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Active call
Key English Basque State
download Download Deskargatu
share Share Partekatu
speak Speak Hitz egin
clear Clear Garbitu
later Later Geroago
forward Forward Birbidali
permalink Permalink Esteka iraunkorra
view_source View Source Ikusi iturburua
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Ikusi deszifratutako iturburua
delete Delete Ezabatu
rename Rename Aldatu izena
none None Bat ere ez
revoke Revoke Indargabetu
disconnect Disconnect Deskonektatu
report_content Report content Salatu edukia
active_call Active call Dei aktiboa
ongoing_conference_call Ongoing conference call.
Join as %1$s or %2$s
Konferentzia deia abian.
Elkartu %1$s edo %2$s gisa
ongoing_conference_call_voice Voice Ahotsa
ongoing_conference_call_video Video Bideoa
cannot_start_call Cannot start the call, please try later Ezin da deia hasi, saiatu geroago
missing_permissions_warning Due to missing permissions, some features may be missing… Baimenak falta direnez, ezaugarri batzuk falta daitezke…
missing_permissions_error Due to missing permissions, this action is not possible. Baimenak falta direnez, ekintza hau ezinezkoa da.
missing_permissions_to_start_conf_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Gonbidatzeko baimena behar duzu gela honetan konferentzia bat hasteko
missing_permissions_title_to_start_conf_call Cannot start call Ezin da deia hasi
device_information Session information Saioaren informazioa
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms Konferentzia deiak ez daude onartuta zifratutako geletan
call_anyway Call Anyway Deitu hala ere
send_anyway Send Anyway Bidali hala ere
or or edo
invite Invite Gonbidatu
offline Offline Deskonektatuta
Key English Basque State
account_phone_number_already_used_error This phone number is already in use. Telefono zenbaki hau erabilita dago jada.
account_phone_number_error An error occurred while verifying your phone number. Errore bat gertatu da zure telefono zenbakia egiaztatzean.
action_close Close Itxi
action_exit Exit Irten
action_global_search Global search Bilaketa globala
action_historical Historical Historiala
action_mark_all_as_read Mark all as read Markatu irakurrita gisa
action_mark_room_read Mark as read Markatu irakurritako gisa
action_open Open Ireki
action_quick_reply Quick reply Erantzun azkarra
actions Actions Ekintzak
action_sign_out Sign out Amaitu saioa
action_sign_out_confirmation_simple Are you sure you want to sign out? Ziur saioa amaitu nahi duzula?
action_video_call Video Call Bideo deia
action_voice_call Voice Call Ahots deia
active_call Active call Dei aktiboa
active_widgets 1 active widget Trepeta aktibo bat
add_identity_server Configure identity server Konfiguratu identitate-zerbitzaria
are_you_sure Are you sure? Ziur al zaude?
attachment_cancel_download Cancel the download? Utzi deskarga?
attachment_cancel_upload Cancel the upload? Utzi deskarga?
attachment_remaining_time_minutes %1$dm %2$ds %1$dm %2$ds
attachment_remaining_time_seconds %d s %d s
auth_accept_policies Please review and accept the policies of this homeserver: Irakurri eta onartu hasiera-zerbitzari honen baldintzak:
auth_add_email_and_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Ezarri E-mail bat kontua berreskuratzeko. Erabili geroo aukeran e-maila edo telefonoa zure ezagunek aurkitu zaitzaten.
auth_add_email_message_2 Set an email for account recovery, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Ezarri E-mail bat kontua berreskuratzeko, eta gero aukeran zure ezagunek aurkitu zaitzaten.
auth_add_email_phone_message_2 Set an email for account recovery. Use later email or phone to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Ezarri E-mail bat kontua berreskuratzeko. Erabili geroo aukeran e-maila edo telefonoa zure ezagunek aurkitu zaitzaten.
auth_add_phone_message_2 Set a phone, and later to be optionally discoverable by people who know you. Ezarri telefono bat gero aukeran zure ezagunek aurkitu zaitzaten.
auth_email_already_defined This email address is already defined. E-mail helbide hau zehaztuta dago aurretik.
auth_email_placeholder Email address E-mail helbidea
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Active call
Dei aktiboa
7 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 61