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Set a new account password…
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
bootstrap_progress_checking_backup_with_info Checking backup Key (%s) 检查备份密钥 (%s)
bootstrap_progress_compute_curve_key Getting curve key 获取曲线密钥
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss Generating SSSS key from passphrase 从口令词组生成 SSSS 密钥
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_with_info Generating SSSS key from passphrase (%s) 从口令词组生成 SSSS 密钥(%s)
bootstrap_progress_generating_ssss_recovery Generating SSSS key from recovery key 从恢复密钥生成 SSSS 密钥
bootstrap_progress_storing_in_sss Storing keybackup secret in SSSS 正在在 SSSS 中保存密钥备份秘密
bootstrap_migration_enter_backup_password Enter your Key Backup Passphrase to continue. 输入你的密钥备份口令词组以继续。
bootstrap_migration_use_recovery_key use your Key Backup recovery key 使用你的密钥备份恢复密钥
bootstrap_migration_with_passphrase_helper_with_link Don’t know your Key Backup Passphrase, you can %s. 不知道你的密钥备份口令词组,你可以 %s。
bootstrap_migration_backup_recovery_key Key Backup recovery key 密钥备份恢复密钥
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_title Prevent screenshots of the application 阻止应用内屏幕截图
settings_security_prevent_screenshots_summary Enabling this setting adds the FLAG_SECURE to all Activities. Restart the application for the change to take effect. 启用此设置会将 FLAG_SECURE 添加到所有活动项。重新启动应用程序以使更改生效。
settings_security_incognito_keyboard_title Incognito keyboard 无痕键盘
settings_security_incognito_keyboard_summary Request that the keyboard should not update any personalized data such as typing history and dictionary based on what you've typed in conversations. Notice that some keyboards may not respect this setting. 请求键盘不要根据你在对话中输入的内容更新任何个性化数据,例如输入历史记录和字典。 请注意,某些键盘可能不遵守此设置。
error_saving_media_file Could not save media file 无法保存媒体文件
change_password_summary Set a new account password… 设置新账户密码……
use_other_session_content_description Use the latest ${app_name} on your other devices, ${app_name} Web, ${app_name} Desktop, ${app_name} iOS, ${app_name} for Android, or another cross-signing capable Matrix client 在你的其它设备上使用最新的 ${app_name}、${app_name} Web、${app_name} Desktop、${app_name} iOS、${app_name} for Android 或其他支持交叉签名的 Matrix 客户端
app_desktop_web ${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
${app_name} Web
${app_name} Desktop
app_ios_android ${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
${app_name} iOS
${app_name} Android
or_other_mx_capable_client or another cross-signing capable Matrix client 或其它支持交叉签名的 Matrix 客户端
use_latest_app Use the latest ${app_name} on your other devices: 在你的其它设备上使用最新的 ${app_name}:
command_description_discard_session Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded 强制丢弃加密房间中的当前出站群组会话
command_description_discard_session_not_handled Only supported in encrypted rooms 仅在加密房间中支持
enter_secret_storage_passphrase_or_key Use your %1$s or use your %2$s to continue. 使用你的 %1$s 或使用你的 %2$s 继续。
use_recovery_key Use Recovery Key 使用恢复密钥
enter_secret_storage_input_key Select your Recovery Key, or input it manually by typing it or pasting from your clipboard 选择你的恢复密钥,或手动输入或从剪贴板粘贴
failed_to_access_secure_storage Failed to access secure storage 访问安全存储失败
bad_passphrase_key_reset_all_action Forgot or lost all recovery options? Reset everything 忘记或丢失了所有的恢复选项?重置一切
secure_backup_reset_all Reset everything 全部重置
secure_backup_reset_all_no_other_devices Only do this if you have no other device you can verify this device with. 仅当没有其它设备可用来验证此设备时,才执行此操作。
secure_backup_reset_all_no_other_devices_long Resetting your verification keys cannot be undone. After resetting, you won't have access to old encrypted messages, and any friends who have previously verified you will see security warnings until you re-verify with them. 重置你的验证密钥是无法撤销的。重置后,你将无法存取旧的加密消息,并且之前任何验证过你的朋友都会看到安全警告,直到你与他们重新验证。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
call_tile_voice_incoming Incoming voice call 语音来电
call_tile_voice_missed Missed voice call 未接语音通话
call_tile_you_declined_this_call You declined this call 你拒绝了此通话
call_transfer_connect_action Connect 连接
call_transfer_consult_first Consult first 先询问
call_transfer_consulting_with Consulting with %1$s 与 %1$s 商量
call_transfer_failure An error occurred while transferring call 呼叫转移时发生错误
call_transfer_title Transfer 转移
call_transfer_transfer_to_title Transfer to %1$s 转移给 %1$s
call_transfer_unknown_person Unknown person 陌生人
call_transfer_users_tab_title Users 用户
cannot_call_yourself You cannot place a call with yourself 你无法呼叫你自己
cannot_call_yourself_with_invite You cannot place a call with yourself, wait for participants to accept invitation 你无法与自己通话,请等待参与者接受邀请
cannot_dm_self Cannot DM yourself! 无法向你自己发送私聊消息!
change_identity_server Change identity server 更改身份服务器
change_password_summary Set a new account password… 设置新账户密码……
change_room_directory_network Change network 更改网络
change_space Change Space 更改空间
choose_locale_current_locale_title Current language 当前语言
choose_locale_loading_locales Loading available languages… 正在载入可用语言…
choose_locale_other_locales_title Other available languages 其它可用语言
closed_poll_option_description Results are only revealed when you end the poll 结果仅在你结束投票后展示
closed_poll_option_title Closed poll 封闭式投票
command_confetti Sends the given message with confetti 将给定的消息和五彩纸屑一起发送
command_description_add_to_space Add to the given Space 添加至给定的空间
command_description_avatar_for_room Changes your avatar in this current room only 仅更改你在当前房间的头像
command_description_ban_user Bans user with given id 按照 ID 封禁用户
command_description_clear_scalar_token To fix Matrix Apps management 修复 Matrix Apps 管理
command_description_create_space Create a Space 创建空间
command_description_deop_user Deops user with given id 按照 ID 取消用户管理员权限


Set a new account password…
a year ago
Set a new account password…
a year ago
Set a new account password…
3 years ago
Set a new account password…
3 years ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
account 账户 Element Android
password 密码 Element Android

Source information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 1923