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New Room
Key English Arabic State %@ changed the power level of %@ from %@ to %@ لَقَد غَيَّرَ %@ مُستَوى قُوَّتُه لِـ%@ مِن %@ إلى %@
event.redaction.redact-self Message removed by %@ رِسَالَة مُزَالَة بِواسِطَة %@
event.redaction.redact-other %@ removed %@'s message لَقَد أزالَ %@ رِسالةَ %@
event.edited edited تَمَّ تَحرِيرُه
event.context-menu.add-reaction Add Reaction إضافَةُ رَدِّ فِعل
event.context-menu.reply Reply رَدّ
event.context-menu.edit Edit تَحرير
event.context-menu.remove Remove إزالَة
reaction-picker.title Tap on an emoji to send that reaction. اُنقُر عَلَى رَمز تَعبِيرِيِ لِإرسَال رَدّ الفِعل هَذَا.
settings.title Settings الإعدَادَات
settings.accent-color Accent Color لَونُ التَّمييز App Icon أيقُونَةُ التَّطبيق
settings.log-out Log Out تَسجِيلُ الخُرُوج
settings.dismiss Done تَمّ
new-conversation.title-chat New Chat مُحادَثَة جَديدَة
new-conversation.title-room New Room غُرفَة جَديدَة
new-conversation.username-placeholder Matrix ID مُعَرِّف Matrix
new-conversation.for-example For example عَلَى سَبِيلِ المِثَال Room Name اِسم الغُرفَة
new-conversation.public-room Public Room غُرفَة عَامَّة
new-conversation.create-room Start Chat بَدء مُحادَثَة
new-conversation.alert-failed Failed To Start Chat فَشَلَ بَدء مُحادَثَة
new-conversation.cancel Cancel إلغَاء
new-conversation.edit Edit تَحرير
new-conversation.done Done تَمّ
Key English Arabic State
login.form.username Username اِسمُ المُستَخدِم Don't have an account yet? لَيسَ لَدَيكَ حِسَابٌ حَتَّى الآنَ؟
login.register-not-yet-implemented Registering for new accounts is not yet implemented. عَمَلِيَّةُ التَّسجِيل لِلحُصُول عَلَى حِسابات جَدِيدَة لَم تُنَفَّذ بَعدَ.
login.sign-in Sign in تَسجيلُ الدُّخُول
login.welcome-header Welcome to مَرحبًا بِكَ فِي
login.welcome-message Sign in to your account to get started. سَجِّلِ الدُّخُولَ إلى حِسابِك لِلبَدء.
new-conversation.alert-failed Failed To Start Chat فَشَلَ بَدء مُحادَثَة
new-conversation.cancel Cancel إلغَاء
new-conversation.create-room Start Chat بَدء مُحادَثَة
new-conversation.done Done تَمّ
new-conversation.edit Edit تَحرير
new-conversation.for-example For example عَلَى سَبِيلِ المِثَال
new-conversation.public-room Public Room غُرفَة عَامَّة Room Name اِسم الغُرفَة
new-conversation.title-chat New Chat مُحادَثَة جَديدَة
new-conversation.title-room New Room غُرفَة جَديدَة
new-conversation.username-placeholder Matrix ID مُعَرِّف Matrix
reaction-picker.title Tap on an emoji to send that reaction. اُنقُر عَلَى رَمز تَعبِيرِيِ لِإرسَال رَدّ الفِعل هَذَا. DM with %@, %@ %@ تَرَاسُلٌ مُبَاشِرَةٌ مَعَ %@، %@ %@ New Conversation مُحادَثَة جَديدَة %u new messages عَدَد %u رِسَالَة جَدِيدَة Room %@, %@ %@ غُرفَة %@، %@ %@
recent-rooms.accessibility-label.settings Settings الإعدَادَات
recent-rooms.leave.alert-body Are you sure you want to leave '%@'? This action cannot be undone. هَل أنتَ مُتَأكِّدٌ أنَّكَ تُرِيدُ مُغادَرَة '٪@'؟ لَا يُمكِنُ التَّرَاجُعُ عَن هَذَا الإِجرَاء.
recent-rooms.leave.alert-title Leave Room مُغادَرَة الغُرفَة New Message رِسَالَة جَديدَة
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.header Pending Invitations الدَّعَوَاتُ المُعَلَّقَة
recent-rooms.pending-invitations.leave.alert-title Reject Invitation? رَفضُ الدَعوَة؟
recent-rooms.rooms.header Rooms الغُرَف Send attachment إرسَال مُرفَق


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New translation

Nio / NioArabic

New Room
غُرفَة جَديدَة
3 years ago
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English Arabic
Room غُرفَة Nio
room history تَأريخ الغُرفَة Nio

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
Nio/Supporting Files/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings, string 80