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Third party licences
Key English Basque State
title_activity_group_details Community details Komunitatearen xehetasunak
title_activity_choose_sticker Send a sticker Bidali eranskailu bat
title_activity_keys_backup_setup Key Backup Gakoen babes-kopia
title_activity_keys_backup_restore Use Key Backup Erabili gakoen babes-kopia
title_activity_verify_device Verify session Egiaztatu saioa
keys_backup_is_not_finished_please_wait Keys backup is not finished, please wait… Gakoen babes-kopia ez da amaitu, itxaron mesedez…
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_no_backup You’ll lose your encrypted messages if you sign out now Zifratutako mezuak galduko dituzu saioa orain amaitzen baduzu
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backing_up Key backup in progress. If you sign out now you’ll lose access to your encrypted messages. Gakoen babes-kopia abian. Saioa orain amaitzen baduzu zure zifratutako mezuak atzitzeko aukera galduko duzu.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_warning_backup_not_active Secure Key Backup should be active on all of your sessions to avoid losing access to your encrypted messages. Gakoen babes-kopia segurua zure saio guztietan aktibatu beharko litzateke zifratutako mezuetara sarbidea ez galtzeko.
sign_out_bottom_sheet_dont_want_secure_messages I don’t want my encrypted messages Ez ditut nire zifratutako mezuak nahi
sign_out_bottom_sheet_backing_up_keys Backing up keys… Gakoen babes-kopia egiten…
keys_backup_activate Use Key Backup Erabili gakoen babes-kopia
are_you_sure Are you sure? Ziur al zaude?
backup Back up Babes-kopia
sign_out_bottom_sheet_will_lose_secure_messages You’ll lose access to your encrypted messages unless you back up your keys before signing out. Zure mezu zifratuetara sarbidea galduko duzu ez baduzu gakoen babes-kopia egiten saioa amaitu aurretik.
dialog_title_third_party_licences Third party licences Hirugarrengoen lizentziak
loading Loading… Kargatzen…
ok OK Ados
cancel Cancel Utzi
save Save Gorde
leave Leave Atera
stay Stay Geratu
send Send Bidali
copy Copy Kopiatu
resend Resend Birbidali
redact Remove Kendu
quote Quote Aipua
download Download Deskargatu
share Share Partekatu
speak Speak Hitz egin
clear Clear Garbitu
Key English Basque State
delete Delete Ezabatu
device_information Session information Saioaren informazioa
device_name_warning A session's public name is visible to people you communicate with Saio baten izen publikoa zurekin komunikatzen den jendeak ikusi dezake
devices_delete_dialog_text This operation requires additional authentication.
To continue, please enter your password.
Eragiketa honek autentifikazio gehigarria behar du. Jarraitzeko, idatzi zure pasahitza.
devices_delete_dialog_title Authentication Autentifikazioa
devices_delete_pswd Password: Pasahitza:
devices_delete_submit_button_label Submit Bidali
devices_details_device_name Update Public Name Aldatu izen publikoa
devices_details_dialog_title Session information Saioaren informazioa
devices_details_id_title ID ID
devices_details_last_seen_format %1$s @ %2$s %1$s @ %2$s
devices_details_last_seen_title Last seen Azkenekoz ikusia
devices_details_name_title Public Name Izen publikoa
dialog_title_confirmation Confirmation Berrespena
dialog_title_error Error Errorea
dialog_title_third_party_licences Third party licences Hirugarrengoen lizentziak
dialog_title_warning Warning Abisua
dialog_user_consent_content To continue using the %1$s homeserver you must review and agree to the terms and conditions. %1$s hasiera-zerbitzaria erabiltzen jarraitzeko erabilera baldintzak irakurri eta onartu behar dituzu.
dialog_user_consent_submit Review now Berrikusi orain
direct_chats_header Conversations Elkarrizketak
directory_searching_title Searching directory… Direktorioa bilatzen…
directory_search_results_title Browse directory Arakatu direktorioa
directory_search_rooms 1 room Gela bat
directory_search_rooms_for %1$s room found for %2$s Gela %1$s aurkitu da %2$s bilatuz
directory_server_all_rooms_on_server All rooms on %s server %s zerbitzariko gela guztiak
directory_server_fail_to_retrieve_server The server may be unavailable or overloaded Zerbitzaria ez dago eskuragarri edo gainezka egin du
directory_server_native_rooms All native %s rooms %s gela natibo guztiak
directory_server_placeholder Homeserver URL Hasiera zerbitzariaren URLa
directory_server_type_homeserver Type a homeserver to list public rooms from Idatzi hasiera zerbitzari bat honen gela publikoak zerrendatzeko
directory_title Directory Direktorioa
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Third party licences
Hirugarrengoen lizentziak
6 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Basque
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
6 years ago
Source string age
6 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 34