type_accessibility_location Location Loko
media_type_accessibility_sticker Sticker Glumarko
media_type_accessibility_video Video Video
membership_ban Banned Forbarita
membership_invite Invited Invitita
membership_leave Left Foririnta
mention Mention Mencii
message_from_a_thread From a thread
message_reply_to_message_to_reply_to_prefix In reply to Respondanta al
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_file sent a file. sendis dosieron.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_audio_file sent an audio file. sendis sondosieron.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_an_image sent an image. sendis bildon.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_video sent a video. sendis filmon.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_a_voice_message sent a voice message.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_live_location Live location.
message_reply_to_sender_sent_their_location has shared their location.
message_unsaved_changes There are unsaved changes. Leaving will discard them. Restas nekonservitaj ŝanĝoj. Forlaso ilin forĵetos.
microphone_access_not_granted_for_call Calls require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it Vokoj postulas aliron al la mikrofono, sed %@ nun ne rajtas ĝin uzi
microphone_access_not_granted_for_voice_message Voice messages require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
more More Pli
network_error_not_reachable Please check your network connectivity Bonvolu kontroli vian retkonekton
network_offline_message You're offline, check your connection.
network_offline_prompt The Internet connection appears to be offline. La retkonekto ŝajnas ne funkcii.
network_offline_title You're offline
new_word New
next Next Sekva
no No Ne
notice_answered_video_call %@ answered the call %@ respondis la vokon
notice_answered_video_call_by_you You answered the call Vi respondis la vokon


No matching activity found.

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English Esperanto
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/eo.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2211