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medias picker string
Take a picture or a video
Key English Hebrew State
settings_call_ringtone_dialog_title Select ringtone for calls:
call Call
call_connected Call connected
call_connecting Call connecting…
call_ended Call ended
call_ring Calling…
incoming_call Incoming Call
incoming_video_call Incoming Video Call
incoming_voice_call Incoming Voice Call
call_in_progress Call In Progress…
video_call_in_progress Video Call In Progress…
call_error_user_not_responding The remote side failed to pick up.
call_error_ice_failed Media Connection Failed
call_error_camera_init_failed Cannot initialize the camera
call_error_answered_elsewhere call answered elsewhere
media_picker_both_capture_title Take a picture or a video
media_picker_cannot_record_video Cannot record video
permissions_rationale_popup_title Information
permissions_rationale_msg_storage Riot needs permission to access your photo and video library to send and save attachments.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to send files from your phone.
permissions_rationale_msg_camera Riot needs permission to access your camera to take pictures and video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to make the call.
permissions_rationale_msg_record_audio Riot needs permission to access your microphone to perform audio calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to make the call.
permissions_rationale_msg_camera_and_audio Riot needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
permissions_rationale_msg_contacts Riot can check your address book to find other Matrix users based on their email and phone numbers. If you agree to share your address book for this purpose, please allow access on the next pop-up.
permissions_msg_contacts_warning_other_androids Riot can check your address book to find other Matrix users based on their email and phone numbers.

Do you agree to share your address book for this purpose?
permissions_action_not_performed_missing_permissions Sorry. Action not performed, due to missing permissions
media_slider_saved Saved
media_slider_saved_message Save to downloads?
yes YES
no NO
Key English Hebrew State
login_error_registration_network_error Unable to register: Network error
login_error_ssl_handshake Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect
login_error_unable_login Unable to login
login_error_unable_register Unable to register
login_error_unable_register_mail_ownership Unable to register : email ownership failure
login_error_unknown_host This URL is not reachable, please check it
login_error_unknown_token The access token specified was not recognised
login_error_user_in_use This user name is already used
login_mobile_device Mobile
logout Sign out
low_priority_header Low priority
malformed_id Malformed ID. Should be an email address or a Matrix ID like '@localpart:domain'
markdown_has_been_disabled Markdown has been disabled.
markdown_has_been_enabled Markdown has been enabled.
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only
media_picker_both_capture_title Take a picture or a video
media_picker_cannot_record_video Cannot record video
media_saving_period_1_month 1 month
media_saving_period_1_week 1 week
media_saving_period_3_days 3 days
media_saving_period_forever Forever
media_slider_saved Saved
media_slider_saved_message Save to downloads?
media_source_choose Choose
membership_changes 1 membership change
merged_events_collapse collapse
merged_events_expand expand
missing_permissions_error Due to missing permissions, this action is not possible.
missing_permissions_title_to_start_conf_call Cannot start call
missing_permissions_to_start_conf_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room


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English Hebrew
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Source information

Source string comment
medias picker string
String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-he/strings.xml, string 283