
Key English Czech State
onboarding_splash_page_2_title You’re in control. Vy máte kontrolu.
onboarding_splash_page_3_message End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining. End-to-end šifrování a bez potřeby telefonního čísla. Žádné reklamy nebo zneužívání údajů.
onboarding_splash_page_3_title Secure messaging. Zabezpečené zasílání zpráv.
onboarding_splash_page_4_message Element is also great for the workplace. It’s trusted by the world’s most secure organisations. Element je také skvělý na pracovišti. Důvěřují mu nejbezpečnější světové organizace.
onboarding_splash_page_4_title_no_pun Messaging for your team. Zasílání zpráv pro váš tým.
onboarding_splash_register_button_title Create account Vytvořit účet
onboarding_use_case_community_messaging Communities Komunity
onboarding_use_case_existing_server_button Connect to server Připojit k serveru
onboarding_use_case_existing_server_message Looking to join an existing server? Chcete se připojit k již existujícímu serveru?
onboarding_use_case_message We’ll help you get connected Pomůžeme vám navázat kontakty.
onboarding_use_case_not_sure_yet Not sure yet? %@ Ještě si nejste jistí? Můžete %@
onboarding_use_case_personal_messaging Friends and family Přátelé a rodina
onboarding_use_case_skip_button Skip this question přeskočit tuto otázku
onboarding_use_case_title Who will you chat to the most? S kým si budete nejvíce psát?
onboarding_use_case_work_messaging Teams Týmy
open Open Otevřít
or or
password_policy_pwd_in_dict_error This password has been found in a dictionary, and is not allowed.
password_policy_too_short_pwd_error Too short password
password_policy_weak_pwd_error This password is too weak. It must contain at least 8 characters, with at least one character of each type: uppercase, lowercase, digit and special character.
password_validation_error_contain_lowercase_letter Contain a lower-case letter.
password_validation_error_contain_number Contain a number.
password_validation_error_contain_symbol Contain a symbol.
password_validation_error_contain_uppercase_letter Contain an upper-case letter.
password_validation_error_header Given password does not meet the criteria below:
password_validation_error_max_length Not exceed %d characters.
password_validation_error_min_length At least %d characters.
password_validation_info_header Your password should meet the criteria below:
people_conversation_section CONVERSATIONS KONVERZACE
people_empty_view_information Chat securely with anyone.Tap the + to start adding people. Bezpečně chatujte s kýmkoli.Klepnutím na + začněte přidávat lidi.


2 years ago
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English Czech
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cs.lproj/Vector.strings, string 45