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Renaming sessions
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
device_manager_session_details_device_operating_system Operating system 作業系統
device_manager_session_details_device_ip_address IP address IP 位址
device_manager_session_rename Rename session 重新命名工作階段
device_manager_session_rename_edit_hint Session name 工作階段名稱
device_manager_session_rename_description Custom session names can help you recognize your devices more easily. 自訂工作階段名稱,可以幫助您辨識您的裝置。
device_manager_session_rename_warning Please be aware that session names are also visible to people you communicate with. 請注意,所有與您對話的人都能看到工作階段的名稱。
device_manager_sessions_sign_in_with_qr_code_title Sign in with QR Code 使用 QR Code 登入
device_manager_sessions_sign_in_with_qr_code_description You can use this device to sign in a mobile or web device with a QR code. There are two ways to do this: 您可以使用此裝置透過 QR Code 登入行動裝置或網路裝置。有兩種方法可以作到:
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive_title Inactive sessions 未使用的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified_title Unverified sessions 未驗證的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_title Verified sessions 已驗證的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.


為了安全與隱私,建議使用支援加密的 Matrix 客戶端。
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename_title Renaming sessions 正在重新命名工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.

labs_enable_session_manager_title Enable new session manager 啟用新的工作階段管理員
labs_enable_session_manager_summary Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions. 對所有工作階段有更大的能見度與控制。
labs_enable_client_info_recording_title Enable client info recording 啟用客戶端資訊記錄
labs_enable_client_info_recording_summary Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager. 記錄客戶端名稱、版本與網址,以便在工作階段管理員當中能更輕鬆找出工作階段。
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_title Enable voice broadcast 啟用語音廣播
labs_enable_voice_broadcast_summary Be able to record and send voice broadcast in room timeline. 可以在聊天室時間軸中錄製並傳送語音廣播。
home_empty_space_no_rooms_title %s
is looking a little empty.
home_empty_space_no_rooms_message Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. Add an existing room, or create a new one, using the bottom-right button. 聊天空間是一種為聊天室與人們分組的新方式。使用右下角的按鈕新增既有的聊天室或建立新的。
home_empty_no_rooms_title Welcome to ${app_name},
歡迎使用 ${app_name},
home_empty_no_rooms_message The all-in-one secure chat app for teams, friends and organisations. Create a chat, or join an existing room, to get started. 適用於團隊、朋友與組織的多合一安全聊天應用程式。建立聊天室,或加入一個既有的聊天室。
home_empty_no_unreads_title Nothing to report. 沒有要回報的東西。
home_empty_no_unreads_message This is where your unread messages will show up, when you have some. 當您有一些未讀的訊息時,這裡會顯示您的未讀訊息。
onboarding_new_app_layout_welcome_title Welcome to a new view! 歡迎使用新的畫面!
onboarding_new_app_layout_welcome_message To simplify your ${app_name}, tabs are now optional. Manage them using the top-right menu. 為了簡化您的 ${app_name},現在不一定需要使用分頁標籤。可使用右上角的選單進行管理。
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
device_manager_current_session_title Current session 目前的工作階段
device_manager_device_title Device 裝置
device_manager_filter_bottom_sheet_title Filter 篩選
device_manager_filter_option_all_sessions All sessions 所有工作階段
device_manager_filter_option_inactive Inactive 未使用
device_manager_filter_option_inactive_description Inactive for %1$d day or longer %1$d 天以上未使用
device_manager_filter_option_unverified Unverified 未驗證
device_manager_filter_option_unverified_description Not ready for secure messaging 尚未準備好安全通訊
device_manager_filter_option_verified Verified 已驗證
device_manager_filter_option_verified_description Ready for secure messaging 已準備好安全通訊
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_description Improve your account security by following these recommendations. 按照這些建議提高您的帳號安全性。
device_manager_header_section_security_recommendations_title Security recommendations 安全建議
device_manager_inactive_sessions_description Consider signing out from old sessions (%1$d day or more) that you don’t use anymore. 請考慮登出您不再使用的舊工作階段(%1$d 天以上)。
device_manager_inactive_sessions_title Inactive sessions 未使用的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_session_rename Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.

This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.

device_manager_learn_more_session_rename_title Renaming sessions 正在重新命名工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_encryption_not_supported This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.

You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.

For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.


為了安全與隱私,建議使用支援加密的 Matrix 客戶端。
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.

Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_inactive_title Inactive sessions 未使用的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but not been cross-verified.

You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_unverified_title Unverified sessions 未驗證的工作階段
device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_description Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.

This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.

device_manager_learn_more_sessions_verified_title Verified sessions 已驗證的工作階段
device_manager_other_sessions_clear_filter Clear Filter 清除過濾條件
device_manager_other_sessions_description_inactive Inactive for %1$d+ day (%2$s) 超過 %1$d 天未使用(%2$s)
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified Unverified · Last activity %1$s 未驗證 · 最後活動 %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_description_unverified_current_session Unverified · Your current session 未驗證 · 目前的工作階段
device_manager_other_sessions_description_verified Verified · Last activity %1$s 已驗證 · 最後活動 %1$s
device_manager_other_sessions_hide_ip_address Hide IP address 隱藏 IP 位址
device_manager_other_sessions_multi_signout_all Sign out of %1$d session 登出 %1$d 個工作階段


Renaming sessions
a year ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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a year ago
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Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 2552