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Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown
Key English Basque State
encryption_not_enabled Encryption not enabled Zifratzea gaitu gabe
encryption_unknown_algorithm_tile_description The encryption used by this room is not supported Gela honetan erabilitako zifratzea ez da onartzen
room_created_summary_item %s created and configured the room. %s erabiltzaileak gela sortu eta konfiguratu du.
room_created_summary_item_by_you You created and configured the room.
qr_code_scanned_self_verif_notice Almost there! Is the other device showing the same shield? Ia amaitu duzu! Zure beste gailuak ezkutu bera erakusten du?
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting_notice Almost there! Waiting for confirmation… Ia bukatu duzu! Baieztapenaren zain…
qr_code_scanned_verif_waiting Waiting for %s… %s itxaroten…
error_failed_to_import_keys Failed to import keys Ezin izan dira gakoak inportatu
settings_notification_configuration Notifications configuration Jakinarazpenen ezarpena
settings_messages_at_room Messages containing @room @room duten mezuak
settings_messages_in_e2e_one_to_one Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats Zifratutako mezuak bi pertsonen arteko txatetan
settings_messages_in_e2e_group_chat Encrypted messages in group chats Zifratutako mezuak talde-txatetan
settings_when_rooms_are_upgraded When rooms are upgraded Gelak eguneratzean
settings_troubleshoot_title Troubleshoot Arazo-ehiza
settings_notification_advanced_summary_riotx Set notification importance by event Ezarri jakinarazpenen garrantzia gertaerako
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Mezua test arrunt gisa bidaltzen du, markdown den aztertu gabe
auth_invalid_login_param_space_in_password Incorrect username and/or password. The entered password starts or ends with spaces, please check it. Erabiltzaile-izen edo pasahitz okerra. Sartutako pasahitzak zuriuneak ditu hasiera edo amaieran, egiztatu.
room_message_placeholder Message… Mezua…
upgrade_security Encryption upgrade available Zifratze eguneratzea eskuragarri
security_prompt_text Verify yourself & others to keep your chats safe Egiaztatu zure burua eta besteak txatak seguru mantentzeko
bootstrap_enter_recovery Enter your %s to continue Sartu zure %s jarraitzeko
use_file Use File Erabili fitxategia
enter_backup_passphrase Enter %s Sartu %s
backup_recovery_passphrase Recovery Passphrase Berreskuratze pasa-esaldia
bootstrap_invalid_recovery_key It's not a valid recovery key Ez da baliozko berreskuratze-gakoa
recovery_key_empty_error_message Please enter a recovery key Sartu berreskuratze-gakoa
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup Checking backup Key Babes-kopiaren gakoa egiaztatzen
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup_with_info Checking backup Key (%s) Babes-kopiaren gakoa egiaztatzen (%s)
bootstrap_progress_compute_curve_key Getting curve key Curve gakoa jasotzen
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss Generating SSSS key from passphrase SSSS gakoa pasa-esalditik sortzen
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_with_info Generating SSSS key from passphrase (%s) SSSS gakoa pasa-esalditik sortzen (%s)
Key English Basque State
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages Beste hizkuntza erabilgarriak
clear Clear Garbitu
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id Debekatu id zehatz bat duen erabiltzailea
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management Matrix aplikazioen kudeaketa konpontzeko
command_description_deop_user Deops user with given id Id zehatz bat duen erabiltzaileari maila jaisten dio
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded Uneko irteerako talde saioa zifratutako gela batean baztertzera behartzen du
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms Zifratutako gelatan onartzen da soilik
command_description_emote Displays action Ekintza bistaratzen du
command_description_invite_user Invites user with given id to current room Id zehatz bat duen erabiltzailea oraingo gelara gonbidatzen du
command_description_join_room Joins room with given alias Gelara elkartzen da emandako ezizenarekin
command_description_kick_user Kicks user with given id Id zehatz bat duen erabiltzailea kanporatzen du
command_description_markdown On/Off markdown Markdown bai/ez
command_description_nick Changes your display nickname Zure pantaila-izena aldatzen du
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user Zehaztu erabiltzaile baten botere maila
command_description_part_room Leave room Atera gelatik
command_description_plain Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown Mezua test arrunt gisa bidaltzen du, markdown den aztertu gabe
command_description_poll Creates a simple poll Inkesta sinplea sortzen du
command_description_rainbow Sends the given message colored as a rainbow Emandako mezua ortzadarraren koloreekin bidaltzen du
command_description_rainbow_emote Sends the given emote colored as a rainbow Emandako emote-a ortzadarraren koloreekin bidaltzen du
command_description_shrug Prepends ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message Jarri ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ testu-soileko mezuaren aurretik
command_description_spoiler Sends the given message as a spoiler Emandako mezua izorraki gisa bidaltzen du
command_description_topic Set the room topic Ezarri gelaren mintzagaia
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id Kendu debekua id zehatz bat duen erabiltzaileari
command_description_verify Request to verify the given userID Eskatu emandako erabiltzaile IDa egiaztatzea
command_error Command error Komandoaren errorea
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect. "%s" komandoak parametro gehiago behar ditu, edo parametroren bat okerra da.
community_id Community Id Komunitatearen IDa
community_id_hint example adibidea
community_name Community name Komunitatearen izena
community_name_hint Example Adibidea


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English Basque
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String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 1662