The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Local address book
Key English Basque State
dialog_title_error Error Errorea
bottom_action_home Home Hasiera
bottom_action_favourites Favourites Gogokoak
bottom_action_people People Jendea
bottom_action_rooms Rooms Gelak
bottom_action_groups Communities Komunitateak
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Iragazi gelen izenak
home_filter_placeholder_favorites Filter favourites Iragazi gogokoak
home_filter_placeholder_people Filter people Iragazi jendea
home_filter_placeholder_rooms Filter room names Iragazi gelen izenak
home_filter_placeholder_groups Filter community names Iragazi komunitateen izenak
invitations_header Invites Gonbidapenak
low_priority_header Low priority Lehentasun baxua
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistemaren alertak
direct_chats_header Conversations Elkarrizketak
local_address_book_header Local address book Gailuko helbide liburua
user_directory_header User directory Erabiltzaile direktorioa
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Matrixeko kontaktuak besterik ez
no_conversation_placeholder No conversations Elkarrizketarik ez
no_contact_access_placeholder You didn’t allow Riot to access your local contacts Ez diozu baimena eman Riot aplikazioari zure gailuko kontaktuak atzitzeko
no_result_placeholder No results Emaitzarik ez
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured. Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu.
rooms_header Rooms Gelak
rooms_directory_header Room directory Gelen direktorioa
no_room_placeholder No rooms Gelarik ez
no_public_room_placeholder No public rooms available Ez dago gela publikorik eskuragarri
public_room_nb_users 1 user Erabiltzaile 1
groups_invite_header Invite Gonbidatu
groups_header Communities Komunitateak
no_group_placeholder No groups Talderik ez
send_bug_report_include_logs Send logs Bidali egunkariak
Key English Basque State
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_recovery_file Share Partekatu
keys_backup_setup_step3_success_title Success ! Ongi!
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line1 Your keys are being backed up. Zure gakoen babes-kopia egiten ari da.
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2 Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.
Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)
Zure berreskuratze gakoa badaezpadakoa da, pasaesaldia ahazten baduzu zure zifratutako mezuak berreskuratzeko gakoa erabili dezakezu.
Gorde zure berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguruan, pasahitz kudeatzaile batean esaterako (edo gordailu kutxan)
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2_no_passphrase Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe) Gorde zure berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguruan, esaterako pasahitz kudeatzaile batean (edo gordailu kutxan)
keys_backup_unlock_button Unlock History Desblokeatu historiala
key_share_request Key Share Request Gakoa partekatzeko eskaria
large Large Handia
larger Larger Oso handia
largest Largest Handiena
later Later Geroago
leave Leave Atera
light_theme Light Theme Azal argia
list_members List members Zerrendatu kideak
loading Loading… Kargatzen…
local_address_book_header Local address book Gailuko helbide liburua
lock_screen_hint Type here… Idatzi hemen…
login Log in Hasi saioa
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Gaizki osatutako JSON
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Erabiltzaile-izen / pasahitz baliogabea
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Ezin izan da hasiera-zerbitzari bat atzitu URL honetan, egiaztatu ezazu
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Sartu baliozko URL bat
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Oraindik erabili ez den e-maileko esteka
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
login_error_network_error Unable to login: Network error Ezin izan da saioa hasi: Sare errorea
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address Hau ez da baliozko Matrix zerbitzari helbide bat
login_error_not_json Did not contain valid JSON Ez zuen baliozko JSON-ik
login_error_registration_network_error Unable to register: Network error Ezin izan da erregistratu: Sare errorea
login_error_ssl_handshake Your device is using an outdated TLS security protocol, vulnerable to attack, for your security you will not be able to connect Zure gailuak zaharkitutako TLS segurtasun protokolo bat darabil, erasotu daitekeena, zure segurtasunerako ezin izango zara konektatu
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Local address book
Gailuarenko helbide liburua
7 years ago
Local address book
TokikoGailuaren helbide liburua
7 years ago
Local address book
Tokiko helbide liburua
7 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 116