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Shake detected!
Key English Lithuanian State
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_title Clear data
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_content Clear all data currently stored on this device?
Sign in again to access your account data and messages.
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_e2e_warning_content You’ll lose access to secure messages unless you sign in to recover your encryption keys.
soft_logout_clear_data_dialog_submit Clear data
soft_logout_sso_not_same_user_error The current session is for user %1$s and you provide credentials for user %2$s. This is not supported by RiotX.
Please first clear data, then sign in again on another account.
permalink_malformed Your link was malformed
bug_report_error_too_short The description is too short
notification_initial_sync Initial Sync…
settings_show_devices_list See all my sessions
settings_advanced_settings Advanced settings
settings_developer_mode Developer mode
settings_developer_mode_summary The developer mode activates hidden features and may also make the application less stable. For developers only!
settings_rageshake Rageshake
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold Detection threshold
settings_rageshake_detection_threshold_summary Shake your phone to test the detection threshold
rageshake_detected Shake detected!
settings Settings
devices_current_device Current session
devices_other_devices Other sessions
autocomplete_limited_results Showing only the first results, type more letters…
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_title Fail-fast
settings_developer_mode_fail_fast_summary RiotX may crash more often when an unexpected error occurs
command_description_verify Request to verify the given userID
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.
login_error_threepid_denied Your email domain is not authorized to register on this server
verification_conclusion_warning Untrusted sign in
verification_sas_match They match
verification_sas_do_not_match They don't match
verify_user_sas_emoji_help_text Verify this user by confirming the following unique emoji appear on their screen, in the same order.


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English Lithuanian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml, string 1450