
Personalise profile
Key English Catalan State
onboarding_splash_page_3_title Secure messaging. Missatgeria segura.
onboarding_splash_page_3_message End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining. Xifrat extrem a extrem i no cal cap número de telèfon. Sense publicitat ni mineria de dades.
onboarding_splash_page_4_title_no_pun Messaging for your team.
onboarding_splash_page_4_message Element is also great for the workplace. It’s trusted by the world’s most secure organisations.
onboarding_use_case_title Who will you chat to the most?
onboarding_use_case_message We’ll help you get connected
onboarding_use_case_personal_messaging Friends and family
onboarding_use_case_work_messaging Teams
onboarding_use_case_community_messaging Communities
onboarding_use_case_not_sure_yet Not sure yet? %@
onboarding_use_case_skip_button Skip this question
onboarding_use_case_existing_server_message Looking to join an existing server?
onboarding_use_case_existing_server_button Connect to server
onboarding_congratulations_title Congratulations!
onboarding_congratulations_message Your account %@ has been created
onboarding_congratulations_personalize_button Personalise profile
onboarding_congratulations_home_button Take me home
onboarding_personalization_save Save and continue
onboarding_personalization_skip Skip this step
onboarding_display_name_title Choose a display name
onboarding_display_name_message This will be shown when you send messages.
onboarding_display_name_placeholder Display Name
onboarding_display_name_hint You can change this later
onboarding_display_name_max_length Your display name must be less than 256 characters
onboarding_avatar_title Add a profile picture
onboarding_avatar_message Time to put a face to the name
onboarding_avatar_accessibility_label Profile picture
onboarding_celebration_title Looking good!
onboarding_celebration_message Head to settings anytime to update your profile
onboarding_celebration_button Let's go
authentication_registration_title Create your account
Key English Catalan State
no_voip_title Incoming call Trucada entrant
num_members_one %@ user usuari %@
num_members_other %@ users Usuaris de %@
off Off Desactivat
offline offline fora de línia
ok OK D'acord
on On Activat
onboarding_avatar_accessibility_label Profile picture
onboarding_avatar_message Time to put a face to the name
onboarding_avatar_title Add a profile picture
onboarding_celebration_button Let's go
onboarding_celebration_message Head to settings anytime to update your profile
onboarding_celebration_title Looking good!
onboarding_congratulations_home_button Take me home
onboarding_congratulations_message Your account %@ has been created
onboarding_congratulations_personalize_button Personalise profile
onboarding_congratulations_title Congratulations!
onboarding_display_name_hint You can change this later
onboarding_display_name_max_length Your display name must be less than 256 characters
onboarding_display_name_message This will be shown when you send messages.
onboarding_display_name_placeholder Display Name
onboarding_display_name_title Choose a display name
onboarding_personalization_save Save and continue
onboarding_personalization_skip Skip this step
onboarding_splash_login_button_title I already have an account Ja tinc un compte
onboarding_splash_page_1_message Secure and independent communication that gives you the same level of privacy as a face-to-face conversation in your own home. Comunicació independent i segura que us dona el mateix nivell de privadesa que una conversa cara a cara en casa.
onboarding_splash_page_1_title Own your conversations. Controleu les vostres converses.
onboarding_splash_page_2_message Choose where your conversations are kept, giving you control and independence. Connected via Matrix. Trieu on es desen les vostres converses, el que us dona control i independència. Connectat via Matrix.
onboarding_splash_page_2_title You’re in control. Sou en control.
onboarding_splash_page_3_message End-to-end encrypted and no phone number required. No ads or datamining. Xifrat extrem a extrem i no cal cap número de telèfon. Sense publicitat ni mineria de dades.


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English Catalan
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/ca.lproj/Vector.strings, string 99