[%1$s] This error is out of control of Riot. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
[%1$s] Errore hau Riot-en kontroletik kanpo dago. Hainbat arrazoiengatik gerta daiteke eta geroago berriro saiatzen bazara agian badabil,egiaztatu ere Google Play Service-ek ez duela datuen erabilera mugatua sistemaren ezarpenetan, edo zure gailuaren ordua ondo ezarrita dagoela, ROM pertsonalizatuekin gertatu daiteke ere.
This error is out of control of Riot. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
Errore hau Riot-en kontroletik kanpo dago. Hainbat arrazoiengatik gerta daiteke eta geroago berriro saiatzen bazara agian badabil, egiaztatu ere Google Play Service-ek ez duela datuen erabilera mugatua sistemaren ezarpenetan, edo zure gailuaren ordua ondo ezarrita dagoela, ROM pertsonalizatuekin gertatu daiteke ere.