The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


No identity server configured.
Key English Latvian State
home_filter_placeholder_home Filter room names Meklēt istabas
home_filter_placeholder_favorites Filter favourites Meklēt favorītus
home_filter_placeholder_people Filter people Meklēt cilvēkus
home_filter_placeholder_rooms Filter room names Meklēt istabas
home_filter_placeholder_groups Filter community names Meklēt kopienas
invitations_header Invites Uzaicinājumi
low_priority_header Low priority Zema prioritāte
system_alerts_header System Alerts
direct_chats_header Conversations Sarunas
local_address_book_header Local address book Vietējā adrešu grāmata
user_directory_header User directory Lietotāju katalogs
matrix_only_filter Matrix contacts only Vienīgi Matrix kontakti
no_conversation_placeholder No conversations Nav sarunu
no_contact_access_placeholder You didn’t allow Riot to access your local contacts Tu neesi atļāvis/usi Riot piekļūt taviem vietējiem kontaktiem
no_result_placeholder No results Nav rezultātu
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured.
rooms_header Rooms Istabas
rooms_directory_header Room directory Istabu katalogs
no_room_placeholder No rooms Nav istabu
no_public_room_placeholder No public rooms available Nav pieejamu publisko istabu
public_room_nb_users 1 user %d lietotājs
groups_invite_header Invite Uzaicināt
groups_header Communities Kopienas
no_group_placeholder No groups nav kopienu
send_bug_report_include_logs Send logs Nosūtīt logfailus
send_bug_report_include_crash_logs Send crash logs Nosūtīt sistēmas avārijas logfailus
send_bug_report_include_screenshot Send screenshot Nosūtīt ekrānattēlu
send_bug_report Report bug Kļūdu paziņojumi
send_bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? Lūdzu apraksti kļūdu. Kāda darbība tika veikta? Kāds bija gaidāmais rezultāts? Kas tieši notika?
send_bug_report_description_in_english If possible, please write the description in English.
send_bug_report_placeholder Describe your problem here Šeit apraksti problēmu
Key English Latvian State
open_settings Open Settings
option_send_files Send files Sūtīt failus
option_send_sticker Send sticker
option_send_voice Send voice
option_take_photo Take photo Uzņemt foto
option_take_photo_video Take photo or video Uzņemt foto vai video
option_take_video Take video Uzņemt video
or or vai
passphrase_confirm_passphrase Confirm passphrase Apstiprināt paroli
passphrase_create_passphrase Create passphrase
passphrase_empty_error_message Please enter a passphrase
passphrase_enter_passphrase Enter passphrase Ievadi paroli (paroles frāzi)
passphrase_passphrase_does_not_match Passphrase doesn’t match
passphrase_passphrase_too_weak Passphrase is too weak
passwords_do_not_match Passwords do not match
people_no_identity_server No identity server configured.
people_search_filter_text Matrix users only TIkai Matrix lietotāji
people_search_invite_by_id <u>Invite by ID</u> <u>Uzaicināt pēc ID</u>
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_description Please enter one or more email address or Matrix ID Lūdzu ievadi vienu vai vairākas epasta adreses vai Matrix ID
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_hint Email or Matrix ID Epasts vai Matrix ID
people_search_invite_by_id_dialog_title Invite user by ID Uzaicināt dalībnieku pēc ID
people_search_local_contacts LOCAL CONTACTS (%d) LOKĀLIE KONTAKTI (%d)
people_search_user_directory USER DIRECTORY (%s) LIETOTĀJU KATALOGS (%s)
permalink Permalink Iekšējā saite
permissions_action_not_performed_missing_permissions Sorry. Action not performed, due to missing permissions Atvaino… Darbība nav veikta dēļ nepietiekamām piekļuves atļaujām
permissions_msg_contacts_warning_other_androids Riot can check your address book to find other Matrix users based on their email and phone numbers.

Do you agree to share your address book for this purpose?
Riot-am nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt kontaktiem, lai varētu atrast citus lietotājus tīklā pēc to epasta adreses vai tālruņa #. Vai dot Riotam piekļuvi kontaktiem?
permissions_rationale_msg_camera Riot needs permission to access your camera to take pictures and video calls. Riot-am nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt kamerai, lai uzņemtu foto un nodrošinātu video zvanus.
permissions_rationale_msg_camera_and_audio Riot needs permission to access your camera and your microphone to perform video calls.

Please allow access on the next pop-ups to be able to make the call.
Riot-am nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt kamerai un mikrofonam, lai veiktu videozvanus. Lūdzu dod piekļuves atļauju nākamajā uznirstošajā logā, lai būtu iespēja veikt zvanus.

Please allow access on the next pop-up to be able to make the call.
Lūdzu dot piekļuves atļauju nākamajā uznirstošajā logā, lai būtu iespēja veikt zvanus.
permissions_rationale_msg_contacts Riot can check your address book to find other Matrix users based on their email and phone numbers. If you agree to share your address book for this purpose, please allow access on the next pop-up. Riot-am nepieciešama atļauja piekļūt kontaktiem, lai varētu atrast citus lietotājus tīklā pēc to epasta adreses vai tālruņa #. Lūdzu dod piekļuves atļauju nākamajā uznirstošajā logā, lai būtu iespēja atrast Tavus kontaktus, kuri ir sasniedzami Riotā.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Not translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Not translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


No matching activity found.

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English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-lv/strings.xml, string 122