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Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order.
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
unignore Unignore 取消忽略
verify_cannot_cross_sign This session is unable to share this verification with your other sessions.
The verification will be saved locally and shared in a future version of the app.
room_list_sharing_header_recent_rooms Recent rooms 最近的聊天室
room_list_sharing_header_other_rooms Other rooms 其他聊天室
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow 將指定的訊息以彩虹的方式上色後傳送
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow 將指定的表情符號以彩虹的方式上色後傳送
settings_category_timeline Timeline 時間軸
settings_category_composer Message editor 訊息編輯器
room_settings_enable_encryption Enable end-to-end encryption 啟用端到端加密
room_settings_enable_encryption_warning Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. 一旦啟用加密就無法停用。
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_title Enable encryption? 啟用加密?
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_content Once enabled, encryption for a room cannot be disabled. Messages sent in an encrypted room cannot be seen by the server, only by the participants of the room. Enabling encryption may prevent many bots and bridges from working correctly. 一旦啟用對聊天室的加密就無法停用。傳送到已加密聊天室的訊息無法被伺服器看見,僅有聊天室的參與者可見。啟用加密可能會讓許多機器人與橋接無法運作。
room_settings_enable_encryption_dialog_submit Enable encryption 啟用加密
verification_request_notice To be secure, verify %s by checking a one-time code. 要確定安全,請透過一次性的代碼驗證 %s。
verification_request_start_notice To be secure, do this in person or use another way to communicate. 要確定安全,請面對面進行或使用其他方式來通訊。
verification_emoji_notice Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比較獨一無二的顏文字,並確保它們以相同的順序出現。
verification_code_notice Compare the code with the one displayed on the other user's screen. 以其中一方的畫面上顯示的代碼與其他使用者的畫面比較。
verification_conclusion_ok_notice Messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and can't be read by third parties. 與此使用者的訊息是端到端加密的,無法被第三方讀取。
verification_conclusion_ok_self_notice Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted. 您的新工作階段已被驗證。其已存取您已加密的訊息,其他使用者也會看到其已受信任。
encryption_information_cross_signing_state Cross-Signing 交叉簽署
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_complete Cross-Signing is enabled
Private Keys on device.
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled
Keys are trusted.
Private keys are not known
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_not_trusted Cross-Signing is enabled.
Keys are not trusted
encryption_information_dg_xsigning_disabled Cross-Signing is not enabled 交叉簽署未啟用
settings_active_sessions_list Active Sessions 活躍的工作階段
settings_active_sessions_show_all Show All Sessions 顯示所有工作階段
settings_active_sessions_manage Manage Sessions 管理工作階段
settings_active_sessions_signout_device Sign out of this session 登出此工作階段
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available 無可用的密碼學資訊
settings_active_sessions_verified_device_desc This session is trusted for secure messaging because you verified it: 因為您已驗證此工作階段,所以其在安全通訊上是可受信任的:
settings_active_sessions_unverified_device_desc Verify this session to mark it as trusted & grant it access to encrypted messages. If you didn’t sign in to this session your account may be compromised: 驗證此工作階段以將其標記為受信任並讓其可以存取已加密的訊息。如果您並未登入此工作階段,您的帳號可能已被盜用:
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
uploads_media_title MEDIA 媒體
use_file Use File 使用檔案
use_latest_riot Use the latest Riot on your other devices: 在您的其他裝置上使用最新的 Riot:
use_other_session_content_description Use the latest Riot on your other devices, Riot Web, Riot Desktop, Riot iOS, RiotX for Android, or another cross-signing capable Matrix client 在您的其他裝置上使用最新的 Riot、Riot Web、Riot 桌面版、Riot iOS、RiotX for Android 或其他有交叉簽章功能的 Matrix 客戶端
user_directory_header User directory 使用者目錄
use_recovery_key Use Recovery Key 使用復原金鑰
username Username 使用者名稱
verification_cancelled Verification Cancelled 驗證已取消
verification_cannot_access_other_session Use a Recovery Passphrase or Key 使用復原通關密語或金鑰
verification_code_notice Compare the code with the one displayed on the other user's screen. 以其中一方的畫面上顯示的代碼與其他使用者的畫面比較。
verification_conclusion_compromised One of the following may be compromised:

- Your homeserver
- The homeserver the user you’re verifying is connected to
- Yours, or the other users’ internet connection
- Yours, or the other users’ device

- 您的家伺服器
- 您正在驗證的使用者連線的家伺服器
- 您的或其他使用者的網際網路連線
- 您的或其他使用者的裝置
verification_conclusion_not_secure Not secure 不安全
verification_conclusion_ok_notice Messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and can't be read by third parties. 與此使用者的訊息是端到端加密的,無法被第三方讀取。
verification_conclusion_ok_self_notice Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted. 您的新工作階段已被驗證。其已存取您已加密的訊息,其他使用者也會看到其已受信任。
verification_conclusion_warning Untrusted sign in 未受信任的登入
verification_emoji_notice Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比較獨一無二的顏文字,並確保它們以相同的順序出現。
verification_green_shield Look for the green shield to ensure a user is trusted. Trust all users in a room to ensure the room is secure. 尋找綠色盾牌以確保使用者受信任。信任所有聊天室中的使用者來確保聊天室是安全的。
verification_no_scan_emoji_title Verify by comparing emojis 透過比較顏文字驗證
verification_open_other_to_verify Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages. 使用既有的工作階段來驗證這個,讓它可以存取已加密的訊息。
verification_profile_device_new_signing %1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session: %1$s (%2$s) 使用新的工作階段登入:
verification_profile_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labelled with warnings. Alternatively, you can manually verify it. 直到此使用者信任此工作階段為止,傳送到該工作階段與從它傳送的訊息都會以警告標記。或者您可以手動進行驗證。
verification_profile_device_verified_because This session is trusted for secure messaging because %1$s (%2$s) verified it: 因為 %1$s (%2$s) 已驗證此工作階段,所以其在安全通訊上是可受信任的:
verification_profile_verified Verified 已驗證
verification_profile_verify Verify 驗證
verification_profile_warning Warning 警告
verification_request Verification Request 驗證請求
verification_request_alert_description For extra security, verify %s by checking a one-time code on both your devices.

For maximum security, do this in person.
為了額外的安全性,請透過檢查雙方裝置上的一次性代碼來驗證 %s。

verification_request_notice To be secure, verify %s by checking a one-time code. 要確定安全,請透過一次性的代碼驗證 %s。
verification_request_other_accepted %s accepted %s 已接受
verification_request_other_cancelled %s cancelled %s 已取消


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 1537