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Your public space
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space 添加至给定的空间
command_description_join_space Join the Space with the given id 使用给定的id加入空间
command_description_leave_room Leave room with given id (or current room if null) 离开给定id的房间(如果为null则为当前所处的房间)
command_description_upgrade_room Upgrades a room to a new version 将房间升级到新版本
event_status_a11y_sending Sending 正在发送
event_status_a11y_sent Sent 已发送
event_status_a11y_failed Failed 失败
event_status_a11y_delete_all Delete all failed messages 删除失败的消息
event_status_cancel_sending_dialog_message Do you want to cancel sending message? 你确定要取消发送消息吗?
event_status_failed_messages_warning Messages failed to send 消息发送失败
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_title Delete unsent messages 删除未发送的消息
event_status_delete_all_failed_dialog_message Are you sure you want to delete all unsent messages in this room? 你确定要删除此房间中所有未发送的消息吗?
public_space Public space 公开空间
private_space Private space 私有空间
add_space Add space 添加空间
your_public_space Your public space 你的公开空间
your_private_space Your private space 你的私有空间
create_spaces_choose_type_label What type of space do you want to create? 你想要创建哪种类型的空间?
create_spaces_you_can_change_later You can change this later 你可以稍后更改
create_spaces_join_info_help To join an existing space, you need an invite. 要加入现有空间,你需要获得邀请。
create_spaces_who_are_you_working_with Who are you working with? 你与谁一同工作?
create_spaces_make_sure_access Make sure the right people have access to %s. 确保正确的人可以访问%s。
create_spaces_just_me Just me 仅我
create_spaces_organise_rooms A private space to organize your rooms 用于整理你房间的私有空间
create_spaces_me_and_teammates Me and teammates 我和伙伴
create_spaces_private_teammates A private space for you & your teammates 供你和你的伙伴使用的私有空间
space_type_public Public 公开
space_type_public_desc Open to anyone, best for communities 对任何人开放,最适合社群
space_type_private Private 私有
space_type_private_desc Invite only, best for yourself or teams 仅邀请,最适合你自己或团队
activity_create_space_title Create a space 创建空间
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
widget_integration_no_permission_in_room You do not have permission to do that in this room. 你没权限在当前房间执行此操作。
widget_integration_positive_power_level Power level must be positive integer. 权限等级必须是正整数。
widget_integration_review_terms To continue you need to accept the Terms of this service. 若要继续请接受服务条款。
widget_integration_room_not_visible Room %s is not visible. 房间 %s 不可见。
widget_integration_unable_to_create Unable to create widget. 无法创建小部件。
wrong_pin_message_last_remaining_attempt Warning! Last remaining attempt before logout! 警告!登出前最后一次尝试!
wrong_pin_message_remaining_attempts Wrong code, %d remaining attempt 错误代码,剩余 %d 次尝试
x_plus +%d +%d
x_selected %1$d selected 已选择 %1$d
yes YES
you_added_a_new_device You added a new session '%s', which is requesting encryption keys. 你添加了一个新会话“%s”,它正在请求加密密钥。
you_added_a_new_device_with_info A new session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.
you_are_invited You are invited 你被邀请
you_may_contact_me You may contact me if you have any follow up questions 如果你有任何后续问题,可以联系我
your_private_space Your private space 你的私有空间
your_public_space Your public space 你的公开空间
your_unverified_device_requesting Your unverified session '%s' is requesting encryption keys. 你的未验证会话“%s”正在请求加密密钥。
your_unverified_device_requesting_with_info An unverified session is requesting encryption keys.
Session name: %1$s
Last seen: %2$s
If you didn’t log in on another session, ignore this request.


Your public space
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 2188