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Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
huge Huge 巨大
widget_delete_message_confirmation Are you sure you want to delete the widget from this room? 确定要从此房间中删除小部件吗?
active_widgets %d active widget %d 个活动的小部件
active_widget_view_action VIEW 查看
active_widgets_title Active widgets 活动小部件
room_widget_activity_title Widget 小部件
room_widget_permission_title Load Widget 加载小部件
room_widget_permission_added_by This widget was added by: 此小部件由以下人员添加:
room_widget_permission_webview_shared_info_title Using it may set cookies and share data with %s: 使用它可能会设置 cookie 并与 %s 共享数据:
room_widget_permission_shared_info_title Using it may share data with %s: 使用它可能会与 %s 共享数据:
room_widget_failed_to_load Failed to load widget.
room_widget_reload Reload widget 重新加载小部件
room_widget_open_in_browser Open in browser 在浏览器中打开
room_widget_revoke_access Revoke access for me 撤消我的访问权限
room_widget_permission_display_name Your display name 你的显示名称
room_widget_permission_avatar_url Your avatar URL 你的头像 URL
room_widget_permission_user_id Your user ID 你的用户 ID
room_widget_permission_theme Your theme 你的主题
room_widget_permission_widget_id Widget ID 小部件 ID
room_widget_permission_room_id Room ID 房间 ID
error_jitsi_not_supported_on_old_device Sorry, conference calls with Jitsi are not supported on old devices (devices with Android OS below 6.0) 抱歉,旧设备(Android 系统版本低于 6.0)不支持使用 Jitsi 创建电话会议
error_jitsi_join_conf Sorry, an error occurred while trying to join the conference 抱歉,在尝试加入会议时发生了错误
jitsi_leave_conf_to_join_another_one_content Leave the current conference and switch to the other one? 离开当前会议并切换至另一个?
room_widget_resource_permission_title This widget wants to use the following resources: 这个小部件想要使用以下资源:
room_widget_resource_grant_permission Allow 允许
room_widget_resource_decline_permission Block All 阻止全部
room_widget_webview_access_camera Use the camera 使用相机
room_widget_webview_access_microphone Use the microphone 使用麦克风
room_widget_webview_read_protected_media Read DRM protected Media 读取受 DRM 保护的媒体
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget. 无法创建小部件。
widget_integration_failed_to_send_request Failed to send request. 发送请求失败。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
room_threads_filter Filter Threads in room 过滤房间中的消息列
room_title_members %d member %d 个成员
room_tombstone_continuation_description This room is a continuation of another conversation 这个房间是另一个对话的延续
room_tombstone_continuation_link The conversation continues here 对话在此继续
room_tombstone_predecessor_link Click here to see older messages 点击此处查看更早的消息
room_tombstone_versioned_description This room has been replaced and is no longer active. 此房间已被替换,不再处于活动状态。
room_two_users_are_typing %1$s & %2$s are typing… %1$s和%2$s正在输入……
room_unsupported_e2e_algorithm Encryption has been misconfigured so you can't send messages. Please contact an admin to restore encryption to a valid state. 加密被错误地配置了,所以你无法发送消息。请联系管理员将加密还原到有效的状态。
room_unsupported_e2e_algorithm_as_admin Encryption has been misconfigured so you can't send messages. Click to open settings. 加密被错误地配置了,所以你无法发送消息。点击以打开设置。
room_upgrade_to_recommended_version Upgrade to the recommended room version 升级到推荐的房间版本
room_using_unstable_room_version This room is running room version %s, which this homeserver has marked as unstable. 这个房间运行房间版本 %s,此家服务器已将其标记为不稳定。
room_widget_activity_title Widget 小部件
room_widget_failed_to_load Failed to load widget.
room_widget_open_in_browser Open in browser 在浏览器中打开
room_widget_permission_added_by This widget was added by: 此小部件由以下人员添加:
room_widget_permission_avatar_url Your avatar URL 你的头像 URL
room_widget_permission_display_name Your display name 你的显示名称
room_widget_permission_room_id Room ID 房间 ID
room_widget_permission_shared_info_title Using it may share data with %s: 使用它可能会与 %s 共享数据:
room_widget_permission_theme Your theme 你的主题
room_widget_permission_title Load Widget 加载小部件
room_widget_permission_user_id Your user ID 你的用户 ID
room_widget_permission_webview_shared_info_title Using it may set cookies and share data with %s: 使用它可能会设置 cookie 并与 %s 共享数据:
room_widget_permission_widget_id Widget ID 小部件 ID
room_widget_reload Reload widget 重新加载小部件
room_widget_resource_decline_permission Block All 阻止全部
room_widget_resource_grant_permission Allow 允许
room_widget_resource_permission_title This widget wants to use the following resources: 这个小部件想要使用以下资源:
room_widget_revoke_access Revoke access for me 撤消我的访问权限
room_widget_webview_access_camera Use the camera 使用相机


Your avatar URL
的头像 URL
3 years ago
Your avatar URL
您的头像 URL
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
avatar 头像 Element Android

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 989