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Key English Lithuanian State
command_description_part_room Leave room
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown
command_description_poll Creates a simple poll
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler
command_description_topic Set the room topic
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id
command_description_verify Request to verify the given userID
command_error Command error
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect.
community_id Community Id
community_id_hint example
community_name Community name
community_name_hint Example
complete_security Complete Security
compression_options Send as
compression_opt_list_choose Choose
compression_opt_list_large Large
compression_opt_list_medium Medium
compression_opt_list_original Original
compression_opt_list_small Small
conference_call_warning_message Conference calling is in development and may not be reliable.
conference_call_warning_title Warning!
confirm_recovery_passphrase Confirm %s
confirm_your_identity Confirm your identity by verifying this login from one of your other sessions, granting it access to encrypted messages.
content_reported_as_inappropriate_content This content was reported as inappropriate.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages
content_reported_as_inappropriate_title Reported as inappropriate
content_reported_as_spam_content This content was reported as spam.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can block him to hide his messages


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English Lithuanian
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Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-lt/strings.xml, string 917