The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


matrix error
%s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it.
Key English Croatian State
room_settings_invalid_group_format_dialog_title Invalid community ID Neispravan identitet zajednice
room_settings_invalid_group_format_dialog_body '%s' is not a valid community ID '%s' nije ispravan identitet zajednice
room_settings_addresses_invalid_format_dialog_title Invalid alias format Neispravni oblik za alternativni naziv
room_settings_addresses_invalid_format_dialog_body '%s' is not a valid format for an alias '%s' nije ispravni oblik za alternativni naziv
room_settings_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_msg You will have no main address specified for this room. Neće postojati glavna adresa za ovu sobu.
room_settings_addresses_disable_main_address_prompt_title Main address warnings Upozorenja za glavnu adresu
room_settings_set_main_address Set as Main Address Postavi za glavnu adresu
room_settings_unset_main_address Unset as Main Address Izbriši glavnu adresu
room_settings_copy_room_id Copy Room ID Kopiraj identitet sobe
room_settings_copy_room_address Copy Room Address Kopiraj adresu sobe
room_settings_addresses_e2e_enabled Encryption is enabled in this room. Šifriranje je omogućeno u ovoj sobi.
room_settings_addresses_e2e_disabled Encryption is disabled in this room. Šifriranje je onemogućeno u ovoj sobi.
room_settings_addresses_e2e_encryption_warning Enable encryption
(warning: cannot be disabled again!)
Omogući šifriranje (upozorenje: ovo nije moguće naknadno onemogućiti!)
directory_title Directory Popis
settings_theme Theme Tema
failed_to_load_timeline_position %s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it. %s je pokušavao učitati određenu točku s vremenske crte ove sobe, no nije ju mogao naći.
encryption_information_title End-to-end encryption information Informacije o šifriranju s kraja na kraj
encryption_information_device_info Event information Informacije o događaju
encryption_information_user_id User id Korisnički identitet
encryption_information_curve25519_identity_key Curve25519 identity key Identitetski ključ za Curve25519
encryption_information_claimed_ed25519_fingerprint_key Claimed Ed25519 fingerprint key
encryption_information_algorithm Algorithm Algoritam
encryption_information_session_id Session ID Identitet sesije
encryption_information_decryption_error Decryption error Greška u dešifriranju
encryption_information_sender_device_information Sender session information Informacije o sesiji pošiljatelja
encryption_information_device_name Public name Javni naziv
encryption_information_device_name_with_warning Public name (visible to people you communicate with) Javni naziv (vidljivo osobama s kojima komunicirate)
device_name_warning A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with Javni naziv sesije vidljiv je osobama s kojima komunicirate
encryption_information_name Public name Javni naziv
encryption_information_device_id ID Identitet
encryption_information_device_key Session key Ključ sesije
Key English Croatian State
error_network_timeout Looks like the server is taking too long to respond, this can be caused by either poor connectivity or an error with the server. Please try again in a while. Čini se da poslužitelju treba previše vremena za odgovor. Mogući uzroci su loša povezivost ili greška na poslužitelju. Kasnije pokušajte ponovno.
error_no_external_application_found Sorry, no external application has been found to complete this action. Nažalost nije pronađena vanjska aplikacija za dovršetak ove radnje.
error_no_network No network. Please check your Internet connection. Nema mreže. Provjerite Vašu vezu na Internet.
error_terms_not_accepted Please retry once you have accepted the terms and conditions of your homeserver. Pokušajte ponovno nakon što prihvatite uvjete korištenja Vašeg poslužitelja.
error_user_already_logged_in It looks like you’re trying to connect to another homeserver. Do you want to sign out? Čini se da se pokušavate spojiti na drugi poslužitelj. Želite li se odjaviti?
event_redacted Message deleted Poruka je izbrisana
event_redacted_by_admin_reason Event moderated by room admin Sobni administrator je moderirao događaj
event_redacted_by_admin_reason_with_reason Event moderated by room admin, reason: %1$s Događaj je moderirao sobni administrator iz razloga: %1$s
event_redacted_by_user_reason Event deleted by user Događaj je izbrisao korisnik
event_redacted_by_user_reason_with_reason Event deleted by user, reason: %1$s Događaj je izbrisao korisnik iz razloga: %1$s
external_link_confirmation_message The link %1$s is taking you to another site: %2$s.

Are you sure you want to continue?
external_link_confirmation_title Double-check this link
fab_menu_create_chat Direct Messages Izravne poruke
fab_menu_create_room Rooms Sobe
failed_to_access_secure_storage Failed to access secure storage
failed_to_load_timeline_position %s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it. %s je pokušavao učitati određenu točku s vremenske crte ove sobe, no nije ju mogao naći.
fallback_users_read 1 user read %d korisnik je pročitao
filter_group_members Filter group members Izdvoji članove grupe
filter_group_rooms Filter group rooms Izdvoji grupne sobe
finish Finish Završi
font_size Font size Veličina pisma
forget_room Forget room Zaboravi sobu
format_time_d 1d %d d
format_time_h 1h %d h
format_time_m 1m %d m
format_time_s 1s %d s
forward Forward Proslijedi
generate_message_key Generate a Message Key Generiraj ključ za poruke
generic_label %1$s: %1$s:
generic_label_and_value %1$s: %2$s %1$s: %2$s


%s was trying to load a specific point in this room’s timeline but was unable to find it.
%s je pokušavao učitati određenu točku s vremenske crte ove sobe, no nije ju mogao naći.
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Croatian
room topic tema sobe [Deprecated] Riot Android
timeline vremenska crta [Deprecated] Riot Android

Source information

Source string comment
matrix error
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 752