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Light Theme
Key English Basque State
keys_backup_setup_step3_please_make_copy Please make a copy Egin kopia bat mesedez
keys_backup_setup_step3_save_button_title Save as File Gorde fitxategi gisa
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_intent_chooser_title Share recovery key with… Partekatu berreskuratze gakoa honekin…
keys_backup_setup_step3_share_recovery_file Share Partekatu
keys_backup_setup_step3_success_title Success ! Ongi!
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line1 Your keys are being backed up. Zure gakoen babes-kopia egiten ari da.
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2 Your recovery key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your passphrase.
Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe)
Zure berreskuratze gakoa badaezpadakoa da, pasaesaldia ahazten baduzu zure zifratutako mezuak berreskuratzeko gakoa erabili dezakezu.
Gorde zure berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguruan, pasahitz kudeatzaile batean esaterako (edo gordailu kutxan)
keys_backup_setup_step3_text_line2_no_passphrase Keep your recovery key somewhere very secure, like a password manager (or a safe) Gorde zure berreskuratze gakoa toki oso seguruan, esaterako pasahitz kudeatzaile batean (edo gordailu kutxan)
keys_backup_unlock_button Unlock History Desblokeatu historiala
key_share_request Key Share Request Gakoa partekatzeko eskaria
large Large Handia
larger Larger Oso handia
largest Largest Handiena
later Later Geroago
leave Leave Atera
light_theme Light Theme Azal argia
list_members List members Zerrendatu kideak
loading Loading… Kargatzen…
local_address_book_header Local address book Gailuko helbide liburua
lock_screen_hint Type here… Idatzi hemen…
login Log in Hasi saioa
login_error_bad_json Malformed JSON Gaizki osatutako JSON
login_error_forbidden Invalid username/password Erabiltzaile-izen / pasahitz baliogabea
login_error_homeserver_not_found Cannot reach a homeserver at this URL, please check it Ezin izan da hasiera-zerbitzari bat atzitu URL honetan, egiaztatu ezazu
login_error_invalid_home_server Please enter a valid URL Sartu baliozko URL bat
login_error_limit_exceeded Too many requests have been sent Eskaera gehiegi bidali dira
login_error_login_email_not_yet The email link which has not been clicked yet Oraindik erabili ez den e-maileko esteka
login_error_must_start_http URL must start with http[s]:// http[s]:// gisa hasi behar da URLa
login_error_network_error Unable to login: Network error Ezin izan da saioa hasi: Sare errorea
login_error_no_homeserver_found This is not a valid Matrix server address Hau ez da baliozko Matrix zerbitzari helbide bat
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] Riot Android
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated [Deprecated] Riot Android/[DEPRECATED] RiotX application


Light Theme
ItxuraAzal argia
4 years ago
Light Theme
GaiItxura argia
6 years ago
Light Theme
Gai argia
6 years ago
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English Basque
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String age
7 years ago
Source string age
7 years ago
Translation file
vector/src/main/res/values-eu/strings.xml, string 4