The translation is temporarily closed for contributions due to maintenance, please come back later.


Key English Basque State
copy Copy Kopiatu
resend Resend Birbidali
redact Remove Kendu
quote Quote Aipua
download Download Deskargatu
share Share Partekatu
speak Speak Hitz egin
clear Clear Garbitu
later Later Geroago
forward Forward Birbidali
permalink Permalink Esteka iraunkorra
view_source View Source Ikusi iturburua
view_decrypted_source View Decrypted Source Ikusi deszifratutako iturburua
delete Delete Ezabatu
rename Rename Aldatu izena
none None Bat ere ez
revoke Revoke Indargabetu
disconnect Disconnect Deskonektatu
report_content Report content Salatu edukia
active_call Active call Dei aktiboa
ongoing_conference_call Ongoing conference call.
Join as %1$s or %2$s
Konferentzia deia abian.
Elkartu %1$s edo %2$s gisa
ongoing_conference_call_voice Voice Ahotsa
ongoing_conference_call_video Video Bideoa
cannot_start_call Cannot start the call, please try later Ezin da deia hasi, saiatu geroago
missing_permissions_warning Due to missing permissions, some features may be missing… Baimenak falta direnez, ezaugarri batzuk falta daitezke…
missing_permissions_error Due to missing permissions, this action is not possible. Baimenak falta direnez, ekintza hau ezinezkoa da.
missing_permissions_to_start_conf_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Gonbidatzeko baimena behar duzu gela honetan konferentzia bat hasteko
missing_permissions_title_to_start_conf_call Cannot start call Ezin da deia hasi
device_information Session information Saioaren informazioa
room_no_conference_call_in_encrypted_rooms Conference calls are not supported in encrypted rooms Konferentzia deiak ez daude onartuta zifratutako geletan
call_anyway Call Anyway Deitu hala ere
Key English Basque State
membership_changes 1 membership change Kidetza aldaketa bat
merged_events_collapse collapse tolestu
merged_events_expand expand hedatu
missing_permissions_error Due to missing permissions, this action is not possible. Baimenak falta direnez, ekintza hau ezinezkoa da.
missing_permissions_title_to_start_conf_call Cannot start call Ezin da deia hasi
missing_permissions_to_start_conf_call You need permission to invite to start a conference in this room Gonbidatzeko baimena behar duzu gela honetan konferentzia bat hasteko
missing_permissions_warning Due to missing permissions, some features may be missing… Baimenak falta direnez, ezaugarri batzuk falta daitezke…
network_error_please_check_and_retry Network error: please check your connection and retry. Sare errorea: Egiaztatu konexioa eta saiatu berriro.
new_recovery_method_popup_description A new secure message key backup has been detected.

If you didn’t set the new recovery method, an attacker may be trying to access your account. Change your account password and set a new recovery method immediately in Settings.
Zifratutako mezuen gako babes-kopia berri bat antzeman da.

Ez baduzu zuk berreskuratze metodo berri bat ezarri, erasotzaile batek zure kontua atzitzeko saiakerak egiten egon daiteke. Aldatu zure kontuaren pasahitza eta ezarri berreskuratze metodo berri bat berehala ezarpenetan.
new_recovery_method_popup_title New Key Backup Gakoen babes-kopia berria
new_recovery_method_popup_was_me It was me Ni izan naiz
no NO EZ
no_contact_access_placeholder You didn’t allow Riot to access your local contacts Ez diozu baimena eman Riot aplikazioari zure gailuko kontaktuak atzitzeko
no_conversation_placeholder No conversations Elkarrizketarik ez
no_group_placeholder No groups Talderik ez
none None Bat ere ez
no_public_room_placeholder No public rooms available Ez dago gela publikorik eskuragarri
no_result_placeholder No results Emaitzarik ez
normal Normal Arrunta
no_room_placeholder No rooms Gelarik ez
no_sticker_application_dialog_content You don’t currently have any stickerpacks enabled.

Add some now?
Ez duzu eranskailu multzorik aktibatuta. Baten bat gehitu orain?
notice_avatar Notice avatar Jakinarazpen abatarra
notification_compat_summary_line_for_room %1$s: 1 message %1$s: mezu 1
notification_compat_summary_title %d notification jakinarazpen %d
notification_inline_reply_failed ** Failed to send - please open room ** Bidalketak huts egin du, ireki gela
notification_listening_for_events Listening for events Entzun gertaerak
notification_new_invitation New Invitation Gonbidapen berria
notification_new_messages New Messages Mezu berriak
notification_noisy Noisy Zaratatsua
notification_noisy_notifications Noisy notifications Jakinarazpen zaratatsuak
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Bat ere ez
5 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 57