The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Turkish State
login_msisdn_confirm_title Confirm phone number
login_msisdn_confirm_notice We just sent a code to %1$s. Enter it below to verify it’s you.
login_msisdn_confirm_hint Enter code
login_msisdn_confirm_send_again Send again
login_msisdn_confirm_submit Next
login_msisdn_error_not_international International phone numbers must start with '+'
login_msisdn_error_other Phone number seems invalid. Please check it
login_signup_to Sign up to %1$s
login_signin_username_hint Username or email
login_signup_username_hint Username
login_signup_password_hint Password
login_signup_submit Next
login_signup_error_user_in_use That username is taken
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_title Warning
login_signup_cancel_confirmation_content Your account is not created yet.

Stop the registration process?
login_a11y_choose_matrix_org Select
login_a11y_choose_modular Select modular
login_a11y_choose_other Select a custom homeserver
login_a11y_captcha_container Please perform the captcha challenge
login_terms_title Accept terms to continue
login_wait_for_email_title Please check your email
login_wait_for_email_notice We just sent an email to %1$s.
Please click on the link it contains to continue the account creation.
login_validation_code_is_not_correct The entered code is not correct. Please check.
login_error_outdated_homeserver_title Outdated homeserver
login_error_outdated_homeserver_content This homeserver is running too old a version to connect to. Ask your homeserver admin to upgrade.
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second…
login_connect_using_matrix_id_notice Alternatively, if you already have an account and you know your Matrix identifier and your password, you can use this method:
login_connect_using_matrix_id_submit Sign in with my Matrix identifier
login_signin_matrix_id_title Sign in
login_signin_matrix_id_notice Enter your identifier and your password
login_signin_matrix_id_hint User identifier
Key English Turkish State
labs_swipe_to_reply_in_timeline Enable swipe to reply in timeline
large Large Büyük
larger Larger Çok büyük
largest Largest Daha büyük
last_edited_info_message Last edited by %1$s on %2$s %2$s tarihinde %1$s tarafından düzenlendi
later Later Sonra
leave Leave Ayrıl
light_theme Light Theme Açık Tema
link_copied_to_clipboard Link copied to clipboard
list_members List members Üyeleri Listele
loading Loading… Yükleniyor…
local_address_book_header Local address book Yerel adres defteri
lock_screen_hint Type here… Buraya yazın…
login Log in Giriş yap
login_a11y_captcha_container Please perform the captcha challenge
login_a11y_choose_matrix_org Select
login_a11y_choose_modular Select modular
login_a11y_choose_other Select a custom homeserver
login_connect_to Connect to %1$s
login_connect_to_a_custom_server Connect to a custom server
login_connect_to_modular Connect to Modular
login_connect_using_matrix_id_notice Alternatively, if you already have an account and you know your Matrix identifier and your password, you can use this method:
login_connect_using_matrix_id_submit Sign in with my Matrix identifier
login_continue Continue
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Hatalı JSON
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Geçersiz kullanıcıadı/şifre
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Bu URL ile ev-sunucusuna erişilemiyor, lütfen kontrol edin
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Lütfen geçerli bir URL girin
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Çok fazla istek gönderildi
login_error_limit_exceeded_retry_after Too many requests have been sent. You can retry in %1$d second…


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English Turkish
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml, string 1404