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Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to start a chat anyway?

Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
room_preview_no_preview This room can't be previewed 无法预览此房间
room_preview_not_found This room is not accessible at this time.
Try again later, or ask a room admin to check if you have access.
room_preview_no_preview_join This room can't be previewed. Do you want to join it? 此房间无法预览。你想加入吗?
fab_menu_create_room Rooms 房间
fab_menu_create_chat Direct Messages 私聊消息
create_room_action_create CREATE 创建
create_room_action_go Go 出发
create_room_name_section Room name 房间名称
create_room_name_hint Name 名称
create_room_topic_section Room topic (optional) 房间话题(可选)
create_room_topic_hint Topic 话题
create_room_settings_section Room settings 房间设置
create_room_public_title Public 公开
create_room_public_description Anyone will be able to join this room 任何人都可以加入此房间
create_room_federation_error The room has been created, but some invitations have not been sent for the following reason:


create_room_unknown_users_dialog_content Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to start a chat anyway?

create_room_unknown_users_dialog_submit Start chat anyway
keys_backup_unable_to_get_trust_info An error occurred getting trust info 获取信任信息时发生错误
keys_backup_unable_to_get_keys_backup_data An error occurred getting keys backup data 获取密钥备份数据时发生错误
import_e2e_keys_from_file Import e2e keys from file "%1$s". 从文件“%1$s”导入端到端密钥。
settings_sdk_version Matrix SDK Version Matrix SDK 版本
settings_other_third_party_notices Other third party notices 其它第三方通知
navigate_to_room_when_already_in_the_room You are already viewing this room! 你已经在查看此房间!
navigate_to_thread_when_already_in_the_thread You are already viewing this thread! 你已经在查看这个消息列了!
settings_general_title General 通用
settings_preferences Preferences 偏好
settings_security_and_privacy Security & Privacy 安全与隐私
settings_push_rules Push Rules 推送规则
settings_push_rules_no_rules No push rules defined 尚未定义任何推送规则
settings_push_gateway_no_pushers No registered push gateways 没有已注册的推送通道
push_gateway_item_app_id App ID: 应用ID:
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
create_room_alias_invalid Some characters are not allowed 一些字符不被允许
create_room_disable_federation_description You might enable this if the room will only be used for collaborating with internal teams on your homeserver. This cannot be changed later. 若房间仅用于与你的家服务器上的内部团队协作,则你可以启用此选项。此选项之后无法更改。
create_room_disable_federation_title Block anyone not part of %s from ever joining this room 阻止任何不属于%s的人加入此房间
create_room_dm_failure We couldn't create your DM. Please check the users you want to invite and try again. 我们无法创建你的私聊消息。请检查你要邀请的用户并重试。
create_room_encryption_description Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled. 启用后,无法禁用加密。
create_room_encryption_title Enable encryption 启用加密
create_room_federation_error The room has been created, but some invitations have not been sent for the following reason:


create_room_in_progress Creating room… 正在创建房间…
create_room_name_hint Name 名称
create_room_name_section Room name 房间名称
create_room_public_description Anyone will be able to join this room 任何人都可以加入此房间
create_room_public_title Public 公开
create_room_settings_section Room settings 房间设置
create_room_topic_hint Topic 话题
create_room_topic_section Room topic (optional) 房间话题(可选)
create_room_unknown_users_dialog_content Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below. Would you like to start a chat anyway?

create_room_unknown_users_dialog_submit Start chat anyway
create_space Create space 创建空间
create_space_alias_hint Space address 空间地址
create_space_error_empty_field_space_name Give it a name to continue. 为它取名以继续。
create_space_identity_server_info_none You are not currently using an identity server. In order to invite teammates and be discoverable by them, configure one below. 你目前没有使用身份服务器。为了邀请队友并能让他们发现,在下方配置一个。
create_space_in_progress Creating space… 创建空间中…
create_spaces_choose_type_label What type of space do you want to create? 你想要创建哪种类型的空间?
create_spaces_default_public_random_room_name Random 随机
create_spaces_default_public_room_name General 一般性
create_spaces_details_private_header Add some details to help people identify it. You can change these at any point. 增加一些详细信息以帮助人们识别。你可以随时更改这些信息。
create_spaces_details_public_header Add some details to help it stand out. You can change these at any point. 增加一些详细信息以帮助其脱颖而出。你可以随时更改这些详细信息。
create_spaces_invite_public_header Who are your teammates? 谁是你的队友?
create_spaces_invite_public_header_desc Ensure the right people have access to %s company. You can invite more later. 确保只有合适的人能访问 %s 空间。稍后你可以邀请更多的人加入。
create_spaces_join_info_help To join an existing space, you need an invite. 要加入现有空间,你需要获得邀请。


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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Source information

String age
7 months ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 1241