
Key English Czech State
user_verification_start_additional_information To be secure, do this in person or use another way to communicate. Abyste byli v bezpečí, dělejte to osobně nebo použijte jiný způsob komunikace.
user_verification_start_information_part1 For extra security, verify Pro větší bezpečnost ověřit
user_verification_start_information_part2 by checking a one-time code on both your devices. kontrolou jednorázového kódu na obou zařízeních.
user_verification_start_verify_action Start verification Spustit ověřování
user_verification_start_waiting_partner Waiting for %@… Čekám na %@…
version_check_banner_subtitle_deprecated We are no longer supporting %@ on iOS %@. To continue using %@ to its full potential, we advise you to upgrade your version of iOS.
version_check_banner_subtitle_supported We will soon be ending support for %@ on iOS %@. To continue using %@ to its full potential, we advise you to upgrade your version of iOS.
version_check_banner_title_deprecated We’re no longer supporting iOS %@
version_check_banner_title_supported We’re ending support for iOS %@
version_check_modal_action_title_deprecated Find out how
version_check_modal_action_title_supported Got it
version_check_modal_subtitle_deprecated We've been working on enhancing %@ for a faster and more polished experience. Unfortunately your current version of iOS is not compatible with some of those fixes and is no longer supported.
We're advising you to upgrade your operating system to use %@ to its full potential.
version_check_modal_subtitle_supported We've been working on enhancing %@ for a faster and more polished experience. Unfortunately your current version of iOS is not compatible with some of those fixes and will no longer be supported.
We're advising you to upgrade your operating system to use %@ to its full potential.
version_check_modal_title_deprecated We’re no longer supporting iOS %@
version_check_modal_title_supported We’re ending support for iOS %@
video Video Video
view View Zobrazit
voice Voice Hlas
voice_broadcast_already_in_progress_message You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.
voice_broadcast_blocked_by_someone_else_message Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.
voice_broadcast_buffering Buffering...
voice_broadcast_connection_error_message Unfortunately we’re unable to start a recording right now. Please try again later.
voice_broadcast_connection_error_title Connection error
voice_broadcast_live Live
voice_broadcast_permission_denied_message You don't have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions.
voice_broadcast_playback_loading_error Unable to play this voice broadcast.
voice_broadcast_playback_lock_screen_placeholder Voice broadcast
voice_broadcast_playback_unable_to_decrypt Unable to decrypt this voice broadcast.
voice_broadcast_recorder_connection_error Connection error - Recording paused
voice_broadcast_stop_alert_agree_button Yes, stop
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Element iOS/Element iOS
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Element iOS/Element iOS


User avatar netman

New translation

Element iOS / Element iOSCzech

6 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Czech
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/cs.lproj/Vector.strings, string 31