The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Low priority
Key English Croatian State
disable Disable Onemogući
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Potvrda
dialog_title_warning Warning Upozorenje
dialog_title_error Error Greška
bottom_action_home Home Početna
bottom_action_favourites Favourites Omiljeno
bottom_action_people People Osobe
bottom_action_rooms Rooms Sobe
bottom_action_groups Communities Zajednice
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Izdvoji nazive soba
home_filter_placeholder_favorites Filter favourites Izdvoji među omiljenim
home_filter_placeholder_people Filter people Izdvoji osobe
home_filter_placeholder_rooms Filter room names Izdvoji nazive soba
home_filter_placeholder_groups Filter community names Izdvoji nazive zajednica
invitations_header Invites Pozivnice
low_priority_header Low priority Nizak prioritet
system_alerts_header System Alerts Upozorenja sustava
direct_chats_header Conversations Razgovori
local_address_book_header Local address book Lokalni imenik
user_directory_header User directory Popis korisnika
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Samo kontakti u Matrixu
no_conversation_placeholder No conversations Nema razgovora
no_contact_access_placeholder You didn’t allow Riot to access your local contacts Niste Riotu omogućili pristup Vašim lokalnim kontaktima
no_result_placeholder No results Nema rezultata
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured. Nije podešen poslužitelj identiteta.
rooms_header Rooms Sobe
rooms_directory_header Room directory Popis soba
no_room_placeholder No rooms Nema soba
no_public_room_placeholder No public rooms available Nema javnih soba
public_room_nb_users 1 user %d korisnik
groups_invite_header Invite Pozovi
Key English Croatian State
login_signup_password_hint Password Lozinka
login_signup_submit Next Dalje
login_signup_to Sign up to %1$s Otvorite račun na %1$s
login_signup_username_hint Username Korisničko ime
login_splash_submit Get started Započni
login_splash_text1 Chat with people directly or in groups Ćaskajte s ljudima izravno ili u grupama
login_splash_text2 Keep conversations private with encryption Neka razgovori budu privatni uz šifriranje
login_splash_text3 Extend & customise your experience Proširite i podesite Vaše iskustvo
login_splash_title Liberate your communication Oslobodite svoju komunikaciju
login_sso_error_message An error occurred when loading the page: %1$s (%2$d) Došlo je do greške pri učitavanju stranice: %1$s (%2$d)
login_terms_title Accept terms to continue Prihvatite uvjete za nastavak
login_validation_code_is_not_correct The entered code is not correct. Please check. Unešeni kȏd nije točan. Provjerite ga.
login_wait_for_email_notice We just sent an email to %1$s.
Please click on the link it contains to continue the account creation.
Upravo Vam je poslana e-pošta na %1$s.
Kliknite na sadržanu poveznicu da biste nastavili s otvaranjem računa.
login_wait_for_email_title Please check your email Provjerite svoju e-poštu
logout Sign out Odjavi se
low_priority_header Low priority Nizak prioritet
malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Izobličeni identitet. Trebalo bi se raditi o adresi e-pošte ili identitetu u Matrixu poput '@lokalni_dio:domena'
malformed_message Malformed event, cannot display Nije moguće prikazati izobličen događaj
mark_as_verified Mark as Trusted
markdown_has_been_disabled Markdown has been disabled. Markdown je onemogućen.
markdown_has_been_enabled Markdown has been enabled. Markdown je omogućen.
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Samo kontakti u Matrixu
media_file_added_to_gallery Media file added to the Gallery Medijska datoteka je dodana u galeriju
media_picker_both_capture_title Take a picture or a video Napravi fotografiju ili video zapis
media_picker_cannot_record_video Cannot record video Nije moguće snimiti video zapis
media_saving_period_1_month 1 month Jedan mjesec
media_saving_period_1_week 1 week Jedan tjedan
media_saving_period_3_days 3 days Tri dana
media_saving_period_forever Forever Zauvijek
media_slider_saved Saved Spremljeno
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Low priority
Nizak prioritet
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-hr/strings.xml, string 113