[%1$s] This error is out of control of Riot and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
[%1$s] Errore hau Riot-en kontroletik kanpo dago eta Google-en arabera, errore honek esan nahi du gailuko aplikazio gehiegik erabiltzen dutela FCM. Errore hau ezohiko aplikazio kopuru bat dagoenean gertatzen da, ez lioke erabiltzaile arrunt bati eragingo.
This error is out of control of Riot and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
Errore hau Riot-en kontroletik kanpo dago eta Google-en arabera, errore honek esan nahi du gailuko aplikazio gehiegik erabiltzen dutela FCM. Errore hau ezohiko aplikazio kopuru bat dagoenean gertatzen da, ez lioke erabiltzaile arrunt bati eragingo.