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%1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session:
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
crosssigning_verify_this_session Verify this device 验证此设备
crosssigning_verify_after_update App updated 应用已更新
crosssigning_cannot_verify_this_session Unable to verify this device 无法验证此设备
crosssigning_cannot_verify_this_session_desc You won’t be able to access encrypted message history. Reset your Secure Message Backup and verification keys to start fresh. 你无法访问加密消息历史。重置你的安全消息备份和验证密钥以重新开始。
verification_verify_with_another_device Verify with another device 用另一设备验证
verification_verify_identity Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others. 验证你的身份以访问加密消息并向他人证明你的身份。
verification_open_other_to_verify Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages. 使用现有会话来验证此会话,并授予其访问加密消息的权限。
verification_profile_verify Verify 验证
verification_profile_verified Verified 已验证
verification_profile_warning Warning 警告
room_member_profile_failed_to_get_devices Failed to get sessions 无法获取会话
room_member_profile_sessions_section_title Sessions 会话
trusted Trusted 已信任
not_trusted Not Trusted 未信任
verification_profile_device_verified_because This session is trusted for secure messaging because %1$s (%2$s) verified it: 可信任此会话用于安全地收发消息,因为%1$s(%2$s)已验证了它:
verification_profile_device_new_signing %1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session: %1$s (%2$s) 使用新会话登录:
verification_profile_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labeled with warnings. Alternatively, you can manually verify it. 在此用户信任此会话之前,发送到该会话和从该会话发送的消息均标有警告。或者,你可以手动进行验证。
verification_profile_other_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labeled with warnings. 发送至和发送自此会话的消息带有警告标签,直至此用户信任此会话。
initialize_cross_signing Initialize CrossSigning 初始化交叉签名
reset_cross_signing Reset Keys 重置密钥
a11y_qr_code_for_verification QR code QR码
qr_code_scanned_by_other_notice Almost there! Is %s showing a tick? 快要完成了!%s 显示对勾了吗?
qr_code_scanned_by_other_yes Yes
qr_code_scanned_by_other_no No
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator Connectivity to the server has been lost 到服务器的连接已丢失
no_connectivity_to_the_server_indicator_airplane Airplane mode is on 飞行模式已打开
settings_dev_tools Dev Tools 开发工具
settings_account_data Account Data 账户数据
delete_account_data_warning Delete the account data of type %1$s?

Use with caution, it may lead to unexpected behavior.
是否删除类型 %1$s 的账户数据?

verification_cannot_access_other_session Use a Recovery Passphrase or Key 使用恢复口令词组或密钥
verification_use_passphrase If you can’t access an existing session 如果你无法访问已有会话
Key English Chinese (Simplified) State
username Username 用户名
user_reported_as_inappropriate_content The user has been reported.

If you don't want to see any more content from this user, you can ignore them to hide their messages.
user_reported_as_inappropriate_title Reported user
verification_cancelled Verification Canceled 验证已取消
verification_cannot_access_other_session Use a Recovery Passphrase or Key 使用恢复口令词组或密钥
verification_code_notice Compare the code with the one displayed on the other user's screen. 与其他用户设备上显示的代码比较。
verification_conclusion_compromised One of the following may be compromised:

- Your homeserver
- The homeserver the user you’re verifying is connected to
- Yours, or the other users’ internet connection
- Yours, or the other users’ device

- 你的家服务器
- 你验证的用户连接到的家服务器
- 你或其他用户的网络连接
- 你或其他用户的设备
verification_conclusion_not_secure Not secure 不安全
verification_conclusion_ok_notice Messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and can't be read by third parties. 与此用户的消息是端到端加密的,无法被第三方读取。
verification_conclusion_ok_self_notice Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted. 你的新会话已验证。它可以访问你的加密消息,其他用户会将其视为可信任。
verification_conclusion_warning Untrusted sign in 未信任的登录
verification_emoji_notice Compare the unique emoji, ensuring they appear in the same order. 比较独特表情,确保它们以相同顺序出现。
verification_no_scan_emoji_title Verify by comparing emojis 通过比较表情符号验证
verification_not_found The verification request was not found. It may have been cancelled, or handled by another session. 未找到验证请求。它可能已取消,或由另一个会话处理了。
verification_open_other_to_verify Use an existing session to verify this one, granting it access to encrypted messages. 使用现有会话来验证此会话,并授予其访问加密消息的权限。
verification_profile_device_new_signing %1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session: %1$s (%2$s) 使用新会话登录:
verification_profile_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labeled with warnings. Alternatively, you can manually verify it. 在此用户信任此会话之前,发送到该会话和从该会话发送的消息均标有警告。或者,你可以手动进行验证。
verification_profile_device_verified_because This session is trusted for secure messaging because %1$s (%2$s) verified it: 可信任此会话用于安全地收发消息,因为%1$s(%2$s)已验证了它:
verification_profile_other_device_untrust_info Until this user trusts this session, messages sent to and from it are labeled with warnings. 发送至和发送自此会话的消息带有警告标签,直至此用户信任此会话。
verification_profile_verified Verified 已验证
verification_profile_verify Verify 验证
verification_profile_warning Warning 警告
verification_request Verification Request 验证请求
verification_request_notice To be secure, verify %s by checking a one-time code. 为保证安全,请核对一次性代码以验证 %s。
verification_request_other_accepted %s accepted %s 已接受
verification_request_other_cancelled %s canceled %s已取消
verification_request_start_notice To be secure, do this in person or use another way to communicate. 为保证安全,请当面验证,或者使用其它通讯方式验证。
verification_request_waiting Waiting… 正在等待……
verification_request_waiting_for Waiting for %s… 正在等待%s……
verification_request_waiting_for_recovery Verifying from Secure Key or Phrase… 正从安全密钥或短语验证……


%1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session:
%1$s (%2$s) 使用新会话登
3 years ago
%1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session:
%1$s (%2$s) 使用新会话登入
4 years ago
%1$s (%2$s) signed in using a new session:
%1$s (%2$s) 使用新会话登入
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
session 会话 Element Android
sign in 登录 Element Android
sign out 登出 Element Android

Source information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
library/ui-strings/src/main/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml, string 1799