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The application is waiting for the PUSH
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_quickfix Fix Play Services 修复 Play 服务
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_title Firebase Token Firebase 令牌
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_success FCM token successfully retrieved:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed Failed to retrieved FCM token:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name} and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
此错误不受 ${app_name} 控制,根据 Google 的说法,此错误表示该设备在 FCM 中注册了太多应用。该错误仅在应用程序数量极多的情况下发生,因此不应影响普通用户。
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_service_not_available [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
此错误不受 ${app_name} 控制。它的发生可能有几个原因。也许你稍后重试就有效了,你也可以检查一下 Google Play 服务是否被系统设置限制了数据使用,或者你的设备时钟是否正确,或者可能发生在自定义的 ROM 中。
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. There is no Google account on the phone. Please open the account manager and add a Google account.
此错误不受 ${app_name} 控制。此设备上没有登录 Google 账户。请打开账户管理器并添加一个 Google 账户。
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account 添加账户
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_title Token Registration 注册令牌
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_success FCM token successfully registered to homeserver. FCM令牌已成功注册至家服务器。
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_failed Failed to register FCM token to homeserver:
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_title Endpoint Registration 端点注册
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_success Endpoint successfully registered to homeserver. 端点成功注册到家服务器。
settings_troubleshoot_test_endpoint_registration_failed Failed to register endpoint token to homeserver:
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_title Test Push 测试推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_waiting_for_push The application is waiting for the PUSH 应用正在等待推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_success The application is receiving PUSH 应用正在接受推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_failed Failed to receive push. Solution could be to reinstall the application. 接受推送失败。重装应用或可解决。
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_notification_content You are viewing the notification! Click me! 你正在查看通知!点我!
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_title Notification Display 通知显示
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_notice Please click on the notification. If you do not see the notification, please check the system settings. 请点击通知。如果你未看到通知,请检查系统设置。
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_notification_clicked The notification has been clicked! 通知已点击!
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_title Start on boot 开机时启动
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_success Service will start when the device is restarted. 服务将在设备重启后启动。
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_failed The service will not start when the device is restarted, you will not receive notifications until ${app_name} has been opened once. 服务不会在设备重启后启动,在你打开 ${app_name} 一次之前你将不会收到消息通知。
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_quickfix Enable Start on boot 启用开机时启动
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_title Check background restrictions 检查后台限制
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_success Background restrictions are disabled for ${app_name}. This test should be run using mobile data (no WIFI).
已禁用对 ${app_name} 的后台限制。此测试应使用移动数据(非Wi-Fi)进行。
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_failed Background restrictions are enabled for ${app_name}.
Work that the app tries to do will be aggressively restricted while it is in the background, and this could affect notifications.
已启用对 ${app_name} 的后台限制。
${app_name} 在后台时的工作将被显著地限制,这可能会影响消息通知。
settings_troubleshoot_test_bg_restricted_quickfix Disable restrictions 关闭后台限制
settings_troubleshoot_test_battery_title Battery Optimization 电池优化
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_account_missing_quick_fix Add Account 添加账户
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_service_not_available [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name}. It can occur for several reasons. Maybe it will work if you retry later, you can also check that Google Play Service is not restricted in data usage in the system settings, or that your device clock is correct, or it can happen on custom ROM.
此错误不受 ${app_name} 控制。它的发生可能有几个原因。也许你稍后重试就有效了,你也可以检查一下 Google Play 服务是否被系统设置限制了数据使用,或者你的设备时钟是否正确,或者可能发生在自定义的 ROM 中。
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_failed_too_many_registration [%1$s]
This error is out of control of ${app_name} and according to Google, this error indicates that the device has too many apps registered with FCM. The error only occurs in cases where there are extreme numbers of apps, so it should not affect the average user.
此错误不受 ${app_name} 控制,根据 Google 的说法,此错误表示该设备在 FCM 中注册了太多应用。该错误仅在应用程序数量极多的情况下发生,因此不应影响普通用户。
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_success FCM token successfully retrieved:
settings_troubleshoot_test_fcm_title Firebase Token Firebase 令牌
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_notice Please click on the notification. If you do not see the notification, please check the system settings. 请点击通知。如果你未看到通知,请检查系统设置。
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_notification_clicked The notification has been clicked! 通知已点击!
settings_troubleshoot_test_notification_title Notification Display 通知显示
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_failed ${app_name} uses Google Play Services to deliver push messages but it doesn’t seem to be configured correctly:
${app_name} 使用 Google Play 服务来推送通知,但它似乎并未正确设置:
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_quickfix Fix Play Services 修复 Play 服务
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_success Google Play Services APK is available and up-to-date. Google Play 服务的 APK 文件可用且为最新版本。
settings_troubleshoot_test_play_services_title Play Services Check Play 服务检查
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_failed Failed to receive push. Solution could be to reinstall the application. 接受推送失败。重装应用或可解决。
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_success The application is receiving PUSH 应用正在接受推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_title Test Push 测试推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_loop_waiting_for_push The application is waiting for the PUSH 应用正在等待推送
settings_troubleshoot_test_push_notification_content You are viewing the notification! Click me! 你正在查看通知!点我!
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_failed The service will not start when the device is restarted, you will not receive notifications until ${app_name} has been opened once. 服务不会在设备重启后启动,在你打开 ${app_name} 一次之前你将不会收到消息通知。
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_quickfix Enable Start on boot 启用开机时启动
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_success Service will start when the device is restarted. 服务将在设备重启后启动。
settings_troubleshoot_test_service_boot_title Start on boot 开机时启动
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_failed Notifications are disabled in the system settings.
Please check system settings.
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_permission_failed ${app_name} needs the permission to show notifications.
Please grant the permission.
${app_name} 需要显示通知的权限。
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_success Notifications are enabled in the system settings. 已在系统设置中启用通知。
settings_troubleshoot_test_system_settings_title System Settings. 系统设置。
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_failed Failed to register FCM token to homeserver:
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_quick_fix Register token 注册令牌
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_success FCM token successfully registered to homeserver. FCM令牌已成功注册至家服务器。
settings_troubleshoot_test_token_registration_title Token Registration 注册令牌
settings_troubleshoot_title Troubleshoot 故障诊断


The application is waiting for the PUSH
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 659