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Key English Basque State
title_activity_verify_device Verify session Egiaztatu saioa
keys_backup_is_not_finished_please_wait Keys backup is not finished, please wait… Gakoen babes-kopia ez da amaitu, itxaron mesedez…
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_no_backup You’ll lose your encrypted messages if you sign out now Zifratutako mezuak galduko dituzu saioa orain amaitzen baduzu
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backing_up Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Gakoen babes-kopia abian. Saioa orain amaitzen baduzu zure zifratutako mezuak atzitzeko aukera galduko duzu.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backup_not_active Secure Key Backup should be active on all of your sessions to avoid losing access to your encrypted messages. Gakoen babes-kopia segurua zure saio guztietan aktibatu beharko litzateke zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea ez galtzeko.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_dont_want_secure_messages I don’t want my encrypted messages Ez ditut nire zifratutako mezuak nahi
sign_out_bottom_sheet_backing_up_keys Backing up keys… Gakoen babes-kopia egiten…
keys_backup_activate Use Key Backup Erabili gakoen babes-kopia
are_you_sure Are you sure? Ziur al zaude?
backup Back up Babes-kopia
sign_out_bottom_sheet_will_lose_secure_messages You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Zure mezu zifratuetara sarbidea galduko duzu ez baduzu gakoen babes-kopia egiten saioa amaitu aurretik.
dialog_title_third_party_licences Third party licences Hirugarrengoen lizentziak
loading Loading… Kargatzen…
ok OK Ados
cancel Cancel Utzi
save Save Gorde
leave Leave Atera
stay Stay Geratu
send Send Bidali
copy Copy Kopiatu
resend Resend Birbidali
redact Remove Kendu
quote Quote Aipua
download Download Deskargatu
share Share Partekatu
speak Speak Hitz egin
clear Clear Garbitu
later Later Geroago
forward Forward Birbidali
permalink Permalink Esteka iraunkorra
view_source View Source Ikusi iturburua
Key English Basque State
sas_incoming_request_notif_title Verification Request Egiaztaketa eskaria
sas_incoming_request_title Incoming Verification Request Jasotako egiaztaketa eskaria
sas_incoming_verification_request_dialog You received an incoming verification request. Egiaztaketa eskari bat jaso duzu.
sas_legacy_verification_button_title Use legacy verification. Erabili egiaztaketa metodo zaharra.
sas_security_advise For maximum security, we recommend you do this in person or use another trusted means of communication. Segurtasun gehiagorako, hau aurrez aurre edo komunikatzeko beste bide fidagarri bat erabiliz egitea aholkatzen dizugu.
sas_verification_request_notification_channel Interactive Session Verification Saio-egiaztaketa interaktiboa
sas_verification_request_notification_channel_title Key Verification Gako-egiaztaketa
sas_verified Verified! Egiaztatuta!
sas_verified_successful You've successfully verified this session. Ongi egiaztatu duzu saio hau.
sas_verified_successful_description Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties. Kide honekin partekatutako mezu seguruak muturretik muturrera zifratuta daude eta ezin ditu beste inork irakurri.
sas_verifying_keys Nothing appearing? Not all clients supports interactive verification yet. Use legacy verification. Ez da ezer agertzen? Bezero guztiek ez dute onartzen egiaztaketa interaktiboa oraindik. Erabili egiaztaketa metodo zaharra.
sas_verify_start_button_title Begin Verifying Hasi egiaztaketa
sas_verify_title Verify by comparing a short text string. Egiaztatu testu kate labur bat alderatuz.
sas_view_request_action View request Ikusi eskaria
sas_waiting_for_partner Waiting for partner to confirm… Kideak baieztatu bitartean zain…
save Save Gorde
search Search Bilatu
search_hint Search Bilatu
search_members_hint Filter room members Iragazi gelako kideak
search_no_results No results Emaitzarik ez
security_warning_identity_server Previous versions of Riot had a security bug which could give your Identity Server (%1$s) access to your account. If you trust %2$s, you can ignore this; otherwise please logout and login again.

Read more details here:
Riot bertsio zaharrek segurtasun akats bat zuten eta zure identitate zerbitzariak (%1$s) zure kontua atzitu zezakeen. %2$s fidagarritzat jotzen baduzu hau ezikusi dezakezu, bestela maiatu saioa eta hasi berriro.

Xehetasun gehiago hemen:
select_room_directory Select a room directory Hautatu gela direktorio bat
send Send Bidali
send_anyway Send Anyway Bidali hala ere
send_bug_report Report bug Eman akats baten berri
send_bug_report_alert_message You seem to be shaking the phone in frustration. Would you like to open the bug report screen? Telefonoa amorruz astintzen zabiltzala dirudi. Arazte-txostena ireki nahi duzu?
send_bug_report_app_crashed The application has crashed last time. Would you like to open the crash report screen? Aurrekoan aplikazioa kraskatu da. Kraskatze-txostena ireki nahi duzu?
send_bug_report_description Please describe the bug. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What actually happened? Azaldu akatsa. Zer egin duzu? Zer espero zenuen? Zer gertatu da benetan?
send_bug_report_description_in_english If possible, please write the description in English. Ahal dela idatzi deskripzioa ingelesez.
send_bug_report_failed The bug report failed to be sent (%s) Huts egin du arazte-txostenaren bidalketak (%s)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


7 years ago
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English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 38