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Send an encrypted message…
Key English Korean State
room_participants_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to invite %s to this chat? %s님을 이 대화에 초대하겠습니까?
room_participants_invite_join_names %1$s, %1$s님,
room_participants_invite_join_names_and %1$s and %2$s %1$s님과 %2$s님
room_participants_invite_join_names_combined %1$s %2$s %1$s %2$s님
people_search_invite_by_id <u>Invite by ID</u> <u>ID로 초대</u>
people_search_local_contacts LOCAL CONTACTS (%d) 로컬 연락처 (%d)
people_search_user_directory USER DIRECTORY (%s) 사용자 목록 (%s)
people_search_filter_text Matrix users only Matrix 사용자만
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_title Invite user by ID ID로 사용자 초대
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_description Please enter one or more email address or Matrix ID 이메일 주소나 Matrix ID를 입력해주세요
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_hint Email or Matrix ID 이메일 혹은 Matrix ID
room_menu_search Search 검색
room_one_user_is_typing %s is typing… %s님이 입력 중…
room_two_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s are typing… %1$s님과 %2$s님이 입력 중…
room_many_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s & others are typing… %1$s님과 %2$s님 외 여러 명이 입력 중…
room_message_placeholder_encrypted Send an encrypted message… 암호화된 메시지를 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_not_encrypted Send a message (unencrypted)… (암호화 안 된) 메시지를 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_encrypted Send an encrypted reply… 암호화된 답장을 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_not_encrypted Send a reply (unencrypted)… (암호화 안 된) 답장을 보내세요…
room_offline_notification Connectivity to the server has been lost. 서버와의 연결이 끊어졌습니다.
room_unsent_messages_notification Messages not sent. %1$s or %2$s now? 메시지가 보내지지 않았습니다. %1$s, %2$s, 둘 중 어느 것을 하겠습니까?
room_unknown_devices_messages_notification Messages not sent due to unknown sessions being present. %1$s or %2$s now? 알 수 없는 기기가 있어 메시지가 보내지지 않았습니다. %1$s, %2$s, 둘 중 어느 것을 하겠습니까?
room_prompt_resend Resend all 모두 다시 보내기
room_prompt_cancel Cancel all 모두 취소하기
room_resend_unsent_messages Resend unsent messages 보내지지 않은 메시지 다시 보내기
room_delete_unsent_messages Delete unsent messages 보내지지 않은 메시지 삭제하기
room_message_file_not_found File not found 파일을 찾을 수 없음
room_do_not_have_permission_to_post You do not have permission to post to this room 이 방에 글을 올릴 권한이 없습니다
room_new_messages_notification 1 new message %d개의 새 메시지
ssl_trust Trust 신뢰함
ssl_do_not_trust Do not trust 신뢰하지 않음
Key English Korean State
room_member_jump_to_read_receipt Jump to read receipt
room_member_power_level_admin_in Admin in %1$s
room_member_power_level_admins Admins
room_member_power_level_custom Custom
room_member_power_level_custom_in Custom (%1$d) in %2$s
room_member_power_level_default_in Default in %1$s
room_member_power_level_invites Invites
room_member_power_level_moderator_in Moderator in %1$s
room_member_power_level_moderators Moderators
room_member_power_level_users Users
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions
room_menu_search Search 검색
room_message_file_not_found File not found 파일을 찾을 수 없음
room_message_placeholder Message…
room_message_placeholder_encrypted Send an encrypted message… 암호화된 메시지를 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_not_encrypted Send a message (unencrypted)… (암호화 안 된) 메시지를 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_encrypted Send an encrypted reply… 암호화된 답장을 보내세요…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_not_encrypted Send a reply (unencrypted)… (암호화 안 된) 답장을 보내세요…
room_new_messages_notification 1 new message %d개의 새 메시지
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms 회의 전화는 암호화된 방에서 지원하지 않습니다
room_offline_notification Connectivity to the server has been lost. 서버와의 연결이 끊어졌습니다.
room_one_user_is_typing %s is typing… %s님이 입력 중…
room_participants_action_ban Ban 출입 금지
room_participants_action_cancel_invite Cancel invite
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_prompt_msg Are you sure you want to cancel the invite for this user?
room_participants_action_cancel_invite_title Cancel invite
room_participants_action_devices_list Show Session List 기기 목록 보이기
room_participants_action_ignore Ignore 이 사용자의 모든 메시지 숨기기
room_participants_action_ignore_prompt_msg Ignoring this user will remove their messages from rooms you share.

You can reverse this action at any time in the general settings.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android


No matching activity found.

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English Korean
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml, string 385