The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


accounts list Screen image size selection
Send as
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password 无效的的用户名/密码
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised 无法识别指定的访问令牌
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON 异常的 JSON
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON 没有包含有效的 JSON
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent 发送了过多的请求
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used 此用户名已经被占用
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet 您还未点击电子邮件链接
e2e_need_log_in_again You need to log back in to generate end-to-end encryption keys for this session and submit the public key to your homeserver.
This is a once off.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
您需要重新登录才能为此设备生成端对端加密密钥,并将公钥提交给您的主服务器。 这只会发生一次。 请谅解由此造成的不便。
e2e_re_request_encryption_key Re-request encryption keys from your other sessions. 从其他设备上 <u>重新请求密钥</u>。
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_sent Key request sent. 已发送密钥共享请求。
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_dialog_title Request sent 已请求
e2e_re_request_encryption_key_dialog_content Please launch Riot on another device that can decrypt the message so it can send the keys to this session. 请在可解密此消息的设备上启动 Riot,以便其将密钥发送至当前设备。
read_receipts_list Read Receipts List 已读标签清单
groups_list Groups List 群组列表
membership_changes 1 membership change %d 位成员的状态发生了变化
compression_options Send as 发送为
compression_opt_list_original Original 原始
compression_opt_list_large Large
compression_opt_list_medium Medium
compression_opt_list_small Small
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? 取消下载?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? 取消上传?
attachment_remaining_time_seconds %d s %d 秒
attachment_remaining_time_minutes %1$dm %2$ds %1$d 分钟 %2$d 秒
yesterday Yesterday 昨天
today Today 今天
room_info_room_name Room name 聊天室名称
room_info_room_topic Room topic 聊天室主题
settings_call_category Calls 通话
settings_call_ringtone_use_riot_ringtone Use default Riot ringtone for incoming calls 为来电使用 Riot 的默认铃声
settings_call_ringtone_use_default_stun Allow fallback call assist server 允许后备呼叫协助服务器
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
command_description_invite_user Invites user with given id to current room 依照 ID 邀请用户进入当前聊天室
command_description_join_room Joins room with given alias 依照别名加入聊天室
command_description_kick_user Kicks user with given id 依照 ID 踢出用户
command_description_markdown On/Off markdown 打开/关闭 markdown
command_description_nick Changes your display nickname 更改您显示的昵称
command_description_op_user Define the power level of a user 设置用户的权限等级
command_description_part_room Leave room 离开聊天室
command_description_topic Set the room topic 设置聊天室主题
command_description_unban_user Unbans user with given id 依照 ID 解禁用户
command_error Command error 命令错误
command_problem_with_parameters The command "%s" needs more parameters, or some parameters are incorrect. 指令 %s 需要更多参数,或者有些参数不正确。
community_id Community Id 社区 ID
community_id_hint example 样例 ID
community_name Community name 社区名称
community_name_hint Example 样例名称
compression_options Send as 发送为
compression_opt_list_choose Choose 选择
compression_opt_list_large Large
compression_opt_list_medium Medium
compression_opt_list_original Original 原始
compression_opt_list_small Small
conference_call_warning_message Conference calling is in development and may not be reliable. 会议通话正在开发中,可能不可靠。
conference_call_warning_title Warning! 警告!
_continue Continue 继续
copied_to_clipboard Copied to clipboard 已复制到剪贴板
copy Copy 复制
create Create 创建
create_account Create Account 创建账号
create_community Create Community 创建社区
dark_theme Dark Theme 深色主题
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application 发送为


Send as
5 years ago
Send as
6 years ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar Smarre

Source string comment

We’ve translated this as ”Choose image size”. I think something like this could make sense for original text too.

3 years ago

Things to check

Trailing space

Source and translation do not both end with a space

Fix string



This string has more than one translation in this project or is not translated in some components.



There is 1 comment for this string.



English Chinese (Simplified)
send 发送 [Deprecated] Riot Android

Source information

Source string comment
accounts list Screen image size selection
String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 250