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Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
a11y_open_settings Open settings 開啟設定
a11y_import_key_from_file Import key from file 從檔案匯入金鑰
a11y_image Image 圖片
a11y_change_avatar Change avatar 變更大頭照
a11y_delete_avatar Delete avatar 刪除大頭照
a11y_error_some_message_not_sent Some messages have not been sent 部份訊息未傳送
a11y_unsent_draft has unsent draft 有未傳送的草稿
a11y_video Video 影片
a11y_selected Selected 已選擇
a11y_trust_level_default Default trust level 預設信任等級
a11y_trust_level_warning Warning trust level 警告信任等級
a11y_trust_level_trusted Trusted trust level 可信任的信任等級
a11y_open_emoji_picker Open Emoji picker 開啟表情符號挑選程式
a11y_close_emoji_picker Close Emoji picker 關閉表情符號挑選程式
a11y_checked Checked 已檢查
a11y_unchecked Unchecked 未檢查
a11y_error_message_not_sent Message not sent due to error 由於錯誤而未傳送訊息
a11y_rule_notify_noisy Notify with sound 有聲通知
a11y_rule_notify_silent Notify without sound 無聲通知
a11y_rule_notify_off Do not notify 不通知
a11y_view_read_receipts View read receipts 檢視讀取回條
a11y_public_room Public room 公開聊天室
a11y_presence_online Online 線上
a11y_presence_offline Offline 離線
a11y_presence_busy Busy 忙碌
a11y_presence_unavailable Away 離開
dev_tools_menu_name Dev Tools 開發工具
dev_tools_explore_room_state Explore Room State 探索聊天室狀態
dev_tools_send_custom_event Send Custom Event 傳送自訂事件
dev_tools_send_state_event Send State Event 傳送狀態事件
dev_tools_state_event State Events 狀態事件
Key English Chinese (Traditional) State
a11y_resume_voice_broadcast_record Resume voice broadcast record 繼續錄製語音廣播
a11y_rule_notify_noisy Notify with sound 有聲通知
a11y_rule_notify_off Do not notify 不通知
a11y_rule_notify_silent Notify without sound 無聲通知
a11y_screenshot Screenshot 螢幕截圖
a11y_selected Selected 已選擇
a11y_start_camera Start the camera 開啟相機
a11y_start_voice_message Record Voice Message 錄製語音訊息
a11y_static_map_image Map 地圖
a11y_stop_camera Stop the camera 停止相機
a11y_stop_voice_broadcast_record Stop voice broadcast record 停止錄製語音廣播
a11y_stop_voice_message Stop Recording 停止錄製
a11y_trust_level_default Default trust level 預設信任等級
a11y_trust_level_trusted Trusted trust level 可信任的信任等級
a11y_trust_level_warning Warning trust level 警告信任等級
a11y_unchecked Unchecked 未檢查
a11y_unmute_microphone Unmute the microphone 取消麥克風靜音
a11y_unsent_draft has unsent draft 有未傳送的草稿
a11y_video Video 影片
a11y_view_read_receipts View read receipts 檢視讀取回條
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_backward Fast backward 30 seconds 倒帶 30 秒
a11y_voice_broadcast_fast_forward Fast forward 30 seconds 快轉 30 秒
account_email_already_used_error This email address is already in use. 此電子郵件地址已經被使用。
account_email_validation_message Please check your email and click on the link it contains. Once this is done, click continue. 請收信並點擊信中的連結。完成後,再點擊「繼續」。
account_phone_number_already_used_error This phone number is already in use. 這個電話號碼已被使用。
action_accept Accept 接受
action_add Add 新增
action_agree Agree 同意
action_cancel Cancel 取消
action_change Change 變更


3 years ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar petercpg

Source string comment

Hi, does this a11y string refer to a checkbox being (un)checked, or an inspection was (not) done? thanks!

a year ago


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml, string 2140