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Do not trust
Key English Latvian State
room_message_placeholder_encrypted Send an encrypted message… Sūtīt šifrētu ziņu…
room_message_placeholder_not_encrypted Send a message (unencrypted)… Sūtīt nešifrētu ziņu…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_encrypted Send an encrypted reply…
room_message_placeholder_reply_to_not_encrypted Send a reply (unencrypted)…
room_offline_notification Connectivity to the server has been lost. Savienojums ar serveri pārtrūcis.
room_unsent_messages_notification Messages not sent. %1$s or %2$s now? Ziņas nav nosūtītas. %1$s vai %2$s tagad?
room_unknown_devices_messages_notification Messages not sent due to unknown sessions being present. %1$s or %2$s now? Ziņas nav nosūtītas dēļ nezināmu ierīču klātbūtnes. %1$s vai %2$s tagad?
room_prompt_resend Resend all Nosūtīt visas atkārtoti
room_prompt_cancel Cancel all atcelt visas
room_resend_unsent_messages Resend unsent messages Nosūtīt nenosūtītās ziņas
room_delete_unsent_messages Delete unsent messages Dzēst nenosūtītās ziņas
room_message_file_not_found File not found Fails nav atrasts
room_do_not_have_permission_to_post You do not have permission to post to this room Tev nav tiesību rakstīt ziņas šajā istabā
room_new_messages_notification 1 new message %d jauna ziņa
ssl_trust Trust Uzticēties
ssl_do_not_trust Do not trust Neuzticēties
ssl_logout_account Logout Izrakstīties
ssl_remain_offline Ignore Ignorēt
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%s): Nospiedums (%s):
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. Neizdevās pārbaudīt attālinātā servera identitāti.
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server. Tas var nozīmēt, ka kāds ļaunprātīgi pārtver Tavu trafiku, vai ka Tava ierīce neuzticas sertifikātam, ar kuru apgādāts attālinātais serveris.
ssl_cert_new_account_expl If the server administrator has said that this is expected, ensure that the fingerprint below matches the fingerprint provided by them. Ja servera administrators ir teicis, ka tas ir gaidāms, pārliecinieties, ka zemāk redzamais nospiedums (fingerprint) sakrīt ar nospiedumu, kuru piestādījis administrators.
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate. Servera sertifikāts ir izmanījies un Tava ierīce tam tagad neuzticas. Tas ir ĻOTI NEPARASTI. Iesakām NEUZTICĒTIES šim jaunajam sertifikātam.
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint. Sertifikāts izmainījās no iepriekš uzticama uz neuzticamu. Iespējams, serveris ir aktualizējis savu sertifikātu. Sazinies ar servera administratoru, lai saņemtu sagaidāmo nospiedumu (fingerprint).
ssl_only_accept Only accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above. Akceptē sertifikātu TIKAI tad, kad servera administrators publicējis sertifikāta nospiedumu, kurš atbilst augstāk redzamajam.
room_details_title Room Details Istabas informācija
room_details_people People Cilvēki
room_details_files Files Faili
room_details_settings Settings Iestatījumi
room_details_selected 1 selected
malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain' Nekorekts ID. Izmantojiet epastu vai Matrix ID formā: '@localpart:domain'
Key English Latvian State
show_info_area_always Always
show_info_area_messages_and_errors For messages and errors
show_info_area_only_errors Only for errors
sign_out_bottom_sheet_backing_up_keys Backing up keys…
sign_out_bottom_sheet_dont_want_secure_messages I don’t want my encrypted messages
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backing_up Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backup_not_active Secure Key Backup should be active on all of your sessions to avoid losing access to your encrypted messages.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_no_backup You’ll lose your encrypted messages if you sign out now
sign_out_bottom_sheet_will_lose_secure_messages You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out.
skip Skip
small Small Mazs
speak Speak
ssl_cert_new_account_expl If the server administrator has said that this is expected, ensure that the fingerprint below matches the fingerprint provided by them. Ja servera administrators ir teicis, ka tas ir gaidāms, pārliecinieties, ka zemāk redzamais nospiedums (fingerprint) sakrīt ar nospiedumu, kuru piestādījis administrators.
ssl_cert_not_trust This could mean that someone is maliciously intercepting your traffic, or that your phone does not trust the certificate provided by the remote server. Tas var nozīmēt, ka kāds ļaunprātīgi pārtver Tavu trafiku, vai ka Tava ierīce neuzticas sertifikātam, ar kuru apgādāts attālinātais serveris.
ssl_could_not_verify Could not verify identity of remote server. Neizdevās pārbaudīt attālinātā servera identitāti.
ssl_do_not_trust Do not trust Neuzticēties
ssl_expected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from a previously trusted one to one that is not trusted. The server may have renewed its certificate. Contact the server administrator for the expected fingerprint. Sertifikāts izmainījās no iepriekš uzticama uz neuzticamu. Iespējams, serveris ir aktualizējis savu sertifikātu. Sazinies ar servera administratoru, lai saņemtu sagaidāmo nospiedumu (fingerprint).
ssl_fingerprint_hash Fingerprint (%s): Nospiedums (%s):
ssl_logout_account Logout Izrakstīties
ssl_only_accept Only accept the certificate if the server administrator has published a fingerprint that matches the one above. Akceptē sertifikātu TIKAI tad, kad servera administrators publicējis sertifikāta nospiedumu, kurš atbilst augstāk redzamajam.
ssl_remain_offline Ignore Ignorēt
ssl_trust Trust Uzticēties
ssl_unexpected_existing_expl The certificate has changed from one that was trusted by your phone. This is HIGHLY UNUSUAL. It is recommended that you DO NOT ACCEPT this new certificate. Servera sertifikāts ir izmanījies un Tava ierīce tam tagad neuzticas. Tas ir ĻOTI NEPARASTI. Iesakām NEUZTICĒTIES šim jaunajam sertifikātam.
start_new_chat Start New Chat Sākt jaunu čatu
start_new_chat_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a new chat with %s? Vai tiešām vēlies sākt jaunu čatu ar %s?
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_button_grant Grant permission
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_message Riot needs to keep a low impact background connection in order to have reliable notifications.
On the next screen you will be prompted to allow Riot to always run in background, please accept.
startup_notification_fdroid_battery_optim_title Background Connection
startup_notification_privacy_button_grant Grant permission
startup_notification_privacy_button_other Choose another option
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Do not trust
6 years ago
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English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 385