
Key English Welsh State
notification_settings_invite_to_a_new_room Notify me when I am invited to a new room Rhowch wybod i mi pan gaf wahoddiad i ystafell newydd
notification_settings_people_join_leave_rooms Notify me when people join or leave rooms Rhowch wybod i mi pan fydd pobl yn ymuno neu'n gadael ystafelloedd
notification_settings_receive_a_call Notify me when I receive a call Rhowch wybod i mi pan fyddaf yn derbyn galwad
notification_settings_suppress_from_bots Suppress notifications from bots Atal hysbysiadau o botiau
notification_settings_by_default By default... Yn ddiofyn...
notification_settings_notify_all_other Notify for all other messages/rooms Hysbysu am yr holl negeseuon / ystafelloedd eraill
settings_config_identity_server Identity server: %@ Y gweinydd adnabod yw %@
call_connecting Connecting… Cysylltu galwad...
call_ringing Ringing…
call_ended Call ended Gorffenwyd y galwad
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call Galwad Fideo sy'n dod i mewn
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call Galwad Llais sy'n dod i mewn
call_invite_expired Call Invite Expired Gwahoddiad Galwad wedi dod i ben
call_remote_holded %@ held the call
call_holded You held the call
call_more_actions_hold Hold
call_more_actions_unhold Resume
call_more_actions_change_audio_device Change Audio Device
call_more_actions_audio_use_device Device Speaker
call_more_actions_transfer Transfer
call_more_actions_dialpad Dial pad
call_voice_with_user Voice call with %@
call_video_with_user Video call with %@
call_consulting_with_user Consulting with %@
call_transfer_to_user Transfer to %@
ssl_trust Trust Ymddiried
ssl_logout_account Logout Allgofnodi
ssl_remain_offline Ignore Anwybyddu
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%@): Llofnod (%@):
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. Methwyd gwirio gweinyddwr adnabod pell.
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server. Gallai hyn olygu bod rhywun yn rhyng-gipio eich traffig yn faleisus, neu nad yw'ch ffôn yn ymddiried yn y dystysgrif a ddarperir gan y gweinydd pell.
Key English Welsh State
callbar_return Return
call_connecting Connecting… Cysylltu galwad...
call_consulting_with_user Consulting with %@
call_ended Call ended Gorffenwyd y galwad
call_holded You held the call
call_incoming_video Incoming video call… Galwad fideo sy'n dod i mewn…
call_incoming_video_prompt Incoming video call from %@ Galwad fideo sy'n dod i mewn gan %@
call_incoming_voice Incoming call… Galwad sy'n dod i mewn…
call_incoming_voice_prompt Incoming voice call from %@ Galwad llais sy'n dod i mewn gan %@
call_invite_expired Call Invite Expired Gwahoddiad Galwad wedi dod i ben
call_jitsi_error Failed to join the conference call. Methwyd ymuno â'r alwad cynhadledd.
call_jitsi_unable_to_start Unable to start conference call
call_more_actions_audio_use_device Device Speaker
call_more_actions_change_audio_device Change Audio Device
call_more_actions_dialpad Dial pad
call_more_actions_hold Hold
call_more_actions_transfer Transfer
call_more_actions_unhold Resume
call_no_stun_server_error_message_1 Please ask the administrator of your homeserver %@ to configure a TURN server in order for calls to work reliably. Gofynnwch i weinyddwr eich hafanweinydd %@ i osod gweinydd TURN er mwyn i alwadau weithio'n ddibynadwy.
call_no_stun_server_error_message_2 Alternatively, you can try to use the public server at %@, but this will not be as reliable, and it will share your IP address with that server. You can also manage this in Settings Fel arall, gallwch geisio defnyddio'r gweinydd cyhoeddus yn %@, ond ni fydd hyn mor ddibynadwy, a bydd yn rhannu eich cyfeiriad IP gyda'r gweinydd hwnnw. Gallwch hefyd reoli hyn yn Gosodiadau
call_no_stun_server_error_title Call failed due to misconfigured server Methodd yr alwad oherwydd gweinydd wedi'i gamosod
call_no_stun_server_error_use_fallback_button Try using %@ Rhowch gynnig ar ddefnyddio %@
call_remote_holded %@ held the call
call_ringing Ringing…
call_transfer_contacts_all All
call_transfer_contacts_recent Recent
call_transfer_dialpad Dial pad
call_transfer_error_message Call transfer failed
call_transfer_error_title Error
call_transfer_title Transfer


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English Welsh
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cy.lproj/Vector.strings, string 2397