The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


System Alerts
Key English Basque State
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Berrespena
dialog_title_warning Warning Abisua
dialog_title_error Error Errorea
bottom_action_home Home Hasiera
bottom_action_favourites Favourites Gogokoak
bottom_action_people People Jendea
bottom_action_rooms Rooms Gelak
bottom_action_groups Communities Komunitateak
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Iragazi gelen izenak
home_filter_placeholder_favorites Filter favourites Iragazi gogokoak
home_filter_placeholder_people Filter people Iragazi jendea
home_filter_placeholder_rooms Filter room names Iragazi gelen izenak
home_filter_placeholder_groups Filter community names Iragazi komunitateen izenak
invitations_header Invites Gonbidapenak
low_priority_header Low priority Lehentasun baxua
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistemaren alertak
direct_chats_header Conversations Elkarrizketak
local_address_book_header Local address book Gailuko helbide liburua
user_directory_header User directory Erabiltzaile direktorioa
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Matrixeko kontaktuak besterik ez
no_conversation_placeholder No conversations Elkarrizketarik ez
no_contact_access_placeholder You didn’t allow Riot to access your local contacts Ez diozu baimena eman Riot aplikazioari zure gailuko kontaktuak atzitzeko
no_result_placeholder No results Emaitzarik ez
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured. Ez da identitate-zerbitzaririk konfiguratu.
rooms_header Rooms Gelak
rooms_directory_header Room directory Gelen direktorioa
no_room_placeholder No rooms Gelarik ez
no_public_room_placeholder No public rooms available Ez dago gela publikorik eskuragarri
public_room_nb_users 1 user Erabiltzaile 1
groups_invite_header Invite Gonbidatu
groups_header Communities Komunitateak
Key English Basque State
startup_notification_privacy_button_other Choose another option Aukeratu beste zerbait
startup_notification_privacy_message Riot can run in the background to manage your notifications securely and privately. This might affect battery usage. Riot bigarren planoan aritu daiteke zure jakinarazpenak modu seguru eta pribatuan kudeatzeko. Honek baterian eragina izan lezake.
startup_notification_privacy_title Notification Privacy Jakinarazpenen pribatutasuna
start_verification Start verification Hasi egiaztaketa
start_verification_short_label Verify Egiaztatu
start_video_call Start Video Call Hasi bideo deia
start_video_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a video call? Ziur bideo-dei bat hasi nahi duzula?
start_voice_call Start Voice Call Hasi ahots deia
start_voice_call_prompt_msg Are you sure that you want to start a voice call? Ziur ahots-dei bat hasi nahi duzula?
status_theme Theme azala
stay Stay Geratu
store_full_description A chat app, under your control and entirely flexible. Riot lets you communicate the way you want. Made for [matrix] - the standard for open, decentralised communication.

Get a free account, get your own server at, or use another Matrix server.

Why choose

• COMPLETE COMMUNICATION: Build rooms around your teams, your friends, your community - however you like! Chat, share files, add widgets and make voice and video calls - all free of charge.

• POWERFUL INTEGRATIONS: Use with the tools you know and love. With you can even chat with users and groups on other chat apps.

• PRIVATE AND SECURE: Keep your conversations secret. State of the art end-to-end encryption ensures that private communication stays private.

• OPEN, NOT CLOSED: Open source, and built on Matrix. Own your own data by hosting your own server, or selecting one you trust.

• EVERYWHERE YOU ARE: Stay in touch wherever you are with fully synchronised message history across all your devices and online at
Txaterako aplikazio bat, zure kontrolpean eta erabat malgua. Riot-ek zuk nahi duzun eran komunikatzea ahalbidetzen dizu. [matrix] erabiltzeko egina, komunikaziorako estandar ireki eta deszentralizatua.

Eskuratu kontu bat doan, ezarri zure zerbitzari propioa bidez, edo erabili beste Matrix zerbitzari bat.

Zergatik erabili

* KOMUNIKAZIO OSOA: Sortu gelak zure lantalde, adiskide, edo komunitateentzat, zuk nahi bezalakoak! Txateatu, partekatu fitxategiak, gehitu trepetak eta egin ahots eta bideo deiak, den dena doan.

* INTEGRAZIO AHALTSUAK: Erabili jada ezagutu eta maite dituzun tresnekin. erabiliz beste txat aplikazioetako erabiltzaileekin ere aritu zaitezke.

* PRIBATUA ETA SEGURUA: Mantendu zure elkarrizketak sekretupean. Muturretik muturrerako zifratzeak pribatua den hori pribatu izaten jarraituko duela bermatzen du.

* IREKIA, EZ ITXIA; Kode irekikoa, eta Matrix sarearen gainean eraikia. Izan zure datuen jabe zure zerbitzaria ostatatuz, edo zuretzat fidagarria den bat aukeratuz.

* ZUREKIN EDONON: Mantendu kontaktua zure gailuetan zehar guztiz sinkronizatutako mezuen historial batekin, eta web bidez helbidean.
store_short_description A universal secure chat app entirely under your control. Txat seguru eta unibertsala zure kontrolpean erabat.
store_title - Communicate, your way - Komunikatu, zure erara
store_whats_new We’re always making changes and improvements to The complete changelog can be found here: %1$s. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, just keep your updates turned on. Etengabe egiten dizkiogu hobekuntzak eta aldaketak aplikazioari. Aldaketen zerrenda osoa hemen aurkitu daiteke: %1$s. Ezer galtzen ez duzula ziurtatzeko, mantendu eguneraketak piztuta.
system_alerts_header System Alerts Sistemaren alertak
tab_title_search_files FILES FITXATEGIAK
tab_title_search_messages MESSAGES MEZUAK
tab_title_search_people PEOPLE JENDEA
tab_title_search_rooms ROOMS GELAK
terms_description_for_identity_server Be discoverable by others Izan besteentzat aurkigarria
terms_description_for_integration_manager Use Bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs Erabili botak, zubiak, trepetak eta eranskailu multzoak
terms_of_service Terms of Service Erabilera baldintzak
tiny Tiny Oso txikia
title_activity_bug_report Bug report Arazte-txostena
title_activity_choose_sticker Send a sticker Bidali eranskailu bat
title_activity_group_details Community details Komunitatearen xehetasunak
title_activity_historical Historical Historiala
title_activity_home Messages Mezuak
title_activity_keys_backup_restore Use Key Backup Erabili gakoen babes-kopia
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


System Alerts
Sistemakoren alertak
6 years ago
System Alerts
Sistemako alertak
6 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 114