Source string Read only

Key English State
e2e_passphrase_create Create passphrase
user_id_title User ID:
offline offline
unsent Unsent
error_common_message An error occured. Please try again later.
not_supported_yet Not supported yet
default default
power_level Power Level
network_error_not_reachable Please check your network connectivity
user_id_placeholder ex: @bob:homeserver
ssl_homeserver_url Homeserver URL: %@
camera_access_not_granted_for_call Video calls require access to the Camera but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
microphone_access_not_granted_for_call Calls require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
local_contacts_access_not_granted Users discovery from local contacts requires access to you contacts but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
local_contacts_access_discovery_warning_title Users discovery
local_contacts_access_discovery_warning To discover contacts already using Matrix, %@ can send email addresses and phone numbers in your address book to your chosen Matrix identity server. Where supported, personal data is hashed before sending - please check your identity server's privacy policy for more details.
microphone_access_not_granted_for_voice_message Voice messages require access to the Microphone but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
country_picker_title Choose a country
language_picker_title Choose a language
language_picker_default_language Default (%@)
notice_room_invite %@ invited %@
notice_room_third_party_invite %@ sent an invitation to %@ to join the room
notice_room_third_party_invite_for_dm %@ invited %@
notice_room_third_party_registered_invite %@ accepted the invitation for %@
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite %@ revoked the invitation for %@ to join the room
notice_room_third_party_revoked_invite_for_dm %@ revoked %@'s invitation
notice_room_join %@ joined
notice_room_leave %@ left
notice_room_reject %@ rejected the invitation
notice_room_kick %@ removed %@
notice_room_unban %@ unbanned %@
Key English State
leave_space_and_all_rooms_action Leave all rooms and spaces
leave_space_and_more_rooms Leave space and %@ rooms
leave_space_and_one_room Leave space and 1 room
leave_space_message Are you sure you want to leave %@? Do you also want to leave all rooms and spaces of this space?
leave_space_message_admin_warning You are admin of this space, ensure that you have transferred admin right to another member before leaving.
leave_space_only_action Don't leave any rooms
leave_space_selection_all_rooms Select all rooms
leave_space_selection_no_rooms Select no rooms
leave_space_selection_title SELECT ROOMS
leave_space_title Leave %@
less Less
live_location_sharing_banner_stop Stop
live_location_sharing_banner_title Live location enabled
live_location_sharing_ended Live location ended
loading Loading
local_contacts_access_discovery_warning To discover contacts already using Matrix, %@ can send email addresses and phone numbers in your address book to your chosen Matrix identity server. Where supported, personal data is hashed before sending - please check your identity server's privacy policy for more details.
local_contacts_access_discovery_warning_title Users discovery
local_contacts_access_not_granted Users discovery from local contacts requires access to you contacts but %@ doesn't have permission to use it
location_sharing_allow_background_location_cancel_action Not now
location_sharing_allow_background_location_message If you’d like to share your Live location, Element needs location access when the app is in the background.To enable access, tap Settings> Location and select Always
location_sharing_allow_background_location_title Allow access
location_sharing_allow_background_location_validate_action Settings
location_sharing_close_action Close
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_error_title %@ does not have permission to access your location. You can enable access in Settings > Location
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_not_now Not now
location_sharing_invalid_authorization_settings Settings
location_sharing_invalid_power_level_message You need to have the right permissions in order to share live location in this room.
location_sharing_invalid_power_level_title You don’t have permission to share live location
location_sharing_live_error Live location error
location_sharing_live_lab_promotion_activation Enable live location sharing


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Things to check

Multiple failing checks

The translations in several languages have failing checks



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/en.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2267