
Edit link
Key English Bulgarian State
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_bold Apply bold format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_italic Apply italic format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_underline Apply underline format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_link Apply link format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_inline_code Apply inline code format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_unordered_list Toggle bulleted list
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_ordered_list Toggle numbered list
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_code_block Toggle code block
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_quote Toggle quote
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_indent Increase indentation
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_un_indent Decrease indentation
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_text Text
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_link Link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_create_title Create a link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_edit_title Edit link
matrix Matrix Matrix
login_create_account Create account: Регистрация:
login_server_url_placeholder URL (e.g. URL (напр.
login_home_server_title Homeserver URL: Home сървър адрес:
login_home_server_info Your homeserver stores all your conversations and account data Сървърът Ви съхранява цялата кореспонденция и профилни данни
login_identity_server_title Identity server URL: Адрес на сървър за самоличност:
login_identity_server_info Matrix provides identity servers to track which emails etc. belong to which Matrix IDs. Only currently exists. Matrix предоставя сървъри за самоличност, които проследяват кои имейли и т.н. на кои Matrix идентификатори принадлежат. В момента съществува само
login_user_id_placeholder Matrix ID (e.g. or bob) Matrix ID (напр. или ivan)
login_password_placeholder Password Парола
login_optional_field optional по избор
login_display_name_placeholder Display name (e.g. Bob Obson) Име (напр. Иван Георгиев)
login_email_info Specify an email address lets other users find you on Matrix more easily, and will give you a way to reset your password in the future. Задайте имейл адрес, за да позволите на другите потребители да Ви намерят по-лесно в Matrix и да можете да възстановите Вашата парола в бъдеще.
login_email_placeholder Email address Имейл адрес
login_prompt_email_token Please enter your email validation token: Моля, въведете кода за потвърждение от имейл адреса:
login_error_title Login Failed Неуспешно влизане в профила
Key English Bulgarian State
wysiwyg_composer_action_maximise_action Expand composer
wysiwyg_composer_action_minimise_action Shrink composer
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_bold Apply bold format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_code_block Toggle code block
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_indent Increase indentation
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_inline_code Apply inline code format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_italic Apply italic format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_link Apply link format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_ordered_list Toggle numbered list
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_quote Toggle quote
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_strikethrough Apply strikethrough format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_underline Apply underline format
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_un_indent Decrease indentation
wysiwyg_composer_format_action_unordered_list Toggle bulleted list
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_create_title Create a link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_edit_title Edit link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_link Link
wysiwyg_composer_link_action_text Text
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_attachments Attachments
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_camera Camera
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_location Location
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_media_picker Photo Library
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_polls Polls
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_stickers Stickers
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_text_formatting Text Formatting
wysiwyg_composer_start_action_voice_broadcast Voice broadcast
yes Yes Да
yesterday Yesterday Вчера
you You Вие


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English Bulgarian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
Riot/Assets/bg.lproj/Vector.strings, string 1995