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Group messages
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_system_preferences_summary Choose LED color, vibration, sound… 选择LED颜色、震动、铃声……
settings_messages_in_e2e_one_to_one Encrypted messages in one-to-one chats 一对一聊天的加密消息
settings_messages_in_e2e_group_chat Encrypted messages in group chats 群聊的加密消息
settings_when_rooms_are_upgraded When rooms are upgraded 当房间升级
settings_containing_my_display_name Msgs containing my display name 包含我显示名称的消息
settings_containing_my_user_name Msgs containing my user name 包含我用户名的消息
settings_messages_in_one_to_one Msgs in one-to-one chats 来自私聊的消息
settings_messages_in_group_chat Msgs in group chats 来自群聊的消息
settings_invited_to_room When I’m invited to a room 当我被邀请加入房间时
settings_messages_sent_by_bot Messages sent by bot 来自机器人的消息
settings_messages_at_room Messages containing @room 消息包含 @room
settings_messages_containing_display_name My display name 我的显示名称
settings_messages_containing_username My username 我的用户名
settings_messages_direct_messages Direct messages 私信
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages 加密的私信
settings_group_messages Group messages 群组消息
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages 加密的群组消息
settings_mentions_at_room @room @房间
settings_messages_containing_keywords Keywords 关键词
settings_room_invitations Room invitations 房间邀请
settings_call_invitations Call invitations 通话请求
settings_messages_by_bot Messages by bot 机器人消息
settings_room_upgrades Room upgrades 房间升级
settings_mentions_and_keywords_encryption_notice You won’t get notifications for mentions & keywords in encrypted rooms on mobile. 在移动端的加密房间里,你不会收到提及和关键字的通知。
settings_background_sync Background synchronization 后台同步
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode Background Sync Mode 后台同步模式
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_battery Optimized for battery 电池优化
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_battery_description ${app_name} will sync in background in way that preserves the device’s limited resources (battery).
Depending on your device resource state, the sync may be deferred by the operating system.
${app_name} 将在后台以保留设备有限资源(电池)的方式同步。
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_real_time Optimized for real time 实时优化
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_real_time_description ${app_name} will sync in background periodically at precise time (configurable).
This will impact radio and battery usage, there will be a permanent notification displayed stating that ${app_name} is listening for events.
${app_name} 将在后台定期准时同步(可配置)。
这将影响网络和电池的使用,将显示一个永久通知表明 ${app_name} 正在监听事件。
settings_background_fdroid_sync_mode_disabled No background sync 无后台同步
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_emails_and_phone_numbers_title Emails and phone numbers 电子邮件和电话号码
settings_emails_empty No email address has been added to your account 你的账户尚未添加电子邮件地址
settings_enable_all_notif Enable notifications for this account 启用这个账户的通知
settings_enable_direct_share_summary Show recent chats in the system share menu 在系统分享菜单中显示最近聊天
settings_enable_direct_share_title Enable direct share 启用直接分享
settings_enable_this_device Enable notifications for this session 启用这个会话的通知
settings_encrypted_direct_messages Encrypted direct messages 加密的私信
settings_encrypted_group_messages Encrypted group messages 加密的群组消息
settings_export_trail Export Audit 导出审计
settings_external_account_management Your account details are managed separately at %1$s. 你的账户详细信息于%1$s单独管理。
settings_external_account_management_title Account 账户
settings_failed_to_get_crypto_device_info No cryptographic information available 加密信息不可用
settings_fail_to_update_password Failed to update password 密码更新失败
settings_fail_to_update_password_invalid_current_password The password is not valid 密码无效
settings_general_title General 通用
settings_group_messages Group messages 群组消息
settings_home_display Home display 主页显示
settings_home_server Homeserver 家服务器
settings_hs_admin_e2e_disabled Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages. 你的服务器管理员已默认禁用私有房间和私聊消息端到端加密。
settings_identity_server Identity server 身份服务器
settings_ignored_users Ignored users 已忽略的用户
settings_inline_url_preview Inline URL preview 内联网址预览
settings_inline_url_preview_summary Preview links within the chat when your homeserver supports this feature. 当家服务器支持此功能时,在聊天中预览链接。
settings_integration_allow Allow integrations 允许集成
settings_integration_manager Integration manager 集成管理器
settings_integrations Integrations 集成
settings_integrations_summary Use an integration manager to manage bots, bridges, widgets and sticker packs.
Integration managers receive configuration data, and can modify widgets, send room invites and set power levels on your behalf.
settings_interface_language Language 语言
settings_invited_to_room When I’m invited to a room 当我被邀请加入房间时
settings_keep_media Keep media 保留媒体文件


Group messages
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
messages 消息 Element Android

Source information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 699